DC Riot Organizer Keeps Spilling The Beans On GOP Congress Members

"One lead organizer of last week's "Stop the Steal" rally that morphed into an attack against the U.S. Capitol claims that GOP congressmen Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, and congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama all participated in planning of the Jan. 6 catastrophe. Arizona resident and pro-Trump activist Ali Alexander implicated the three [House] members during a livestream [in December], where he told followers -- “I’m the guy who came up with the idea of January 6 when I was talking with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Congressman Mo Brooks. So we’re the four guys who came up with a January 6 event — #DoNotCertify -- and it was to build momentum and pressure, and then on the day change hearts and minds of congresspeoples who weren’t yet decided, or saw everyone outside and said, ‘I can’t be on the other side of that mob"
View attachment 442159

Even tho I and most sane people already knew this a while ago; this guy admitted weeks ago that this whole Stop The Steal campaign was meant to terrorize Congress and overturn the election..and even named names of House members who helped plan it...none of them were Antifa ironically......To be fair, this failed Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator didn't come up with Stop The Steal, his mentor did tho -- 4 years ago....The creator of the Brooks Brothers riot back in 2000 had every intention of doing the same thing in 2016 because of their expectations they would lose...so they just decided to try it in 2020 instead....

Ali Alexander, or as his parents named him, Ali Akbar is also the guy who threatened to stab people for Trump......
"God said vengeance is mine and I pray that I am the tool to stab these motherfuckers" -- he later went on to say that Democrats, fat people and Satanists are raping children and closing churches to open a gateway to hell -- but i'll just let you hear for yourself......

The congressmen did nothing wrong by planning and organizing a pro trump/anti steal the vote rally

"One lead organizer of last week's "Stop the Steal" rally that morphed into an attack against the U.S. Capitol claims that GOP congressmen Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, and congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama all participated in planning of the Jan. 6 catastrophe. Arizona resident and pro-Trump activist Ali Alexander implicated the three [House] members during a livestream [in December], where he told followers -- “I’m the guy who came up with the idea of January 6 when I was talking with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Congressman Mo Brooks. So we’re the four guys who came up with a January 6 event — #DoNotCertify -- and it was to build momentum and pressure, and then on the day change hearts and minds of congresspeoples who weren’t yet decided, or saw everyone outside and said, ‘I can’t be on the other side of that mob"
View attachment 442159

Even tho I and most sane people already knew this a while ago; this guy admitted weeks ago that this whole Stop The Steal campaign was meant to terrorize Congress and overturn the election..and even named names of House members who helped plan it...none of them were Antifa ironically......To be fair, this failed Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator didn't come up with Stop The Steal, his mentor did tho -- 4 years ago....The creator of the Brooks Brothers riot back in 2000 had every intention of doing the same thing in 2016 because of their expectations they would lose...so they just decided to try it in 2020 instead....

Ali Alexander, or as his parents named him, Ali Akbar is also the guy who threatened to stab people for Trump......
"God said vengeance is mine and I pray that I am the tool to stab these motherfuckers" -- he later went on to say that Democrats, fat people and Satanists are raping children and closing churches to open a gateway to hell -- but i'll just let you hear for yourself......

funny stuff!

"One lead organizer of last week's "Stop the Steal" rally that morphed into an attack against the U.S. Capitol claims that GOP congressmen Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, and congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama all participated in planning of the Jan. 6 catastrophe. Arizona resident and pro-Trump activist Ali Alexander implicated the three [House] members during a livestream [in December], where he told followers -- “I’m the guy who came up with the idea of January 6 when I was talking with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Congressman Mo Brooks. So we’re the four guys who came up with a January 6 event — #DoNotCertify -- and it was to build momentum and pressure, and then on the day change hearts and minds of congresspeoples who weren’t yet decided, or saw everyone outside and said, ‘I can’t be on the other side of that mob"
View attachment 442159

Even tho I and most sane people already knew this a while ago; this guy admitted weeks ago that this whole Stop The Steal campaign was meant to terrorize Congress and overturn the election..and even named names of House members who helped plan it...none of them were Antifa ironically......To be fair, this failed Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator didn't come up with Stop The Steal, his mentor did tho -- 4 years ago....The creator of the Brooks Brothers riot back in 2000 had every intention of doing the same thing in 2016 because of their expectations they would lose...so they just decided to try it in 2020 instead....

Ali Alexander, or as his parents named him, Ali Akbar is also the guy who threatened to stab people for Trump......
"God said vengeance is mine and I pray that I am the tool to stab these motherfuckers" -- he later went on to say that Democrats, fat people and Satanists are raping children and closing churches to open a gateway to hell -- but i'll just let you hear for yourself......

The congressmen did nothing wrong by planning and organizing a pro trump/anti steal the vote rally

If Biden or Pelosi or whatever elected Dem you currently hate planned a "BLM rally" that ended up with the Capitol building being stormed and 5 dead......

Would you keep that same "They did nothing wrong" energy??

"One lead organizer of last week's "Stop the Steal" rally that morphed into an attack against the U.S. Capitol claims that GOP congressmen Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, and congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama all participated in planning of the Jan. 6 catastrophe. Arizona resident and pro-Trump activist Ali Alexander implicated the three [House] members during a livestream [in December], where he told followers -- “I’m the guy who came up with the idea of January 6 when I was talking with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Andy Biggs, and Congressman Mo Brooks. So we’re the four guys who came up with a January 6 event — #DoNotCertify -- and it was to build momentum and pressure, and then on the day change hearts and minds of congresspeoples who weren’t yet decided, or saw everyone outside and said, ‘I can’t be on the other side of that mob"
View attachment 442159

Even tho I and most sane people already knew this a while ago; this guy admitted weeks ago that this whole Stop The Steal campaign was meant to terrorize Congress and overturn the election..and even named names of House members who helped plan it...none of them were Antifa ironically......To be fair, this failed Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator didn't come up with Stop The Steal, his mentor did tho -- 4 years ago....The creator of the Brooks Brothers riot back in 2000 had every intention of doing the same thing in 2016 because of their expectations they would lose...so they just decided to try it in 2020 instead....

Ali Alexander, or as his parents named him, Ali Akbar is also the guy who threatened to stab people for Trump......
"God said vengeance is mine and I pray that I am the tool to stab these motherfuckers" -- he later went on to say that Democrats, fat people and Satanists are raping children and closing churches to open a gateway to hell -- but i'll just let you hear for yourself......

The congressmen did nothing wrong by planning and organizing a pro trump/anti steal the vote rally

If Biden or Pelosi or whatever elected Dem you currently hate planned a "BLM rally" that ended up with the Capitol building being stormed and 5 dead......

Would you keep that same "They did nothing wrong" energy??

Thanks for admitting who really planned it.

Congress is afraid this guy taking over the nation?
If Biden or Pelosi or whatever elected Dem you currently hate planned a "BLM rally" that ended up with the Capitol building being stormed and 5 dead......
I would blame the rioters

but if you insist then I do blame liberal politicians for 8 months of riots by biden and bernie sanders voters which resulted in many more deaths
My hate is no where near my disgust for the treasonous Trump and his minions who are basically scum.

Come on big guy- show everyone how well you deflect again


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