Zone1 Dangerous levels of antisemitism ramping up: Australia warns Jews to stay in their house


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Pro-Palestinian antisemites yell “Gas the Jews!” and “Fuck the Jews!” as they surround the Sydney Opera House. Jews who tried to counter-protest were forcibly dragged away, and authorities are warning Jews to shelter In their houses.

This is disgusting.

Nevertheless, it must be said that many Jews have been in favor of Muslim immigration to their countries. I hope they learn from this experience.
Pro-Palestinian antisemites yell “Gas the Jews!” and “Fuck the Jews!” as they surround the Sydney Opera House. Jews who tried to counter-protest were forcibly dragged away, and authorities are warning Jews to shelter In their houses.

They'll never catch the hillbilly Jews around here.
This is disgusting.

Nevertheless, it must be said that many Jews have been in favor of Muslim immigration to their countries. I hope they learn from this experience.
Maybe the liberal Jews, who place their liberalism over their Judaism. They sympathize with the “poor, oppressed” Muslims and even today take their side over their fellow Jews. (It has been especially bad in France.)

Code Pink, an ultra-leftist group led by a liberal Jewish woman, is taking the side of the Palestinians.
Pro-Palestinian antisemites yell “Gas the Jews!” and “Fuck the Jews!” as they surround the Sydney Opera House. Jews who tried to counter-protest were forcibly dragged away, and authorities are warning Jews to shelter In their houses.

There was a time in the late twenties to early thirties when Jewish people could have seen the writing on the wall and left Germany and surrounding countries. Too many didn't because they simply refused to believe that the Nazis meant what they said.

That time may be fast approaching in many places today.
There was a time in the late twenties to early thirties when Jewish people could have seen the writing on the wall and left Germany and surrounding countries. Too many didn't because they simply refused to believe that the Nazis meant what they said.

That time may be fast approaching in many places today.
It’s human nature to deny to oneself that people could be such subhuman savages.

I‘m worried about the Jew-hating Palestinians that Biden will welcome in as refugees, and of course the terrorists coming in through the Southern border.
Maybe the liberal Jews, who place their liberalism over their Judaism. They sympathize with the “poor, oppressed” Muslims and even today take their side over their fellow Jews. (It has been especially bad in France.)

Code Pink, an ultra-leftist group led by a liberal Jewish woman, is taking the side of the Palestinians.
That is what is known as "pathological altruism." The first responsibility of Jews is to promote the safety and well being of Israel, and of Jews everywhere.

Jews who support Palestine remind of me of several white liberals I have been reading about. Their sympathy for Negroes did not keep them from being murdered by Negroes.

Many Jews learned learned from the history of Russia before World War I and from the history of Germany after World War I that Jews can be vulnerable in countries where they are the most visible minority. That is why too many of them promote Muslim immigration.

It is good to learn from history, but one can learn the wrong lessons.
I‘m worried about the Jew-hating Palestinians that Biden will welcome in as refugees, and of course the terrorists coming in through the Southern border.

I am worried about Biden hating Republicans who do not give Biden the credit he deserves for supporting Israel in this conflict.
Pro-Palestinian antisemites yell “Gas the Jews!” and “Fuck the Jews!” as they surround the Sydney Opera House. Jews who tried to counter-protest were forcibly dragged away, and authorities are warning Jews to shelter In their houses.

This is why I despise police forces in some countries (*cough cough Canada) who manufacture threats, racists etc. There is enough hate already in existence that when you.falsely manufacture it to justify your existence and pretend to save the day, you risk much worse long term. I don't know if the Aussies engage in this, I would hope they don't, but Toronto had a large Palestine rally which really surprised me.
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I am worried about Biden hating Republicans who do not give Biden the credit he deserves for supporting Israel in this conflict.
To an extent. But why isn’t he freezing the $6 billion he released?
To an extent. But why isn’t he freezing the $6 billion he released?
Ask him. I wish he would freeze that money.

Biden continues to think a negotiated settlement leading to a two state settlement is possible. I hope the Hamas attack convinces him that this not possible.

People whose lives have been pleasant, prosperous, and secure often imagine that there is plenty of everything good to go around. They do not understand that life is usually a struggle for scarce resources, and that often those who want what they have hate them.

When two nations want the same land, and when they are willing to fight for it, compromise is impossible, and there will be war until one side is expelled.

The Israelis will win because the Soviet Union is no longer around to help the Palestinians, because we will continue to support Israel, and because the Ashkenazim is the most superior racial group on earth.
There was a time in the late twenties to early thirties when Jewish people could have seen the writing on the wall and left Germany and surrounding countries. Too many didn't because they simply refused to believe that the Nazis meant what they said.

That time may be fast approaching in many places today.
They should be safe in the US. As safe as any other citizen. Which means they should have a gun and know how to defend themselves against shitbags. (or wild animals)

You ever been just doing something and had to stop and shoot a gator or snake

because they were right there and a danger? I have.

One day it was just going to do laundry on my day off, and on the way the washing machine, there a freakin'

7 foot Diamondback all coiled up. :nono:

I ain't lettin' no snake stop me, no.

That snake died and I did my laundry. Too bad I don't eat snake, but I just can't see it.
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pot meet kettle.
For some reason, he thinks that a woman who was raised kosher and maintains it, goes to Shabbos services, observes all holidays, has a mezuzah hanging on the front door and all interior doors, lights the Yartzheit candles, and more, isn’t Jewish.

He’s a strange bird, that one: mesugenuah, actually.
They should be safe in the US. As safe as any other citizen. Which means they should have a gun and know how to defend themselves against shitbags. (or wild animals)

You ever been just doing something and had to stop and shoot a gator or snake

because they were right there and a danger? I have.

One day it was just going to do laundry on my day off, and on the way the washing machine, there a freakin'

7 foot Diamondback all coiled up. :nono:

I ain't lettin' no snake stop me, no.

That snake died and I did my laundry. Too bad I don't eat snake, but I just can't see it.
Where was this? Florida?
Pro-Palestinian antisemites yell “Gas the Jews!” and “Fuck the Jews!” as they surround the Sydney Opera House. Jews who tried to counter-protest were forcibly dragged away, and authorities are warning Jews to shelter In their houses.

Doesn't help that the darling of the Right, Elon Musk, is a known anti-semite.
I could have guessed. I was walking along the sidewalk in southern Florida when a gigantic lizard jumped in front of me. must have been at least a foot long. Yuck.
If it was green it was probably an iguana.
Are they harmless? It was pretty scary looking. Yes, green.
I wouldn't say "harmless", they won't kill ya or anything. Their bite isn't bad, but the tail whip is.

They eat fruit. A friend of mine had a pet one. They like nanners.

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