Deadpool 37: A Yale Dragon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-centric modernism-paranoia tale about a beloved vigilante (Deadpool) finding the right 'detective-fun' inspiration to dismantle a 'terrorism mad science operation' against consumerism-USA.

This tale was inspired by the discourse-paranoia film Fahrenheit 451.



Deadpool was a vigilante as well as a math fanatic. He was fascinated by number-theory and why the Bible suggested that the 'number of the beast' (or AntiChrist) was the perfect three-digit repeating value 666. Deadpool concluded that numbers are like language and resonate with imagination and therefore invoke our navigation-maps, leading us to spiritual 'realms.' Deadpool decided he would make his 'vigilante magic number' 37, since 37 could be divided into 666 (even though it is a prime!). Deadpool knew that the world's worst super-villain would devise a way to hack into network securities using the frailty and rarity (and mystery) of prime numbers (such as 37!). Deadpool decided to forge a meaningful academic association with the philosophy department at the prestigious New England Ivy League school Yale University.

Deadpool befriended a sidekick-woman named Angel-18 (an assistant philosophy professor at Yale --- and very beautiful), and he was amused by her enthusiasm about vigilantism as well as her shrewd insight regarding how modern civilization networks create metaphysical 'realms.' Deadpool was in love with Angel-18 but kept many of their conversations professional: --- e.g., "Did you know, Angel, that 666/37=18? And 18=6x3!" Angel suggested to Deadpool gently that he had discovered the sacred 'number-wheel of justice' (a wheel which partially explains why the Bible suggested the AntiChrist's 'holy number/designation' is, in fact, 666). Deadpool wondered if all this 'profundity parametrics' spelled censorship for unbounded number theory chatter for our modern age of unintelligible commercial traffic!

Deadpool was convinced that the world's worst super-villain would try to attack civilization using 'cube-root logic/logistics,' since cube-roots are like part of the 'number-wheel of justice' Angel-18 was discussing. After all, doesn't 2x2x2=8? Deadpool concluded that a 'mad scientist' was the super-villain using cube-root logic/logistics and would create a ring of chemical weapons at the laboratory at Drexel University in Pennsylvania (USA), since Drexel boasts a winding fancy colored 'dragon' as its logo/mascot! Deadpool sneaked into the Drexel lab late one Thursday night and discovered a freakish anti-TrumpUSA denouncer of capitalism/consumerism experimenting with triple-shooting chemical grenades (to fire on the White House!). When Deadpool seized the 'mad scientist' and asked him who he was and what he wanted, the oddball eerily told him, "I am the 18th Ivy League rival..."




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