Dear conservatives: if Obamacare is so bad...


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
then why didn't Trump and your noble Republican politicians repeal it?

Could it possibly be that Obamacare worked, and they didn't dare touch it? Much like they won't dare decrease spending on anything else?

Could it be that your noble Republican politicians are just interested in getting into power and staying there, and that none of them act on any principles?

No, that couldn't be. They are heroes fighting the evil Democrats.
Enjoy your trolling dfens. While you can.

Your definition of trolling is bizarre, to say the least. Nothing in the OP can even REMOTELY be construed as "trolling."

You have no idea what you are talking about. I am watching troll threads being made by him. So please keep your nose out if it.
Enjoy your trolling dfens. While you can.

Your definition of trolling is bizarre, to say the least. Nothing in the OP can even REMOTELY be construed as "trolling."

You have no idea what you are talking about. I am watching troll threads being made by him. So please keep your nose out if it.

No, I **DO** know what I'm talking about -- and you have NO IDEA what "trolling" is. Shouldn't the first step in becoming a moderator here be to actually learn that just because you don't like the subject matter or opinion expressed doesn't make that thing "trolling?"
Enjoy your trolling dfens. While you can.

Your definition of trolling is bizarre, to say the least. Nothing in the OP can even REMOTELY be construed as "trolling."

You have no idea what you are talking about. I am watching troll threads being made by him. So please keep your nose out if it.

No, I **DO** know what I'm talking about -- and you have NO IDEA what "trolling" is. Shouldn't the first step in becoming a moderator here be to actually learn that just because you don't like the subject matter or opinion expressed doesn't make that thing "trolling?"

I do not mind the subject at all. Your assumptions are embarrassing you.
They didn't repeal it, because they know they'd have to replace it, and they don't have a plan to do so. After EIGHT YEARS.

They don't have a plan because they know that what their base wants would not work. What would work - an expansion of the excellent public/private Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system - would be labeled "socialism" or "Marxism" or "communism" or whatever by their base and they would lose their comfy gubmit jobs if they passed it.

So, they're fucked and look silly & incompetent as a result of partisan politics and cowardice.
then why didn't Trump and your noble Republican politicians repeal it?

Could it possibly be that Obamacare worked, and they didn't dare touch it? Much like they won't dare decrease spending on anything else?

Could it be that your noble Republican politicians are just interested in getting into power and staying there, and that none of them act on any principles?

No, that couldn't be. They are heroes fighting the evil Democrats.
So you're surprised that some Republicans can be just as dishonest as Democrats?

Didn't you get the memo????
You call skyrocketing premiums and endless deductibles, not to mention being forced to buy something you can't afford "working"?

One deductible per person, one max out of pocket per person. Not to exceed $7150 in 2017.
They didn't repeal it, because they know they'd have to replace it, and they don't have a plan to do so. After EIGHT YEARS.
They didn't repeal it because they don't want it repealed. They want power over health care just as much as Democrats do.
S.J said:
Oh gee, is that all?

What should it be?
The free market should determine it, not the government, and if you can't afford it you should not be forced to buy it.

That number is a cap, meaning plans can set OOP maximums lower than that but they can't go higher. It seemed like you were saying a $7K out-of-pocket was too high, but you're actually saying you think plans should be able to go higher?
S.J said:
Oh gee, is that all?

What should it be?
The free market should determine it, not the government, and if you can't afford it you should not be forced to buy it.

That number is a cap, meaning plans can set OOP maximums lower than that but they can't go higher. It seemed like you were saying a $7K out-of-pocket was too high, but you're actually saying you think plans should be able to go higher?
I'm saying I don't want the government in charge of my healthcare. They don't know shit about anything other than running for office, and the only thing Democrats are concerned with is staying in office and perpetuating their power. They don't have any solutions and don't give a shit about what's good for the country or it's citizens.
S.J said:
Oh gee, is that all?

What should it be?
The free market should determine it, not the government, and if you can't afford it you should not be forced to buy it.

That number is a cap, meaning plans can set OOP maximums lower than that but they can't go higher. It seemed like you were saying a $7K out-of-pocket was too high, but you're actually saying you think plans should be able to go higher?
I'm saying I don't want the government in charge of my healthcare. They don't know shit about anything other than running for office, and the only thing Democrats are concerned with is staying in office and perpetuating their power. They don't have any solutions and don't give a shit about what's good for the country or it's citizens.

Those are caps the govt put on plans at the start of aca. Hell there were 10,000 to 20,000 deductibles one could choose before ACA and only the wealthiest or poorest (that's all they could afford) would choose those plans. The lower you go on deductible the higher your premium.
I'm saying I don't want the government in charge of my healthcare.

Here's what I find odd. Supporters of ACA are up in arms about how Trump's deplorables might undermine health care, now that Republicans have a majority in Congress, and they have good reason to be. With the control that ACA affords the federal government, Republicans can vote to remove the benefits they don't like, monkey with the subsidies to punish groups that don't support them, and otherwise use the regulatory regime to do all kinds of arm-twisting that liberals certainly won't like.

But it never seems to dawn on them that this is exactly why we don't want government controlling health care in the first place. Are they really that short-sighted? Or do they just assume that the swing of the political pendulum is a one-time anomaly?
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then why didn't Trump and your noble Republican politicians repeal it?

Could it possibly be that Obamacare worked, and they didn't dare touch it? Much like they won't dare decrease spending on anything else?

Could it be that your noble Republican politicians are just interested in getting into power and staying there, and that none of them act on any principles?

No, that couldn't be. They are heroes fighting the evil Democrats.

Because the whole idea of Obamacare was to set it up to fail (because the numbers never did work!) but give millions of Americans big subsidies that they would then expect to get under whatever "new" plan replaced the ACA?

Do you really not understand that the ACA was nothing more than a "bait and switch" by progressives? You set it up to fail so badly that the only thing that could be done is replace it and the only thing that's going to satisfy those millions you've given big subsidies to is a Universal health care plan that will cause the taxes of Middle Class Americans to go through the roof to even come close to paying for this new entitlement?

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