Dear Republicans....


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’
Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’
Nonsense, the polls show the American people agree with the President that the media is not trustworthy. According to Gallup, only 32% of Americans trust the media and according to an Emerson College poll, 53% of Americans believe the President is truthful but only 39% believe the press is.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

Emerson College Polling Society

Now here's the really bad news for the media, according to Huffington Post, only 6% of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media. Clearly, the President is just saying what most Americans already believe when he attacks the press.

Hardly Anyone Trusts The Media Anymore | The Huffington Post
Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’

Whether Trump had won or not, I knew that the lamestream media was a joke since I learned that 6 huge conglomerates control 90 percent of ALL media and all have a seat at the CFR...spewers of Deep State propaganda.......infiltrated by CIA operatives.....fuck'em.
They attack the media because they're a bunch of fascist that don't like being questioned. Seig heil!!!! Mother fuckers!

Anyone that questioned the Barrypuppet was labeled as a "racist" by the lamestream medai......but when Trump is attacked after only one month in office and the lamestream media attacks him and people call them out on it? Well, the leftard clown posse claims that they are "fascist"....which is a code word for being anti-establishment, anti-communist and anti- globalist....

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, ya bastard......Trump won.....get over it and by the time election reform happens and the pedophiles in the house and senate from both sides of the bought and paid for parties happens and the swamp is drained? Even you will agree that Trump is the real deal........
Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’

so you just assume that the press has no agenda?

Media is just as partisan, biased and likely to twist the truth as anyone

Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’
You mean your so called media has been attacking
I think the problems with the media began with Woodward and Bernstein and the way they handled the Watergate news story leading to Nixon's impeachment.

As soon as the media tasted political blood (that they could pretty much hype up a non story into an impeachable offense. . . ) the game has been "on" to see if they can do it again. BUT only to Republican opponents because the GOP's agendas run contrary to libtardz who run and for the most part dominate the press.
Dear Republicans - You and your beloved President have been attacking the media quite a lot recently. President Trump even tweeted the media was "the enemy of the American people" Well, I have news for you. The framers of our Constitution agreed that Freedom Of The Press was to be one of our fundamental rights as Americans, it's been the law of our land for over 200 years and that's not going to change for anyone...not even Donald Trump and his supporters. The same law that gives President Trump the right to "tweet" anything he wants, gives the media the right to write what they want. So stop this silly attacking of the media. You're only hurting yourself.

Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’

The problem is that you are confused between the words "attack" and "defend." Trump did not attack the media, he defended himself from them.

Our founders also valued free speech which is what Trump is exercising. What you want is freedom of the press and not free speech. Well......sorry. It's been that way for a long time, and Trump is changing that.
The media becomes an enemy of the American people when it becomes a propaganda arm of one party or one ideology. That is what we have today in most media outlets and that is a real danger to our country.

Remember, liberals and democrats, the media could become conservative and republican. Think about that.

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