Crossfire Hurricane, and what it means to you!


A peek into the near future....

The premature victory laps are starting to get really old.

I read the New York Times piece. It doesn't help your case.
If the IG report exposes the FBI for planting FBI spies in the Trump campaign the midterms are going to see the DEMs decimated.
It's the Independants who really decide who wins. If the IG/Mueller witchunt exposes the corruption in the DOJ/FBI the 2020 election win for Trump will be the largest in US history.
I can't wait to see Brennan/Clapper/Comey/Lynch/Obama et al wearing orange jump suits.

You hit the nail on the head, and the Left knows it also. No doubt we should buy stock in Depends as the left is going to be using a lot of them!

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no we don't know it. and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to not investigate....and find out what is true or not....were there traitors in our mist, or not? you investigate by tapping the probable criminals or by getting information from sources.....

NO ONE even had a whiff of Trump's team being under investigation by the FBI for conspiring with a foreign nation during the election run up..... not one itty bitty let us voters know....

meanwhile everything the FBI did with Clinton's investigation, was made public through leaking to hurt Hillary or grandiose press conferences by Comey....
no we don't know it. and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to not investigate....and find out what is true or not....were there traitors in our mist, or not? you investigate by tapping the probable criminals or by getting information from sources.....

NO ONE even had a whiff of Trump's team being under investigation by the FBI for conspiring with a foreign nation during the election run up..... not one itty bitty let us voters know....

meanwhile everything the FBI did with Clinton's investigation, was made public through leaking to hurt Hillary or grandiose press conferences by Comey....

That is because Clinton committed a crime, Trump did not. Wait for the IG report. You propagandists will be spinning and special pleading again.

Once more—-> far left is screwed come November. If you thought the collusion/delusion was great shakes, wait till you see what happens when you have accusations, and EVIDENCE !

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The New York times has outted the spying on Trump in a piece that takes 16 minutes to read if you are average. (6 or 7 if you are conservative, an hr if you are a far Leftist) The predicate is simple-----------> The collusion/delusion is over, and now the Left has to try and cover it up as best they can.

Just as an aside.........remember when 4 or 5 Leftists with multiple accounts times 3 insisted everyone was making it all up! Remember when all of OUR NEWS was fake news, and theirs was spot on, but it took them a year and 1/2 to even report it, lolol.

Anyway, what does this all mean to you?

Well, it depends. If you are a far Leftist, that blue wave you have been touting is probably going to turn very yellow, as all your peeps are urinating on themselves-) Many of the mighty BLUE politicians are going to be worrying about avoiding indictment, and those that aren't, are going to be looking mighty silly with all their pontificating that has been stored on YouTube about their certainty of collusion/delusion.

Now then, for the Republicans.............don't be so smug! Lotsa squishy RINOS had their hands in it too. No, not nowhere near as many as the crooked Dems, but enough we better hope there is a libertarian running in the race to vote for-)

As far as you CONSERVATIVES/LIBERTARIANS? After you get up off the floor from laughing like hell that the Democrats have managed to pull off a bigger boner than Watergate and got caught because of their arrogance, along with what will probably soon be the destruction of the Obysmal legacy.......this weekend, have a few adult beverages, you/we deserve it! We have been vindicated, and now we have PROOF POSITIVE that all the Left knows how to do is GASLIGHT along with their MSM friends.

They have lost the initiative for at least 2 election cycles as the rest of this continues to come out, and by the time Americans forgive them, we WILL have our country back-)

And then you woke up.

And now other socks will soon fall out of the dryer to parrot this Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center approved defense if Obama's sedition, treason and fascist behavior

Hillary did say that they will all be swinging from nooses
no we don't know it. and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to not investigate....and find out what is true or not....were there traitors in our mist, or not? you investigate by tapping the probable criminals or by getting information from sources.....

NO ONE even had a whiff of Trump's team being under investigation by the FBI for conspiring with a foreign nation during the election run up..... not one itty bitty let us voters know....

meanwhile everything the FBI did with Clinton's investigation, was made public through leaking to hurt Hillary or grandiose press conferences by Comey....
Good thing Mueller is all over this

The premature victory laps are starting to get really old.

I read the New York Times piece. It doesn't help your case.

Sure, but your incessant "We got Trump" shit is worse.

Your whataboutism aside, I have never posted "we got Trump" on this message board.
That doesn't mean you aren't wishing it to be so.
I think some Trump haters don't even know why they hate Trump so much...except their LIB media' house cats' keep telling them to.
If a LIB only watches MSNBC/CNN all day it's no wonder they feel the way they do.
All these piss ant bureaucrats think they are Mick Jagger...crossfire Hurricane...unreal...if it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious...we have a bunch of school children at the FBI and the DOJ and in the Obama cabal...

You feel this way about the FBI and the DOJ, yet when the same government tells you that Iran is the world's largest supplier of terrorist you buy into it without even a single question.

This is what partisanship does to a person.
Apple/Orange asshole!
You feel this way about the FBI and the DOJ, yet when the same government tells you that Iran is the world's largest supplier of terrorist you buy into it without even a single question.

This is what partisanship does to a person
That's because I take things issue by issue I avoid group think...

In other words if something matches your preconceived ideas, then it must be true...
Pot calling kettle black asshole!
All these piss ant bureaucrats think they are Mick Jagger...crossfire Hurricane...unreal...if it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious...we have a bunch of school children at the FBI and the DOJ and in the Obama cabal...

You feel this way about the FBI and the DOJ, yet when the same government tells you that Iran is the world's largest supplier of terrorist you buy into it without even a single question.

This is what partisanship does to a person.
Apple/Orange asshole!

It is the same fucking government moron, the same fucking government that sold us on the idea that invading Iraq was a good idea and would turn out well.

Their track record sucks and you sheep still follow them
no we don't know it. and the FBI would have committed a dereliction of duty to not investigate....and find out what is true or not....were there traitors in our mist, or not? you investigate by tapping the probable criminals or by getting information from sources.....

NO ONE even had a whiff of Trump's team being under investigation by the FBI for conspiring with a foreign nation during the election run up..... not one itty bitty let us voters know....

meanwhile everything the FBI did with Clinton's investigation, was made public through leaking to hurt Hillary or grandiose press conferences by Comey....
But now you LOVE Comey.
Notice how shrill the Leftists on here are getting. They must be seeing the preamble overviews on the DEMOCRAT, appointed by Obysmal, IG report also-)

Once that is released, the heads will start to roll, and there goes the Leftists vision of 2018 grandeur up in smoke.

This is going to be great, and will help MAGA!

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Well, now we know what Crossfire Hurricane has morphed into-------------> it is now called in polite, political circles...…..CROSSFIRE BOMERANG-)

Good luck Lefties, Trump is about to show the country how you people really do business in Washington, and it is going to be "Katie bar the door" in 2020.
Why, thanks for the funny Golfing. To be honest, I laughed for 2 minutes when I heard them proclaim that the new name for Crossfire Hurricane was CROSSFIRE BOMERANG too! A little levity is good in times of stress; which is why I thought Leftists would enjoy laughing with me-)
The first time I heard the expression "Crossfire Hurricane" was when I first heard the Rolling Stones' "Jumpin' Jack Flash".

The last time I heard the expression "Crossfire Hurricane" was when I last heard the Rolling Stones' "Jumpin' Jack Flash".

Which I'm hearing (again) right now.

Thanks a LOT.

OK could be worse.

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