Cuomo's Proposal To Stop Corporate Bail Outs Is Heading To Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I don't think it stops corporate bail outs, at lease nothing I've read in this legislation stops any bailouts now or in the future.

What his proposal does is force business hire back the same amount of employees after the virus as they had before the virus.

Which is good but in my opinion doesn't go far enough. It doesn't stop bailouts.

We need legislation that actually does stop bailouts. Small business never gets bailed out. Why should we keep bailing out big business? They get billions in tax cuts, they don't run the business responsibly and when any small bump hits, we the taxpayer have to bail their butts out.

Big business should be forced by law to have a rainy day fund. So that when recession hits, they can get through it without us bailing them out and adding it all to the national debt.

When they're making money they're big capitalists. When they're losing it they quickly become socialists and run to us taxpayers.

Yet us taxpayers don't get bailed out.

This bill will pass the House.

It will go absolutely no where in the senate. The last thing the conservatives in our senate are going to do is pass legislation that protects our nation, our economy and the 99% working people of this nation.

His/your position presupposes that said business will come out this in the same shape it went into it. That's not going to happen

I think that's the point of the legislation. We bailed them out plus they've been getting billions in tax cuts. They shouldn't be financially worse off.

What this will do is force them to remain at the same employment levels which helps them stay in the same shape they were in before the virus.

I don't believe they should have gotten a penny of tax dollars. They should have been managing their money responsibly since they've been given such huge tax cuts. They should have had a rainy day fund so that we taxpayers don't have to bail them out.

If they didn't manage their business and money properly it's not the responsibility of the taxpayers to step in. They made their beds, they screamed capitalism so let them live with the capitalism consequences of their irresponsibility.

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