Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.

Yeah, and a muggle like yourself is going to do what exactly?
throw his participation trophies at you.

Or try to give me a papercut with his "participant" awards.
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
bring it on, son.

tolerance isn't "you do it our way or we freak the fuck out" but as usual, liberals keep redefining words to match their emo-selves.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
bring it on, son.

tolerance isn't "you do it our way or we freak the fuck out" but as usual, liberals keep redefining words to match their emo-selves.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
which side is calling everyone racist, nazi, and all that other rhetorical bullshit cause you lost the election?

again - your side. learn to cope with life. it won't always go your way and sometimes, you just gotta suck it up and roll with it.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
That was part of it. He won for two reasons:

1. Hillary was the worst candidate in the history the nation. She was the personification of everything wrong with politics today.
2. Trump wasn't going to take the attacks on him and vast swaths of the population that the left doesn't like (white men mostly) without dishing it back three-fold, and many frustrated republicans and independents resonated to it.
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
bring it on, son.

tolerance isn't "you do it our way or we freak the fuck out" but as usual, liberals keep redefining words to match their emo-selves.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
btw - your "intolerance" is noted. :)

have a nice day.
is this a surprise to anyone?

Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most Intolerant

This completely defies the accepted narrative but conservative students know it’s true.

Tolerance failed. Time for new tactics.
bring it on, son.

tolerance isn't "you do it our way or we freak the fuck out" but as usual, liberals keep redefining words to match their emo-selves.
That was Trump’s strategy and he won. Fuck him and fuck you.
You’re no Donald Trump boy. Have a seat.
college-aged students are new to the political process. This is a time in life to evaluate what the country, what the world means. If a student arrives on campus as a supporter of a political party, this person has been indoctrinated in the 17 years before.
Intolerance towards neo-nazis, their speakers, and their followers is no vice. It's what won WW2.
Intolerance towards neo-nazis, their speakers, and their followers is no vice. It's what won WW2.
In reality though, people who believe in 2nd amendment rights aren't Nazis though, that's the problem. Neither are people who are pro-life, skeptical of global warming alarmism and/or don't favor a welfare state, etc.
Intolerance towards neo-nazis, their speakers, and their followers is no vice. It's what won WW2.

Um....those were actual Nazis, not neo-nazis. And they had the might of a nation state behind them. What we have now are 20-30 (at most) goobers who wear sheets and cheesey uniforms and rant about blacks and jews at drink-binge fests before going home to their sad lives.

To me the best thing to do is let them blather on and ignore them.

Of course the real issue is your side's idiotic attempt to label anyone right of Mitt Romney as a "nazi"

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