David Hogg is Too Busy Saving The World to go to College

This kid seems to think he's qualified to "change the world" based on nothing more than his own opinion that he is magically awesome, and no need to grow up, gain worldly experience, or get an education.

It's weird that liberals seem eager to support this kid as a political figure with no qualifications other than his ego, but they have a meltdown over the President because he has no qualifications but his ego.
That's the same qualifications Obama had and they voted for him. So...it doesn't seem weird to me that they prop this doofus up as well.

The only qualification the left wants is spouting their agenda, and the only disqualification they need is an (R) after your name.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
Um he is to mouthy for a job at a convenience store... I wouldnt hire him

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

He'd never work at one...he's terrified of guns and they get held up a lot
It is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. Pay doesmt reflect It though

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

The shit stain should change his underwear and stfu
Nah heā€™s free to speak his mind. Just like youā€™re free to talk the nonsense you do.

Maybe he should marry someone for their money instead of supporting himself. Amirite?

Worked for John Kerry. Twice, if I remember correctly.
Actually I think he was making fun of a kid who seems to be suggesting he may refuse to go to college, but wants people to treat him like he has some kind of wisdom that should be listened to.

It's easy to "refuse to go to college" when none of them accept you.

And teenagers always think they're going to change the world, because they don't really know anything about the world.

How sad that your life is such shit that you are insanely jealous of a 17 year old kid.

^^^ Diagnosis: Projection ^^^

Link me to any child that I am making fun of and I'll admit you're 100% right an I'll leave this site forever.

You are deluded if you think I have any interest in reading through your dull catalogue of posts. What I have read was bad enough the first time around.

So what I've posted here is worse than you making fun of a 17 year old kid?

Just fucking kill yourself at this point. Your existence is meaningless.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly
It's easy to "refuse to go to college" when none of them accept you.

And teenagers always think they're going to change the world, because they don't really know anything about the world.

How sad that your life is such shit that you are insanely jealous of a 17 year old kid.

^^^ Diagnosis: Projection ^^^

Link me to any child that I am making fun of and I'll admit you're 100% right an I'll leave this site forever.

You are deluded if you think I have any interest in reading through your dull catalogue of posts. What I have read was bad enough the first time around.

So what I've posted here is worse than you making fun of a 17 year old kid?

Just fucking kill yourself at this point. Your existence is meaningless.

When a 17 year old thinks he can tell his betters what to think he deserves to be made fun of

BTW still waiting for you to post a link to the NRA releases you mentioned in another thread.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

No - methinks they use a 5.0 scale.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

That's exactly it, plus students can do extra credits to boost scores
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

No - they use a 5.0 scale.

So BFD what is a 4.1 a B- average?

Gee we should all aspire to be a female pubic hair width above average I guess
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

Dial back your triggered there lib its only a discussion forum. The kid seems to think he can be amazing without going to college, sounds like his parents need to slap some sense into him.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

I always hated grading on a curve. I don't give a shit how I'm doing compared to other people. I just want to know if I'm right or wrong. Besides, I never got less than an A on a test in my life, and it was a drag, having to put up with all the losers getting pissed at me for throwing off the curve.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.

Dial back your triggered there lib its only a discussion forum. The kid seems to think he can be amazing without going to college, sounds like his parents need to slap some sense into him.

I may have THOUGHT I was smarter than the adults around me when I was a teenager, but my parents made sure I knew better than to SAY so. Parents today are so afraid of being authority figures, they don't even understand why respecting your elders is important, let alone how to teach kids to do it.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

I always hated grading on a curve. I don't give a shit how I'm doing compared to other people. I just want to know if I'm right or wrong. Besides, I never got less than an A on a test in my life, and it was a drag, having to put up with all the losers getting pissed at me for throwing off the curve.
I used to love it when I screwed up a curve.

I didn't give a fuck if the other people. in the class were morons
Listen, the kid is full of shit and all of those encouraging him are equally

He's being used (propped up and financially supported) by left wing groups.
They use him for his current value and could care less about his future.

He's got about 10 years, at the most, to take advantage of this tragedy. After
that he'll be a nobody. If he doesn't have a degree...he'll be an ignorant nobody.

A lot of folks are going easy on all these kids, but that will eventually
stop. They present themselves as Douglas Shooting Survivors. That's
a heavy title. For the record, the entire student body is a survivor. But
most were nowhere near where the shooting was happening. Eventually
the public is gonna start to dwell into that and if you weren't dodging bullets
your opinion will be deemed useless, and you, personally, will be accussed
of trying to make a buck off you dead classmates.

Life will take a drastic turn downward for many of these kids.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

I always hated grading on a curve. I don't give a shit how I'm doing compared to other people. I just want to know if I'm right or wrong. Besides, I never got less than an A on a test in my life, and it was a drag, having to put up with all the losers getting pissed at me for throwing off the curve.
I used to love it when I screwed up a curve.

I didn't give a fuck if the other people. in the class were morons

I didn't, either, but I don't like interacting with hoomans, so giving them a reason to bitch and whine at me is not my favorite fun thing to do. Besides, my answer was always the same: If you learn the shit, you don't NEED a frigging curve.
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319

what college did you go to? you know, given that you're suddenly all concerned for his future.
Remember when these loons got upset that Obama said kids should go to college?

Now this loon is bragging about having the highest gpa EVAH!
Methinks young David received a tad too many participation trophies for T-Ball.

David Hogg, 17, has so far been rejected by four University of California campuses ā€” UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, he told TMZ.

According to the UC site, a minimum 3.4 GPA is required for non-California residents to get in. The Florida teen has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.

Heā€™s been accepted to Cal State San Marcos and Cal Poly, and in his home state, Florida Atlantic University ā€” but heā€™s not yet sure what heā€™ll do after graduating, he said.

ā€œAt this point, weā€™re already changing the world,ā€ Hogg, a senior at Stoneman Douglas High School, told the outlet. ā€œIf colleges want to support us in that, great, if they donā€™t, it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re still going to change the world.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of amazing people that donā€™t get into college,ā€ he added....


Well, there's always a brilliant career waiting for him at:

View attachment 185319
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

I always hated grading on a curve. I don't give a shit how I'm doing compared to other people. I just want to know if I'm right or wrong. Besides, I never got less than an A on a test in my life, and it was a drag, having to put up with all the losers getting pissed at me for throwing off the curve.
I used to love it when I screwed up a curve.

I didn't give a fuck if the other people. in the class were morons

I didn't, either, but I don't like interacting with hoomans, so giving them a reason to bitch and whine at me is not my favorite fun thing to do. Besides, my answer was always the same: If you learn the shit, you don't NEED a frigging curve.

I remember having arguments with my college profs who would curve every test.

I told them they were cheapening my degree
You pieces of shit are so pathetic. Making fun of a kid about getting into college? Really?

Kid has a 4.1 GPA. Higher than your bitchass ever got.
When I was in school the highest was a 4.0 so I guess his GPA was curved up to 4.1 kind of like when my tests were curved from a 100 up to a 120 because everyone else did so poorly

I always hated grading on a curve. I don't give a shit how I'm doing compared to other people. I just want to know if I'm right or wrong. Besides, I never got less than an A on a test in my life, and it was a drag, having to put up with all the losers getting pissed at me for throwing off the curve.
I used to love it when I screwed up a curve.

I didn't give a fuck if the other people. in the class were morons

I didn't, either, but I don't like interacting with hoomans, so giving them a reason to bitch and whine at me is not my favorite fun thing to do. Besides, my answer was always the same: If you learn the shit, you don't NEED a frigging curve.

I remember having arguments with my college profs who would curve every test.

I told them they were cheapening my degree

Fortunately, none of my after-high-school education involved grading curves, and it wasn't long after I started high school that teachers learned not to bother with them in my classes.
It's easy to "refuse to go to college" when none of them accept you.

And teenagers always think they're going to change the world, because they don't really know anything about the world.

How sad that your life is such shit that you are insanely jealous of a 17 year old kid.

^^^ Diagnosis: Projection ^^^

Link me to any child that I am making fun of and I'll admit you're 100% right an I'll leave this site forever.

You are deluded if you think I have any interest in reading through your dull catalogue of posts. What I have read was bad enough the first time around.

So what I've posted here is worse than you making fun of a 17 year old kid?

Just fucking kill yourself at this point. Your existence is meaningless.

You need to learn to use some lube because you're all kinds of butthurt. Hogg chose to take a seat at the grownups table. If he can't hack it then he should shut his trap.
How sad that your life is such shit that you are insanely jealous of a 17 year old kid.

^^^ Diagnosis: Projection ^^^

Link me to any child that I am making fun of and I'll admit you're 100% right an I'll leave this site forever.

You are deluded if you think I have any interest in reading through your dull catalogue of posts. What I have read was bad enough the first time around.

So what I've posted here is worse than you making fun of a 17 year old kid?

Just fucking kill yourself at this point. Your existence is meaningless.

You need to learn to use some lube because you're all kinds of butthurt. Hogg chose to take a seat at the grownups table. If he can't hack it then he should shut his trap.
Heā€™s hacking it pretty well. Got over a million people to march across the nation. Not bad for a kid under assault from the entire right wing apparatus.

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