Cruz/Trump "Pro-War" Rally

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
They both oppose the deal with Iran, now they're planning this pro-war rally.

White House blasts Cruz for holding a “pro-war” rally

The White House blasted Sen. Ted Cruz, who spoke against the Iran nuclear deal Thursday, for holding what it calls a “pro-war rally” in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.

“I was aware Sen. Cruz was planning to hold a pro-war rally,” Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters at his daily briefing.

Cruz, a presidential candidate, joined Concerned Women for America, at the rally against the nuclear deal. Code Pink activists were also there supporting the deal, interrupting Cruz’s speech several times.

Earnest declined to comment on Cruz’s specific allegation that Iran will use money obtained from sanctions relief to “kill Americans.”

Read more here: White House blasts Cruz for holding a “pro-war” rally
Pro-war rally? Who in the hell would pay for it? Bush looted the Treasury on his last clusterfuck. However, if NaziCons want war - let them put some skin in the game! Reinstitute the draft. Let Trump, Cruz and the other NaziCon chickenhawks put some of their family in military uniforms and send them to the Middle East.
They both oppose the deal with Iran, now they're planning this pro-war rally.

White House blasts Cruz for holding a “pro-war” rally

The White House blasted Sen. Ted Cruz, who spoke against the Iran nuclear deal Thursday, for holding what it calls a “pro-war rally” in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.

“I was aware Sen. Cruz was planning to hold a pro-war rally,” Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters at his daily briefing.

Cruz, a presidential candidate, joined Concerned Women for America, at the rally against the nuclear deal. Code Pink activists were also there supporting the deal, interrupting Cruz’s speech several times.

Earnest declined to comment on Cruz’s specific allegation that Iran will use money obtained from sanctions relief to “kill Americans.”

Read more here: White House blasts Cruz for holding a “pro-war” rally

WTF is is about the left? They seem to have lost touch with reality, and are living in some Orwellian Never-never Land. When you say that those who are opposed to the Iran deal are "pro-war", you are using what's commonly referred to as "doublespeak". In Liberal Land, peace is war, love is hate, and freedom is slavery.

Do you really think people are that stupid? Granted, the left has lost all ability to think for themselves, but come on now, really?

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