Dean Koontz or Stephen King...who do you think is better?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I liked Kings early works, but he lost it.......koontz actually wrote books that got to the point faster than king...but there are moments in his books that stuck with me after 30 years......only one of those with Stephen king......
If you don't know Dean Koontz you should read him....his books are great. "Twighlight" is really is "The Others" and "Twighlight Eyes"
I liked Kings early works, but he lost it.......koontz actually wrote books that got to the point faster than king...but there are moments in his books that stuck with me after 30 years......only one of those with Stephen king......
Not long ago I would not hesitate to say KING
But, here recently, he's just been churning out cookie cutter books
Actually the titels are "The Servants of Twighlight" and "The Watchers"
quit reading both of them ages ago....both are just churning books out....john sanford is good and lincoln and a lot of james lee burke
Something to look for - ignoring J.K.Rowling, almost every best-selling author gets to the point where they no longer write the books their names are put to!

Check it out. When was the last time you saw something written BY Tom Clancey. Or Dean Koontz?
Something to look for - ignoring J.K.Rowling, almost every best-selling author gets to the point where they no longer write the books their names are put to!

Check it out. When was the last time you saw something written BY Tom Clancey. Or Dean Koontz?

Well...tom clancy died......
Something to look for - ignoring J.K.Rowling, almost every best-selling author gets to the point where they no longer write the books their names are put to!

Check it out. When was the last time you saw something written BY Tom Clancey. Or Dean Koontz?

Well...tom clancy died......
I met him, he was a dick.

I'm not hoping his death was horrific, but I kinda hope it sucked. That's how much of a dick the guy was
I read one good book of Koontz, it was an easy read and enjoyable. I read a book that maybe have been from him, reading on a Kindle you kind of forget who the author is and the title of the book because you never see it, but it wasn't good at all.

I've read a few Stephen King books and they're okay, nothing special. I'm reading the Shining right now, which, as I lived in Estes Park where it was written, is a little nostalgic.

I'm not really a horror/suspense reader though. I've seemed to have gotten into fantasy more, Just finished another Robin Hobb trilogy, very worth the read if you like that sort of thing.
I liked Kings early works, but he lost it.......koontz actually wrote books that got to the point faster than king...but there are moments in his books that stuck with me after 30 years......only one of those with Stephen king......

King lost it with Gerald's Game. I think I've only read one of his books since then and that was a fucking chore... It's a damn shame too, his early stuff was damn good. Koontz... Meh, never saw anything special in his books but my wife likes his stuff.

quit reading both of them ages ago....both are just churning books out....john sanford is good and lincoln and a lot of james lee burke

I read Sanford regularly and prefer the Virgil Flowers books to the Davenport stories these days.

I am also a reader of the Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child collaborations as well as their solo works.

There a lot more authors I read, but that would put us farther off topic...
There's something called the Gutenberg Project where you can download FOR FREE thousands upon thousands of books from just about every author ever.

You might try some of the old classics to see what was written in your favorite genres so you can compare them with current authors.

Ever read Daschel Hammet? Or John D. McDonald?
There's something called the Gutenberg Project where you can download FOR FREE thousands upon thousands of books from just about every author ever.

You might try some of the old classics to see what was written in your favorite genres so you can compare them with current authors.

Ever read Daschel Hammet? Or John D. McDonald?

I'll have to look that up...
Stephen King.

I'm his biggest fan.
No you're not..!!
My wife is..!!!

At spring training a few years ago...He was waiting for his son to show up with his tickets, and we struck up a conversation with him..A very decent guy..!!:beer:
I only read novels cause I was locked up and had very little non fiction that was worth a hoot. Mostly now, I watch philosophy economic vids. Stefan Molyneux, Walter Williams, Doug Casey, Tom Sowell

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