Crybaby Obama says he's a VICTIM of racism!! HAHAHA

Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
Always good to get the racist outlook. Nice avatar.
Obama whines about the birther movement but the fact is he should have never been allowed to run for president. The evidence he was born in america is just slightly stronger than the evidence he was born in kenya and that's not good enough. We have to be 99.9% sure, not 70%, that our presidential candidates are legally eligible.
Aside from hussein's purported CofB being debunked as a seriously pathetic digital forgery, per the constitution, the president of the United States has to be born to BOTH parents that are legal American citizens. This pertains to the presidency only. The kenyan's father was a subject of Britain which gave him dual citizenship at birth at best which undeniably disqualified him to be president.

He is and always will be the fraud president that illegally held the office. Next will be someone who finally proves that there is no supposed CofB in Hawaii, and obama better be in a country that doesn't extradite, or his ass will be in Fort Leavenworth federal prison where he belongs.
Fake news dupe.
Obama whines about the birther movement but the fact is he should have never been allowed to run for president. The evidence he was born in america is just slightly stronger than the evidence he was born in kenya and that's not good enough. We have to be 99.9% sure, not 70%, that our presidential candidates are legally eligible.
Aside from hussein's purported CofB being debunked as a seriously pathetic digital forgery, per the constitution, the president of the United States has to be born to BOTH parents that are legal American citizens. This pertains to the presidency only. The kenyan's father was a subject of Britain which gave him dual citizenship at birth at best which undeniably disqualified him to be president.

He is and always will be the fraud president that illegally held the office. Next will be someone who finally proves that there is no supposed CofB in Hawaii, and obama better be in a country that doesn't extradite, or his ass will be in Fort Leavenworth federal prison where he belongs.
Fake news dupe.
Well, I don't have to say anything at all... just let people read what you posted and you look stupid all on your own.... DUPE... :lol:
How ironic that you accuse him of being the victim of racism while slinging racism at him.

What "racisim" was in that? Oh I see liberal imaginary TRUMPED up racisim to belittle, or to vilify someone when you have no idea how to deflect a true comment that directly conflicts with your position.

The racism is there. You just have to see it, and knowing the poster, I know it's there.

I've learned a lot about how racism manifests itself in the modern era. The BNP actually came out and told us all about it.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable."

So, part of their racism is to actually use words that are normal words, but try and twist them.


Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

So, instead of talking about "racial purity" you talk about "identity", it's the way of the far right, the way of racists, they've learned, they're talking a lot with websites such as Stormfront, and some of them are able to keep their racism away from "n*gger" and all of that, but the racism is still there.

Obama hasn't accomplished anything in his life? I'd say being one of only 45 Americans to have ever become president, and a few of those didn't get elected, and one of only 14 presidents to have won 2 elections and served two full terms, I'd say that in itself is a major accomplishment. I'd say winning a seat in the US senate is an accomplishment and being a state Senator too. I'd say getting into Columbia University is an accomplishment, going to Harvard even more so, and I'd say being editor of the Harvard Law Review is also a massive accomplishment. In fact he's the only person ever to have been that and become US president.

And this is only among a few things. How many accomplishments does the OP have exactly? Do we care? No, not really, but the reality is that most people won't accomplish as much, and yet slamming Obama for supposedly having done nothing is in fact racism, not the actual words, but the attack itself. Why is Obama less qualified to be President than Dubya? Or Bill Clinton? Clinton had a good educational record, and then went straight into politics. Obama was a Senate at state and national level, Clinton was Governor of a state but had never been in Federal politics in his life. Nor had Dubya. What's the difference then? Oh, wait, one of them is black.

Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.
Scary how empowered the racist fake newsers are...when's your white supremacist meeting coming up?
The MFer has divided this nation along racial lines so badly he has set us back years.

The truth is no one cares he's black - what matters is he has repeatedly violated both Constutution and law, aided terrorists, illegals, and criminals, and rammed his personal socislist agenda into effect by by-passing Congress to do so. Most lawless least Transparent administration ever.

How ironic that you accuse him of being the victim of racism while slinging racism at him.

What "racisim" was in that? Oh I see liberal imaginary TRUMPED up racisim to belittle, or to vilify someone when you have no idea how to deflect a true comment that directly conflicts with your position.

The racism is there. You just have to see it, and knowing the poster, I know it's there.

I've learned a lot about how racism manifests itself in the modern era. The BNP actually came out and told us all about it.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable."

So, part of their racism is to actually use words that are normal words, but try and twist them.


Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

So, instead of talking about "racial purity" you talk about "identity", it's the way of the far right, the way of racists, they've learned, they're talking a lot with websites such as Stormfront, and some of them are able to keep their racism away from "n*gger" and all of that, but the racism is still there.

Obama hasn't accomplished anything in his life? I'd say being one of only 45 Americans to have ever become president, and a few of those didn't get elected, and one of only 14 presidents to have won 2 elections and served two full terms, I'd say that in itself is a major accomplishment. I'd say winning a seat in the US senate is an accomplishment and being a state Senator too. I'd say getting into Columbia University is an accomplishment, going to Harvard even more so, and I'd say being editor of the Harvard Law Review is also a massive accomplishment. In fact he's the only person ever to have been that and become US president.

And this is only among a few things. How many accomplishments does the OP have exactly? Do we care? No, not really, but the reality is that most people won't accomplish as much, and yet slamming Obama for supposedly having done nothing is in fact racism, not the actual words, but the attack itself. Why is Obama less qualified to be President than Dubya? Or Bill Clinton? Clinton had a good educational record, and then went straight into politics. Obama was a Senate at state and national level, Clinton was Governor of a state but had never been in Federal politics in his life. Nor had Dubya. What's the difference then? Oh, wait, one of them is black.

Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.
What "racisim" was in that? Oh I see liberal imaginary TRUMPED up racisim to belittle, or to vilify someone when you have no idea how to deflect a true comment that directly conflicts with your position.

The racism is there. You just have to see it, and knowing the poster, I know it's there.

I've learned a lot about how racism manifests itself in the modern era. The BNP actually came out and told us all about it.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable."

So, part of their racism is to actually use words that are normal words, but try and twist them.


Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

So, instead of talking about "racial purity" you talk about "identity", it's the way of the far right, the way of racists, they've learned, they're talking a lot with websites such as Stormfront, and some of them are able to keep their racism away from "n*gger" and all of that, but the racism is still there.

Obama hasn't accomplished anything in his life? I'd say being one of only 45 Americans to have ever become president, and a few of those didn't get elected, and one of only 14 presidents to have won 2 elections and served two full terms, I'd say that in itself is a major accomplishment. I'd say winning a seat in the US senate is an accomplishment and being a state Senator too. I'd say getting into Columbia University is an accomplishment, going to Harvard even more so, and I'd say being editor of the Harvard Law Review is also a massive accomplishment. In fact he's the only person ever to have been that and become US president.

And this is only among a few things. How many accomplishments does the OP have exactly? Do we care? No, not really, but the reality is that most people won't accomplish as much, and yet slamming Obama for supposedly having done nothing is in fact racism, not the actual words, but the attack itself. Why is Obama less qualified to be President than Dubya? Or Bill Clinton? Clinton had a good educational record, and then went straight into politics. Obama was a Senate at state and national level, Clinton was Governor of a state but had never been in Federal politics in his life. Nor had Dubya. What's the difference then? Oh, wait, one of them is black.

Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.
A racist claiming to be a victim of racism. Typical leftist tactic, nobody buys it.
A racist claiming to be a victim of racism. Typical leftist tactic, nobody buys it.
That's why if a leftard calls you a racist now, just laugh. It's meaningless.

Never saw a word more worn out than that.
I've always considered Obama to be a major pussy. Generally speaking, his mouth and actions or lack of seem to validate that position.
The racism is there. You just have to see it, and knowing the poster, I know it's there.

I've learned a lot about how racism manifests itself in the modern era. The BNP actually came out and told us all about it.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable."

So, part of their racism is to actually use words that are normal words, but try and twist them.


Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

So, instead of talking about "racial purity" you talk about "identity", it's the way of the far right, the way of racists, they've learned, they're talking a lot with websites such as Stormfront, and some of them are able to keep their racism away from "n*gger" and all of that, but the racism is still there.

Obama hasn't accomplished anything in his life? I'd say being one of only 45 Americans to have ever become president, and a few of those didn't get elected, and one of only 14 presidents to have won 2 elections and served two full terms, I'd say that in itself is a major accomplishment. I'd say winning a seat in the US senate is an accomplishment and being a state Senator too. I'd say getting into Columbia University is an accomplishment, going to Harvard even more so, and I'd say being editor of the Harvard Law Review is also a massive accomplishment. In fact he's the only person ever to have been that and become US president.

And this is only among a few things. How many accomplishments does the OP have exactly? Do we care? No, not really, but the reality is that most people won't accomplish as much, and yet slamming Obama for supposedly having done nothing is in fact racism, not the actual words, but the attack itself. Why is Obama less qualified to be President than Dubya? Or Bill Clinton? Clinton had a good educational record, and then went straight into politics. Obama was a Senate at state and national level, Clinton was Governor of a state but had never been in Federal politics in his life. Nor had Dubya. What's the difference then? Oh, wait, one of them is black.

Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.

You haven't proven he's a tool of the establishment. You've merely stated that you think he is. Why don't you try and prove it before going off on one?
Obama whines about the birther movement but the fact is he should have never been allowed to run for president. The evidence he was born in america is just slightly stronger than the evidence he was born in kenya and that's not good enough. We have to be 99.9% sure, not 70%, that our presidential candidates are legally eligible.
Thing about that is that now, at this point, even if someone in congress or the DOJ or any other government official were to come forward with indisputable proof that was beyond a thread of doubt, It would be best for the country to have that information buried, never to surface again. The damage to the country if he were found to have sat (actually golfed) through two terms illegally would be great. The office would lose its prestige, our political system would be torn apart by all other countries and Im not sure how it would work but, consider the damage to property and the loss of lives in the middle east brought on by his orders. That I think is something that would have to go down as the biggest cover up in the history of the world.
Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
He is not a victim of racism --- he is a purveyor and a facilitator of racism.

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