'Dark Side' of homosexual culture

KarlMarx said:
I'll butt in here (unintentional pun), the difference is "Radical homosexual activist agenda"....

Even Tammy Bruce, who is herself gay , warns us about it. In her book, "The Death of Right and Wrong", she claims in no uncertain terms that the radical gay movement is trying its damnedest to undermine Western society by sexualizing children, getting their agenda pushed in schools, attempting to get the age of consent lowered to childhood.... and are willing to do it by any means whatsoever.

Consider the way the gay activists in San Francisco acted when they started marrying. In direct violation of California law. Obviously, the radical gay activists have no respect for the process of law. When you have a group of people that are willing to break the law to get their way, you have a group of outlaws like the Mafia. Advocating this is just asking for anarchy.

Consider the attempts to get any political speech that opposes the radical gay agenda as "hate speech", now you are seeing an attempt by the radical gays to get the First Amendment protection of free speech suspended.

Consider that in Canada, radical gays favor having any minister, rabbi, priest or imam that preaches that homosexuality is a sin jailed for "hate crimes" and now you are talking about freedom of religion being attacked, too.

Homosexuality can be a choice, if it becomes acceptable to society. People will be more likely to engage in sexual deviancy if it is acceptable. Homosexual acts are more likely to spread disease (most people who suffer from HIV/AIDS in this country are gay, homosexuals are more likely to suffer from Hepatitis and other STDs than the general population). Considering that homosexual males have many more sex partners than the average person and you have an epidemic just waiting to happen. Just that alone poses a risk to society. Homosexual activists in San Francisco and New York blocked all efforts (even by more level headed gays) to close bath houses and other disease controlling measures during the early 80s. They also opposed any effort to link gay sexual activity to the disease. As a result many became infected that did not have to be and many died. Of course, you don't hear about that... all you hear about is that Reagan didn't act quickly enough to stop it (ignoring the fact that the cause of the disease wasn't even identified until half way through his presidency).

Add in the mix that homosexuals are more likely to molest children and you now have a dangerous mix....

So here it is....
1. Favor policies and laws which harm children and exploit them
2. Policies that favor anarchy and the breakdown of the traditional family
3. Attacking the civil rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
4. Higher incidence of disease and increased likelihood of spreading those diseases.
5. Higher incidence of child molestation

I could go on.....

There are your differences.... if you're advocating 1-5 or any combination of them, then you advocate bringing society to its knees...

have a nice day....

Tammy Bruce also stated that a vast majority of homosexuals/Lesbians have their first sexual encounter as a MINOR, with an adult homosexual.

So, to answer the question, what harm does it bring.....

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