Dear NRA, There Is A Scientific Consensus On Guns And Safety. And You Won't Like It.

You're wrong. Handguns were prevalent around me growing up. When handgun laws got tightened there were less guns. No one wanted a mandatory sentence. I have family that was stupid. I was not.

Many mass shooters had pretty obvious mental instability issues. Even had moms shooting with them as therapy. Look at Chris Kyle. What a waste, a tragic waste. But he believed it was ok to be next to a troubled mind he even commented about being spooked in the car ride going to the shooting range. Too many gun lovers are emotionally blind to the real world.

I support concealed carry permits for handguns. I wish some states were not so tough. I think it is cities and towns who grant permits. States and national laws should set tough guidelines for WHO should NOT get a weapon. There is room for sane compromise once the alarmist rhetoric on both sides is pushed out of the debate

EVERY mass shooter has had mental issues. Thanks to the ACLU those reports can't be shared with all of the relevent agency's so these guys are allowed to have weapons, and in some cases their freedom, when they shouldn't. Many of these mass shooters should have been in mental institutions for years instead of walking the streets.

The problems arise when government makes mistakes and classifies someone as a danger who isn't. Further the classification of people as mentally unstable is a favorite tactic of progressive governments to control people they don't like. It should be difficult to take a persons rights away. Very difficult. But the tools need to be there to do so. Furthermore it MUST be a PUBLIC record so that the work of government can be checked to make sure they are doing their job correctly, and not violating the rights of people they don't like.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia

The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.
Derideo_Te spanking westwall ?

What did Dante do to deserve this pleasure? Oh goddess allow me to make a grateful sacrifice
Guns are a tool. Banning or over-regulating some but not all wont prevent gun-related crimes. Bad guys'll just get whatever's still available.

In their purest form, a gun is simply a metal tube, a firing chamber, and a bullet being forced out of the tube by a small explosion of propellent. It's a many centuries old incredibly simple device unchanged since it's invention. Banning some because one is ignorant about firearms and thinks an assault rifle is a weapon of crime isn't protecting anyone. Many mass shooters used perfectly legal guns never on anyone's ban wishlist. Revolvers, hunting rifles, shotguns, etc. Going after the scarier looking ones reveals an ignorance and immaturity about the subject while doing nothing to deter crime.

Wanna regulate something, keep bad guys in prison their full sentences. If you're running out of room kick out the mandatory setence minimum types out early instead of the violent criminals. Or better yet, nip it in the bud and just execute all violent criminals. Works in China and the Middle East real well.
You're wrong. Handguns were prevalent around me growing up. When handgun laws got tightened there were less guns. No one wanted a mandatory sentence. I have family that was stupid. I was not.

Many mass shooters had pretty obvious mental instability issues. Even had moms shooting with them as therapy. Look at Chris Kyle. What a waste, a tragic waste. But he believed it was ok to be next to a troubled mind he even commented about being spooked in the car ride going to the shooting range. Too many gun lovers are emotionally blind to the real world.

I support concealed carry permits for handguns. I wish some states were not so tough. I think it is cities and towns who grant permits. States and national laws should set tough guidelines for WHO should NOT get a weapon. There is room for sane compromise once the alarmist rhetoric on both sides is pushed out of the debate

EVERY mass shooter has had mental issues. Thanks to the ACLU those reports can't be shared with all of the relevent agency's so these guys are allowed to have weapons, and in some cases their freedom, when they shouldn't. Many of these mass shooters should have been in mental institutions for years instead of walking the streets.

The problems arise when government makes mistakes and classifies someone as a danger who isn't. Further the classification of people as mentally unstable is a favorite tactic of progressive governments to control people they don't like. It should be difficult to take a persons rights away. Very difficult. But the tools need to be there to do so. Furthermore it MUST be a PUBLIC record so that the work of government can be checked to make sure they are doing their job correctly, and not violating the rights of people they don't like.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia

The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

I am not referring to gun laws idiots. i am referring to privacy and other laws that make it almost impossible for mentally deranged people to be caught before they go off the hook. It is a very fine line between protecting the privacy rights of an individual and hiding them till they explode. Color me unsurprised that you two mental midgets can't figure that out.
You're wrong. Handguns were prevalent around me growing up. When handgun laws got tightened there were less guns. No one wanted a mandatory sentence. I have family that was stupid. I was not.

Many mass shooters had pretty obvious mental instability issues. Even had moms shooting with them as therapy. Look at Chris Kyle. What a waste, a tragic waste. But he believed it was ok to be next to a troubled mind he even commented about being spooked in the car ride going to the shooting range. Too many gun lovers are emotionally blind to the real world.

I support concealed carry permits for handguns. I wish some states were not so tough. I think it is cities and towns who grant permits. States and national laws should set tough guidelines for WHO should NOT get a weapon. There is room for sane compromise once the alarmist rhetoric on both sides is pushed out of the debate

EVERY mass shooter has had mental issues. Thanks to the ACLU those reports can't be shared with all of the relevent agency's so these guys are allowed to have weapons, and in some cases their freedom, when they shouldn't. Many of these mass shooters should have been in mental institutions for years instead of walking the streets.

The problems arise when government makes mistakes and classifies someone as a danger who isn't. Further the classification of people as mentally unstable is a favorite tactic of progressive governments to control people they don't like. It should be difficult to take a persons rights away. Very difficult. But the tools need to be there to do so. Furthermore it MUST be a PUBLIC record so that the work of government can be checked to make sure they are doing their job correctly, and not violating the rights of people they don't like.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia

The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

What is truly amusing is the use of the word "PEOPLE" in the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are universally agreed to mean THE INDIVIDUAL. Only the Second (which progressives despise) is the PEOPLE considered to mean "collective". What a bunch of fucking morons.
a gun in the home increases the risk that a woman living in the home will be a victim of homicide (72% agree, 11% disagree) and that

a gun in the home makes it a more dangerous place to be (64%) rather than a safer place (5%). There is consensus that

guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73% vs. 8%) and that the change to

more permissive gun carrying laws has not reduced crime rates (62% vs. 9%).

Finally, there is consensus that strong gun laws reduce homicide (71% vs. 12%).

Facts that the gun fetishists won't like one iota so I am predicting that there will be a great deal of whining once this thread comes to their attention.
Had a gun in the home when a rapist thought he would do something back in my early twenties. I have never seen a person move like he did when it finally got to the point it would be him and not me. Don't get a gun if you are afraid of them or do not know how or when to use it. It is really simple.

It maybe simple to simple minded people, not to anyone sagacious and panoptic.
EVERY mass shooter has had mental issues. Thanks to the ACLU those reports can't be shared with all of the relevent agency's so these guys are allowed to have weapons, and in some cases their freedom, when they shouldn't. Many of these mass shooters should have been in mental institutions for years instead of walking the streets.

The problems arise when government makes mistakes and classifies someone as a danger who isn't. Further the classification of people as mentally unstable is a favorite tactic of progressive governments to control people they don't like. It should be difficult to take a persons rights away. Very difficult. But the tools need to be there to do so. Furthermore it MUST be a PUBLIC record so that the work of government can be checked to make sure they are doing their job correctly, and not violating the rights of people they don't like.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia

The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

What is truly amusing is the use of the word "PEOPLE" in the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are universally agreed to mean THE INDIVIDUAL. Only the Second (which progressives despise) is the PEOPLE considered to mean "collective". What a bunch of fucking morons.

How do you view 'We the People..." in the Preamble? As an individual or the collective?
There's another consensus that those with guns who victimize those without, those without call those with as with police. Unfortunately, by the time you're a victim of someone with a gun even the fastest response time imaginable is much too late.

People aren't against guns. Like police having guns it seems to me for how often they call them. I think they're just panicy and prone to blaming the wrong things. You don't blame the car, or the booze for a drunk driver, you blame the driver. But you blame the car and booze equivilent in gun crimes even though that doesn't make any kind of sense.

When did Dante ever claim people are not to blame? Dante is not blaming guns? But anyone who thinks regulating guns does not help keep guns out of the hands of some nuts and criminals is just not living in the real world. I know lots of criminals who wouldn't touch a gun while committing their crimes

Guns are a tool. Banning or over-regulating some but not all wont prevent gun-related crimes. Bad guys'll just get whatever's still available.

In their purest form, a gun is simply a metal tube, a firing chamber, and a bullet being forced out of the tube by a small explosion of propellent. It's a many centuries old incredibly simple device unchanged since it's invention. Banning some because one is ignorant about firearms and thinks an assault rifle is a weapon of crime isn't protecting anyone. Many mass shooters used perfectly legal guns never on anyone's ban wishlist. Revolvers, hunting rifles, shotguns, etc. Going after the scarier looking ones reveals an ignorance and immaturity about the subject while doing nothing to deter crime.

Wanna regulate something, keep bad guys in prison their full sentences. If you're running out of room kick out the mandatory setence minimum types out early instead of the violent criminals. Or better yet, nip it in the bud and just execute all violent criminals. Works in China and the Middle East real well.
You're wrong. Handguns were prevalent around me growing up. When handgun laws got tightened there were less guns. No one wanted a mandatory sentence. I have family that was stupid. I was not.

Many mass shooters had pretty obvious mental instability issues. Even had moms shooting with them as therapy. Look at Chris Kyle. What a waste, a tragic waste. But he believed it was ok to be next to a troubled mind he even commented about being spooked in the car ride going to the shooting range. Too many gun lovers are emotionally blind to the real world.

I support concealed carry permits for handguns. I wish some states were not so tough. I think it is cities and towns who grant permits. States and national laws should set tough guidelines for WHO should NOT get a weapon. There is room for sane compromise once the alarmist rhetoric on both sides is pushed out of the debate

EVERY mass shooter has had mental issues. Thanks to the ACLU those reports can't be shared with all of the relevent agency's so these guys are allowed to have weapons, and in some cases their freedom, when they shouldn't. Many of these mass shooters should have been in mental institutions for years instead of walking the streets.

The problems arise when government makes mistakes and classifies someone as a danger who isn't. Further the classification of people as mentally unstable is a favorite tactic of progressive governments to control people they don't like. It should be difficult to take a persons rights away. Very difficult. But the tools need to be there to do so. Furthermore it MUST be a PUBLIC record so that the work of government can be checked to make sure they are doing their job correctly, and not violating the rights of people they don't like.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia


Ever heard of HIPPA?

Hard to get information passed to the correct authorities if an agency won't share that information with the authorities that need it.

We don't need new gun regulation laws.

We need a system that works to get the information where it needs to go.


thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia

The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

What is truly amusing is the use of the word "PEOPLE" in the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are universally agreed to mean THE INDIVIDUAL. Only the Second (which progressives despise) is the PEOPLE considered to mean "collective". What a bunch of fucking morons.

How do you view 'We the People..." in the Preamble? As an individual or the collective?

Doesn't matter. The preamble is just that, the preamble, the Bill of Rights on the other hand are consistent in their meaning. Only progressives try and abuse the meaning of the 2nd.
a gun in the home increases the risk that a woman living in the home will be a victim of homicide (72% agree, 11% disagree) and that

a gun in the home makes it a more dangerous place to be (64%) rather than a safer place (5%). There is consensus that

guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73% vs. 8%) and that the change to

more permissive gun carrying laws has not reduced crime rates (62% vs. 9%).

Finally, there is consensus that strong gun laws reduce homicide (71% vs. 12%).

Facts that the gun fetishists won't like one iota so I am predicting that there will be a great deal of whining once this thread comes to their attention.

Could you please explain the reasoning that you used to come to those ridiculous conclusions so that I may tear it all to shreds and throw the pieces in your face?
Dante: "Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law. The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union. No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress."

I am not referring to gun laws idiots. i am referring to privacy and other laws that make it almost impossible for mentally deranged people to be caught before they go off the hook. It is a very fine line between protecting the privacy rights of an individual and hiding them till they explode. Color me unsurprised that you two mental midgets can't figure that out.
Well there are gun laws idiots and there are gun fanatic idiots. You fall into one of those categories and mistaking assume Dante falls into the other. It is what Dante has been saying all along: Dante is not against the right to bear arms, concealed weapons permits, and a host of other issues you'd attempt to pigeon hole him into embracing.

What are YOU advocating, thought crime laws? Stripping away civil liberties and privacy rights? Shame on you. In your lashing out at any compromise position on gun laws you would shred the Bill of Rights keeping only the 2nd amendment.

The ACLU does not advocate hiding unstable individuals and the mentally ill from the state.

go color yourself multiple shades of white
a gun in the home increases the risk that a woman living in the home will be a victim of homicide (72% agree, 11% disagree) and that

a gun in the home makes it a more dangerous place to be (64%) rather than a safer place (5%). There is consensus that

guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73% vs. 8%) and that the change to

more permissive gun carrying laws has not reduced crime rates (62% vs. 9%).

Finally, there is consensus that strong gun laws reduce homicide (71% vs. 12%).

Facts that the gun fetishists won't like one iota so I am predicting that there will be a great deal of whining once this thread comes to their attention.
Had a gun in the home when a rapist thought he would do something back in my early twenties. I have never seen a person move like he did when it finally got to the point it would be him and not me. Don't get a gun if you are afraid of them or do not know how or when to use it. It is really simple.

It maybe simple to simple minded people, not to anyone sagacious and panoptic.
Sagacious, ok, But panoptic? :clap2:

and together?

thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia
Ever heard of HIPPA?

Hard to get information passed to the correct authorities if an agency won't share that information with the authorities that need it.

We don't need new gun regulation laws.

We need a system that works to get the information where it needs to go.
Ever been tested on your reading and comprehension skill level?

gawd, usmb needs to do some house cleaning
The laws that prevent the sharing of patient, and criminal information derive from lawsuits the ACLU brought forth. The ACLU has made it very difficult to disarm the very people that NEED to be disarmed.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

What is truly amusing is the use of the word "PEOPLE" in the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are universally agreed to mean THE INDIVIDUAL. Only the Second (which progressives despise) is the PEOPLE considered to mean "collective". What a bunch of fucking morons.

How do you view 'We the People..." in the Preamble? As an individual or the collective?

Doesn't matter. The preamble is just that, the preamble, the Bill of Rights on the other hand are consistent in their meaning. Only progressives try and abuse the meaning of the 2nd.

The Preamble is both a vision statement for a new democratic experiment in government and a mission statement for all who followed the founders.

Claiming it is something less than that is disingenuous and dangerous. In fact the Preamble is part of the original COTUS and the Bill of Rights came two years later. All are part of the COTUS but only the Preamble stands alone as the philosophical basis of the rest.

Stating the 2nd A. is a clear statement of anything is absurd, based on the vague verbiage and in both extreme interpretations.
Don't blame the ACLU for poorly written laws. Blame the general public for not electing leaders that can write good law.

The ACLU's interest should be one of pro-gun regulation if we were to lean towards politicizing every argument. But principles are what liberals fight with and for. American Civil Liberties Union.

No one can convince me that there are no ways available to balance privacy rights and the peoples right to bear arms in gun regulations. but Look what we have in the Congress

Gun Fetishists are notoriously ignorant about the ACLU.

Second Amendment

American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Gun rights – The national ACLU's position is that the Second Amendment protects a collective right to own guns, rather than an individual right (some state affiliates consider the Second Amendment to refer to individual gun rights). The national organization's position is based on the phrases "a well regulated Militia" and "the security of a free State". However, the ACLU opposes any effort to create a registry of gun owners and has worked with the National Rifle Association to prevent a registry from being created and has favored protecting the right to carry guns under the 4th Amendment.[45][46][47]
Only cretins ignore the fact that the ACLU upholds all rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, and a quick Google search will find plenty of instances where it has done so.

Then again every OP topic that mentions guns always attracts the dullards who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

What is truly amusing is the use of the word "PEOPLE" in the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are universally agreed to mean THE INDIVIDUAL. Only the Second (which progressives despise) is the PEOPLE considered to mean "collective". What a bunch of fucking morons.

How do you view 'We the People..." in the Preamble? As an individual or the collective?

Doesn't matter. The preamble is just that, the preamble, the Bill of Rights on the other hand are consistent in their meaning. Only progressives try and abuse the meaning of the 2nd.

The Preamble is both a vision statement for a new democratic experiment in government and a mission statement for all who followed the founders.

Claiming it is something less than that is disingenuous and dangerous. In fact the Preamble is part of the original COTUS and the Bill of Rights came two years later. All are part of the COTUS but only the Preamble stands alone as the philosophical basis of the rest.

Stating the 2nd A. is a clear statement of anything is absurd, based on the vague verbiage and in both extreme interpretations.

There is nothing 'vague' about the 2nd. It takes serious dishonesty to claim that. It is in fact one of the simplest, clearest, and least vague Amendments in the Bill of Rights.
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia
Ever heard of HIPPA?

Hard to get information passed to the correct authorities if an agency won't share that information with the authorities that need it.

We don't need new gun regulation laws.

We need a system that works to get the information where it needs to go.
Ever been tested on your reading and comprehension skill level?

gawd, usmb needs to do some house cleaning

I agree. You need help considering you're responding to yourself! DOH!
There is nothing 'vague' about the 2nd. It takes serious dishonesty to claim that. It is in fact one of the simplest, clearest, and least vague Amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Maybe in your mind, but survey saaaaaaaaaaaaays!

I know this will surprise you but I can rig a survey to say anything I want it to. Surveys of that kind are useless as they are biased from the very get go.
I know this will surprise you but I can rig a survey to say anything I want it to. Surveys of that kind are useless as they are biased from the very get go.

no need to rig a survey saying you're out to lunch. How and why you've become so prone to conspiracy theories is an interesting subject..for another time
thanks to he ACLU? Ahem, if the ACLU takes a case to court and the government loses it is up the the local, state, and federal legislatures to solve the issues. Why do you blame people who actually fight for liberties?

Oh right, your ideological myopia
Ever heard of HIPPA?

Hard to get information passed to the correct authorities if an agency won't share that information with the authorities that need it.

We don't need new gun regulation laws.

We need a system that works to get the information where it needs to go.
Ever been tested on your reading and comprehension skill level?

gawd, usmb needs to do some house cleaning


You didn't have to reply to yourself for everyone to know that.



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