Dalai Lama Goes After Trump: He Has A “Lack Of Moral Principle” For Putting “America First”

They just don’t get it. It’s like they hear logic and hear Klingon.


DALAI LAMA: “But friendly speaking, you see, his emotion also is too complicated.”

REPORTER: “What do you mean by that? What do you think of him in office?”

DALAI LAMA: “One day he says something, another day he says something. But I think lack of moral principle. When he became president, he expressed America First. That is wrong. America, they should take the global responsibility.”

The Dalai Lama....doesn't he hang around with all the hollywood democrats who believe killing babies in the womb is just dandy? obama had no better relationship with the truth, and he gave 150 billion dollars to the country that is creating nuclear weapons for the purpose of using them to murder Jews....and supplying terrorists all around the middle east....

Spare me dalai lama........go back to playing golf with Carl Spackler...

"In the west this Buddhist principle is wielded by social justice liberals when arguing against war, capital punishment, and torture. It tends to be twinned with meditation, the Buddhist activity for reaching a peaceful state of mind, which makes one less violent, and therefore less likely to produce bad karma.

But here is where liberals take what they want from a tradition, and leave out the over arching logic. According to Buddhism, a fetus is a human. There is no distinction either in definition or in karmic punishment. In this way Buddhism is far more confident about when life begins than say Catholicism, which leaves this answer as a mystery.

Buddhism is deadly serious about non violence, because karma has serious consequences. Morality is never about a person's right to choose, but about understanding the consequences of ones actions. Or put another way, moral action is entirely about what one chooses to do -- and one must suffer the consequences. The rules in Buddhism are really vows, not set up to please God, but to protect people from being reborn into unseemly realms....

...Accepting a moral principle, though and following it through does seem to take courage. The day after 9/11 the Dalai Lama wrote to President Bush, his most important political ally, warning him about the danger of responding to violence with violence. He also defended the Pope's view on abortion. Religious principles can unexpectedly alienate. The unexpected is rarely easy. But then moral choices never were."
Abortion, Buddha and the Dalai Lama
WHAAAAAT EVER. Half the world mooches off us and putting America first is a lack of moral principle? What is the dalai-lama huffing?
I think he IS being a hypocrit though.

He wants help resisting the godless Chi-Comms, but won't help the president in making sure that children and women aren't sold into sexual slavery and labor slavery?

I honestly think he is getting up in years and a bit senile. The propaganda is getting to him as well.

If he REALLY understood what the real reasons for the current administrations policies are for, he would be in support of helping to stop the tragedy that is occurring.

President Donald J. Trump Is Fighting to Eradicate Human Trafficking | The White House



They just don’t get it. It’s like they hear logic and hear Klingon.


DALAI LAMA: “But friendly speaking, you see, his emotion also is too complicated.”

REPORTER: “What do you mean by that? What do you think of him in office?”

DALAI LAMA: “One day he says something, another day he says something. But I think lack of moral principle. When he became president, he expressed America First. That is wrong. America, they should take the global responsibility.”
Says the leader of a country that was taken over by the Chinese. Does anyone believe we should look to Tibet for sound national leadership?
TPTB are interested in two things only;

Cheap labor to undercut wages,

. . and votes for global socialism.
They just don’t get it. It’s like they hear logic and hear Klingon.


DALAI LAMA: “But friendly speaking, you see, his emotion also is too complicated.”

REPORTER: “What do you mean by that? What do you think of him in office?”

DALAI LAMA: “One day he says something, another day he says something. But I think lack of moral principle. When he became president, he expressed America First. That is wrong. America, they should take the global responsibility.”
Says the leader of a country that was taken over by the Chinese. Does anyone believe we should look to Tibet for sound national leadership?
And he fled, leaving his people to live under tyrants.

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