CT Homeowner Fights Off Four Carjacker Scumbags

I didn't blame anyone that's you being an idiot again.

And again would it make you feel better if I said .

Boy those criminal sure are bad and no one should have to lock their cars or doors in Unicorn States of America.

Grow the fuck up and step into the real world.
You damned right that's what you should have said, because it would be the truth. You're attitude on the nation's new norm is to give in to it. You should be ashamed.
I’d love to break a carjacker’s arm. Would be fun.
Thieves are delt with severely in other countries, because first off they are in a lot of ways very poor in many countries, and they are working for what little they have in some tough conditions, so their gains are a precious thing to them. The penalties are severe because people know what it is to work hard to have something, and to have it stolen is like someone murdering them..
All you have just proven is that you are a rich waste of space.
FYI I was orphaned at 14 when my mother overdosed, lived in the streets for 3 years and was declared an emancipated minor at 17.

I started off poorer than poor and I still did well what's your excuse?
You damned right that's what you should have said, because it would be the truth. You're attitude on the nation's new norm is to give in to it. You should be ashamed.
Yeah who cares about reality as long as you feel better.

Grow the fuck up
Wife should have pulled our her gun. Or at least not yelled that she had called the police giving these guys time to get away.

Now let me hear an anti-gunner tell me why no one should carry a gun? I guarantee you those four kids were leftwing little F*ckers.
Why do you assume they owned a gun?
Thieves are delt with severely in other countries, because first off they are in a lot of ways very poor in many countries, and they are working for what little they have in some tough conditions, so their gains are a precious thing to them. The penalties are severe because people know what it is to work hard to have something, and to have it stolen is like someone murdering them..
LOL..Wow.... When I said "they" in this post above, I meant by that "the people" and not the thieves..... The good people are the one's working hard for what they get in the other countries, and that is why the thieves are dealt with severely in the other countries when they steal and act stupid over there.... Hmmmm, could be that we have to much to easy here, so we give the thieves s break when they steal our crap... lol.... There I fixed it.
FYI I was orphaned at 14 when my mother overdosed, lived in the streets for 3 years and was declared an emancipated minor at 17.

I started off poorer than poor and I still did well what's your excuse?
Matters not, you could have gotten rich due to your street smarts, and you could be a messed up individual regardless of where you started or how you started.
Matters not, you could have gotten rich due to your street smarts, and you could be a messed up individual regardless of where you started or how you started.

Yeah I actually live in the real world not Unicorn land.
Some common household items you can use for weapons........

Frying pans
Baseball bats
Golf Clubs
Wooden broom handles
Large wrench
Can of bug spray
Can of hairspray
Can of spray paint
Letter openers

Basically anything hard, flat, sharp, and/or pointy!!!
You want to be EXTRA careful using spray cans of any kind, as you don't want to spray yourself!! And you want to make sure theres enough in the can to get the job done.
And the THREE VULNERABLE SPOTS are EYES, THROAT, CROTCH!!! And DON'T be afraid to abuse the fuck out of these areas if you need to!!!

View attachment 776867
hairspray??????? ~S~
hairspray??????? ~S~
You ain't never walked into a room after your mom applied hairspray to her bee hive hair doo back in the 50s ? If you can breathe afterwards, that would be a miracle.. ROTFLMBO 🤣

Dangerous stuff.. 😂
What you have proven is that regardless of your start in life, if you work hard and persevere you can be successful. With that background, I would think you would never, ever vote for a bleeding-heart, woke infected Democrat. Is that an accurate assumption?
A little harsh. I’d go for:

1. Felony #1: 10 years, unless murder….then execution
2. Felony #2: Thrown back in prison for life, unless it’s murder….then execution

3. Misdemeanor #1: 60 days
4. Misdemeanor #2: 6 months
5. Misdemeanor 3: 10 years
4. Misdemeanor 4 and beyond: 20 years
Plea bargaining also must be eliminated. Sentencing someone for a crime other than the one they committed is nuts.
Plea bargaining also must be eliminated. Sentencing someone for a crime other than the one they committed is nuts.
It would also eliminate the nonsense of overcharging with the goal of bargaining it down to the actual crime.

Charge the person with the crime he’s suspected of, and bring him to trial on that. Acquit or convict, period.
Plea bargaining also must be eliminated. Sentencing someone for a crime other than the one they committed is nuts.
White collar crime affects ALL of US far more than all other crime combined. And those guys just get a slap on the wrist. They actually profit tremendously from their crimes. That's why it's so prevalent and invasive. Interestingly trump's deregulation proved a boom for fraud, went up 53.5 % by 2021, affecting 35% of all US business, now averaging between 464 billion to 1.7 trillion a year.They represent 3% of the crimes prosecuted by the tedral government. 90% of the cases are not prosecuted.
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White collar crime affects ALL of US far more than all other crime combined. And those guys just get a slap on the wrist. They actually profit tremendously from their crimes. That's why it's so prevalent and invasive. Interestingly trump's deregulation proved a boom for fraud, went up 53.5 % by 2021, affecting 35% of all US business, now averaging between 464 billion to 1.7 trillion a year.They represent 3% of the crimes prosecuted by the tedral government. 90% of the cases are not prosecuted.
Just another clueless liberal infected with TDS. What I believe you just said is we should look the other way when violent thugs commit mayhem because white-collar crime is not prosecuted up to your standards. You can't get more stupid than that, but par for the course.
White collar crime affects ALL of US far more than all other crime combined. And those guys just get a slap on the wrist. They actually profit tremendously from their crimes. That's why it's so prevalent and invasive. Interestingly trump's deregulation proved a boom for fraud, went up 53.5 % by 2021, affecting 35% of all US business, now averaging between 464 billion to 1.7 trillion a year.They represent 3% of the crimes prosecuted by the tedral government. 90% of the cases are not prosecuted.
Yeah….a mob of black scumbags just attacked an innocent white woman in Chicago, and you divert to non-violent white crime.

This downplaying and forgiveness of savages, just because they’re black, has simply got to stop. It was despicable how the mayor said we shouldn’t demonize [the animals] because these boys haven’t had opportunities.

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