CS ("Riot") Gas (Ex-military)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
When I was in basic training in the Army, we had a day of "CBR" training, which stood for Chemical-Biological-Radiological training. There was a lot of instruction, but the main aspects were, exposure to tear gas in the morning, and exposure to "riot gas" in the afternoon. Some of the particulars elude me, but I remember my general impression was that tear gas was awful. My eyes were watering so badly I couldn't see, skin burned a bit, very unpleasant.

Riot gas made the tear gas seem like a picnic. Eyes burning, skin burning, throat burning, couldn't stop coughing, couldn't see, etc.

Recognizing that riot gas presents some of its own problems (just like tear gas), in that it cannot be directed at one person or even one area. If the wind is blowing, whoever is downwind will get blasted with it, whether they are good guys or bad guys. But having said that, and seeing the bullshit that's going on now in Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, and parts of NYC, why aren't the authorities using riot gas? It would stop the lawlessness immediately.

Is there some reason that I'm not aware of? Seems like it would be a solution.
When I was in basic training in the Army, we had a day of "CBR" training, which stood for Chemical-Biological-Radiological training. There was a lot of instruction, but the main aspects were, exposure to tear gas in the morning, and exposure to "riot gas" in the afternoon. Some of the particulars elude me, but I remember my general impression was that tear gas was awful. My eyes were watering so badly I couldn't see, skin burned a bit, very unpleasant.

Riot gas made the tear gas seem like a picnic. Eyes burning, skin burning, throat burning, couldn't stop coughing, couldn't see, etc.

Recognizing that riot gas presents some of its own problems (just like tear gas), in that it cannot be directed at one person or even one area. If the wind is blowing, whoever is downwind will get blasted with it, whether they are good guys or bad guys. But having said that, and seeing the bullshit that's going on now in Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, and parts of NYC, why aren't the authorities using riot gas? It would stop the lawlessness immediately.

Is there some reason that I'm not aware of? Seems like it would be a solution.
You could fire it with a launcher from like 50-75 yards away. Any wind issues would not affect the person who fired it. It may affect the concentrations of the dispersal of the agent but not the person firing it. I'm with you. Break it out. The CS gas, triple chasers, hornets nest if necessary.
When I was in basic training in the Army, we had a day of "CBR" training, which stood for Chemical-Biological-Radiological training. There was a lot of instruction, but the main aspects were, exposure to tear gas in the morning, and exposure to "riot gas" in the afternoon. Some of the particulars elude me, but I remember my general impression was that tear gas was awful. My eyes were watering so badly I couldn't see, skin burned a bit, very unpleasant.

Riot gas made the tear gas seem like a picnic. Eyes burning, skin burning, throat burning, couldn't stop coughing, couldn't see, etc.

Recognizing that riot gas presents some of its own problems (just like tear gas), in that it cannot be directed at one person or even one area. If the wind is blowing, whoever is downwind will get blasted with it, whether they are good guys or bad guys. But having said that, and seeing the bullshit that's going on now in Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, and parts of NYC, why aren't the authorities using riot gas? It would stop the lawlessness immediately.

Is there some reason that I'm not aware of? Seems like it would be a solution.
We got the riot control tear gas the first and only time in basic....It was impressive how much snot a human can produce.
When I was in basic training in the Army, we had a day of "CBR" training, which stood for Chemical-Biological-Radiological training. There was a lot of instruction, but the main aspects were, exposure to tear gas in the morning, and exposure to "riot gas" in the afternoon. Some of the particulars elude me, but I remember my general impression was that tear gas was awful. My eyes were watering so badly I couldn't see, skin burned a bit, very unpleasant.

Riot gas made the tear gas seem like a picnic. Eyes burning, skin burning, throat burning, couldn't stop coughing, couldn't see, etc.

Recognizing that riot gas presents some of its own problems (just like tear gas), in that it cannot be directed at one person or even one area. If the wind is blowing, whoever is downwind will get blasted with it, whether they are good guys or bad guys. But having said that, and seeing the bullshit that's going on now in Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, and parts of NYC, why aren't the authorities using riot gas? It would stop the lawlessness immediately.

Is there some reason that I'm not aware of? Seems like it would be a solution.
/----/ The liberal mayor and governor don't want to hurt the feelings of the rioters. They reserve tear gas for folks who want to go back to work and support their families.
Tear gas is unpleasant, to be sure. The "test" when I was in basic was that you were held in an enclosed room with a high concentration of tear gas, and then, one by one, you were asked questions by the drill sergeants and had to answer them correctly before you could leave. But the Drill Sergeants were forced to tolerate it for the duration. So it is tolerable by someone who is willing to endure some discomfort.

But that Army exercise would not have been possible with CS-Riot gas. Just too debilitating.

Bring it out now.
You could fire it with a launcher from like 50-75 yards away. Any wind issues would not affect the person who fired it. It may affect the concentrations of the dispersal of the agent but not the person firing it. I'm with you. Break it out. The CS gas, triple chasers, hornets nest if necessary.
If using grenade launchers, frag rounds would work better.
You could fire it with a launcher from like 50-75 yards away. Any wind issues would not affect the person who fired it. It may affect the concentrations of the dispersal of the agent but not the person firing it. I'm with you. Break it out. The CS gas, triple chasers, hornets nest if necessary.
If using grenade launchers, frag rounds would work better.
/----/ Nothing says, obey the law like a frag round.
When I was in basic training in the Army, we had a day of "CBR" training, which stood for Chemical-Biological-Radiological training. There was a lot of instruction, but the main aspects were, exposure to tear gas in the morning, and exposure to "riot gas" in the afternoon. Some of the particulars elude me, but I remember my general impression was that tear gas was awful. My eyes were watering so badly I couldn't see, skin burned a bit, very unpleasant.

Riot gas made the tear gas seem like a picnic. Eyes burning, skin burning, throat burning, couldn't stop coughing, couldn't see, etc.

Recognizing that riot gas presents some of its own problems (just like tear gas), in that it cannot be directed at one person or even one area. If the wind is blowing, whoever is downwind will get blasted with it, whether they are good guys or bad guys. But having said that, and seeing the bullshit that's going on now in Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, and parts of NYC, why aren't the authorities using riot gas? It would stop the lawlessness immediately.

Is there some reason that I'm not aware of? Seems like it would be a solution.

I got it twice in the Navy. Once in boot camp. With that one they just dropped some pellets in liquid. That stuff sucked, but was nothing compared to the can. With the pellets it seemed like a way mellow version of what we got from the can. I have been maced and tased to. No fun.
You could fire it with a launcher from like 50-75 yards away. Any wind issues would not affect the person who fired it. It may affect the concentrations of the dispersal of the agent but not the person firing it. I'm with you. Break it out. The CS gas, triple chasers, hornets nest if necessary.
If using grenade launchers, frag rounds would work better.
/----/ Nothing says, obey the law like a frag round.

Winner. They should do like the cops in Dallas did to that one guy where SWAT rigged a bomb on a robot and delivered it right to their bad guy.

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