Daily: "Long rant on Assad"

It is always your claim that you know all the people and that all the people agree to you in every point. The truth, however, looks different:


Raising Syrian flag a celebration for Allentown community US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

so? there are Baathist pigs even in the USA-----not news------there were lots of people celebrating 9-11-01 in the USA too. Allentown, Pa. has a rep. as a
bastion of nazism
Terrible propaganda. the Syrians don´t support terrorists, they fight terrorists. As for your Nazi claim, everyone who does not agree to you, is a "Nazi".

wrong-----only Nazis are Nazis------NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY OF............... Mein Kampf came
to SYRIA in the early 1930s---in Arabic, no less -----and Nazi war crimimals were invited in 1945----not scientists------murderers. Lots of the most virulent
anti semitic literature promulgated post world war II----of course including holocaust denial came out of Syria and is still taught in the public schools there

You don´t need "Mein Kampf", you have "Warrior".

I am not familiar with that book ---is it another sequel to
the Koran?
You know it well.
so? there are Baathist pigs even in the USA-----not news------there were lots of people celebrating 9-11-01 in the USA too. Allentown, Pa. has a rep. as a
bastion of nazism
Terrible propaganda. the Syrians don´t support terrorists, they fight terrorists. As for your Nazi claim, everyone who does not agree to you, is a "Nazi".

wrong-----only Nazis are Nazis------NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY OF............... Mein Kampf came
to SYRIA in the early 1930s---in Arabic, no less -----and Nazi war crimimals were invited in 1945----not scientists------murderers. Lots of the most virulent
anti semitic literature promulgated post world war II----of course including holocaust denial came out of Syria and is still taught in the public schools there

You don´t need "Mein Kampf", you have "Warrior".

I am not familiar with that book ---is it another sequel to
the Koran?

Has it been translated from Arabic yet?
Sharon writes in Arabic?

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