Obama, Clinton Charged in Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy

No need for discussion, who can deny the FACTS?


You notice the Obomanation and the Hildebeast surrounded by IRANIAN MUSLIM SCUM!!!
Can we extradite them to Egypt to stand trial? Wonder what their sentences would be?

So many questions.
There is a saying in the south. "Busier then a five legged cat in a sand box full of sh8t"....
I'm not sure a five legged cat could keep up with here. Because she damn sure has the "squirts".
Can we extradite them to Egypt to stand trial? Wonder what their sentences would be?

So many questions.
The same sentence they give they rest of them...


If the Libs want a trial in the world court, give it to them.
Snopes is not a credible source.

It's a lot more credible that "The Center for Western Journalism".

If you prefer to believe everything you read on the internet , so be it.

But a modicum of common sense and critical thinking should be enough to recognize this bullshit when you see it.

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