David Hogg Boycott of Ingrahm Backfires


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, her viewership is no 20% higher than before!


Hogg Advertiser Campaign Backfires as ‘The Ingraham Angle’ Viewership Jumps 20 Percent

A campaign led by anti-gun activist David Hogg aimed at the advertisers of Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show The Ingraham Angle appears to have backfired, as her ratings have reportedly risen by over 20 percent.
“Since Ingraham returned from vacation on April 9, total viewership of her program has averaged about 2.7 million (Monday through Thursday; Friday’s numbers are not available),” Newsbusters reported.

“Compare that to the ratings from March 26 through March 29, the Monday through Thursday just prior to the boycott: That week, Ingraham’s total viewership averaged 2.23 million,” it continued. “The increase in her ratings since the boycott began is more than 20 percent.”

Advertisers that refused to boycott the show, such as pillow company MyPillow, have also seen “strong” sales in recent weeks, despite a boycott campaign led by Hogg’s supporters over the company’s refusal to bow to their wishes.
It could be that the BEST thing a company can do is get targetted for a boycot by David Hogg, roflmao
i wish he'd boycott my internet radio station. i could use some listeners. :)
Hogg made his point and Ingraham grovelled

Grovelled all the way to a 20% increase in ratings. Hillaloon in a landslide - RaTz declare another victory.

How are her sponsors doing?

I’m sure they are regretting their decision. I know I have I formed them that they will never get a dollar from me.
What did sponsors learn?

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

They will learn sponsoring rightwing hate is not worth the aggravation
Hogg made his point and Ingraham grovelled

Grovelled all the way to a 20% increase in ratings. Hillaloon in a landslide - RaTz declare another victory.

How are her sponsors doing?

I’m sure they are regretting their decision. I know I have I formed them that they will never get a dollar from me.
What did sponsors learn?

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

They will learn sponsoring rightwing hate is not worth the aggravation

Hopefully they learned not to cow tow to the bullies on the left.
Hogg made his point and Ingraham grovelled

Grovelled all the way to a 20% increase in ratings. Hillaloon in a landslide - RaTz declare another victory.

How are her sponsors doing?

I’m sure they are regretting their decision. I know I have I formed them that they will never get a dollar from me.
What did sponsors learn?

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

They will learn sponsoring rightwing hate is not worth the aggravation

Hopefully they learned not to cow tow to the bullies on the left.

Sponsors don’t want the aggravation.

Sponsoring some of the extreme rightwing shows is not worth the negative attention
Ingraham’s ratings spike a wake-up for advertisers

Fox News Channel has figured out that if it caves to social media pressure and advertiser boycotts, it will soon have no shows left in its lineup. FNC’s co-president, Jack Abernethy, recently provided a public statement in support of prime-time host Laura Ingraham, who tweeted an ill-advised insult about Florida high schooler David Hogg, a survivor of his school’s mass shooting. That tweet sparked outrage on social media and a Hogg-inspired advertiser boycott of Ingraham’s show.

Abernethy stated that FNC “cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts.” That principled stance needed to be made, of course, but pragmatic and cold business angles lie behind the philosophic posturing about censorship and intimidation.

A review of ratings for the Ingraham time slot says a lot about why FNC will keep Ingraham in the anchor seat.

Ingraham’s ratings spike a wake-up for advertisers
Hogg made his point and Ingraham grovelled

He's a scrawny little ZERO, wasn't at the school during the shooting, and now he's had his 15 minutes of fame and will fade into oblivion.
The scrawny little ZERO kicked her ass but she has that Nazi salute down pat. She has that going for her.
youtube laura ingraham nazi salute - Bing video

You do realize that not every time someone raises their hand it means that they are giving a Nazi salute, moron.

In this case Ingrahm is just acknowledging her applause.

Good greif.

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