Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

This is a great article. What we need is more free market capitalism, but neither political side are giving us that. The left is talking too much about socialism. The right pretends to be capitalists, when really they are crony capitalists. Unemployment is very low, but wages are still stagnant. We need to move away from these crony policies.

Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.

Crony capitalism is socialism lite, and anti-free enterprise. Too many of our leaders, including some who call themselves Reagan Republicans, take part in it. But for those who see socialism as a counter to the elitism they see in capitalist economies, think again. History teaches that, due to socialism’s centralized nature, there is no place more replete with cronyism than one practicing socialism.

So you admit that Obamacare was the worst thing that could have happened to the healthcare system?
I don't have an answer for the healthcare, do you? The republicans obviously don't. High healthcare costs are suffocating the economy. All the time I talk to people with business ideas, but they can't risk starting something because of healthcare costs.

See the far left talks about crony capitalism, yet looks the other way when they do it! They only blame the other side.

So another far left religious narrative debunked!
You ignored my question. How could I know what the worst thing is? It didn't work. Republican have no answer. Healthcare cost were skyrocketing before obamacare.

Exactly you did not address my question you would not admit that the far left was wrong! You will not admit that the far left was in bed with crony capitalism, you only want to blame the other side.

It is the standard debunked narrative of the far left.

Obamacare is a perfect example of what you posted in your OP and yet you will not condemn it!

Is it? What should we do for healthcare then?
No doubt, but how does this affect the market exactly?
It shows the decision is really being made by the government. I don't think that is a good thing.
The government decided to create jobs for its citizens. Unless you are in Wisconsin what is it to you?
It's a huge waste of tax dollars. So far there are no jobs. These things hurt our economy.

Well it takes time to build things and go through a lot of red tape to build a factory..

They broke ground for the plant June 28, 2018

And the far left proves they do not understand beyond their debunked religious narratives.

Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
Our government picks and chooses who wins and who loses...........And the Politicians join the self serving ranks of the millionaires club.
You think the government should be deciding who to throw money at?
Citizens should be deciding if it is in their interests.
Citizens? Explain how that works exactly.
The government is supposed to be representing the interests of its citizens. Are you in Wisconsin?
So you think the government should control the economy? You are a socialist?
I'm a Marxist, the word socialist doesn't scare me. Although I usually take exception to its loose interpretation as you have taken the liberty of here.

I don't believe the government should control the economy. I think it is a stretch to say this deal is an example of government controlling the economy. I think that Wisconsin made a decision that they feel is in the interests of its people and that has an affect on their economy.
So you admit that Obamacare was the worst thing that could have happened to the healthcare system?
I don't have an answer for the healthcare, do you? The republicans obviously don't. High healthcare costs are suffocating the economy. All the time I talk to people with business ideas, but they can't risk starting something because of healthcare costs.

See the far left talks about crony capitalism, yet looks the other way when they do it! They only blame the other side.

So another far left religious narrative debunked!
You ignored my question. How could I know what the worst thing is? It didn't work. Republican have no answer. Healthcare cost were skyrocketing before obamacare.

Exactly you did not address my question you would not admit that the far left was wrong! You will not admit that the far left was in bed with crony capitalism, you only want to blame the other side.

It is the standard debunked narrative of the far left.

Obamacare is a perfect example of what you posted in your OP and yet you will not condemn it!

Is it? What should we do for healthcare then?

See they refuse to answer the question, they will never admit that a far left system will ever fit in their religious narratives.

So you going to admit it or not?
The government decided to create jobs for its citizens. Unless you are in Wisconsin what is it to you?
It's a huge waste of tax dollars. So far there are no jobs. These things hurt our economy.
Our economy? It doesn't hurt me.
Yes it does. The money should be in the peoples hands growing the economy. Not being wasted on huge corporations.
Are you a taxpayer in the State of Wisconsin?
It is happening all over the country. Tax dollars are being wasted.
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From the PO article:

Unfortunately, many policymakers who give a great deal of lip service to free enterprise sometimes act like socialists. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, not an ideological socialist by any stretch of the imagination, championed the creation of two “deal-closing funds” when he was Texas governor that were used to pay large corporations for locating facilities in Texas. One of these funds was called the Texas Enterprise Fund. But free enterprise is the last thing anyone should think of when taxpayers who mostly pay sales taxes are tapped to pay well-established corporations such as Home Depot and Toyota for the “duh” decision of locating in business-friendly, growing Texas.

These sorts of deals are being made constantly. Arizona established a deal-making fund partly to mimic Texas’ example. Oklahoma City recently offered Amazon $1 million from city-issued bond proceeds. Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops, even before they merged, had a policy of never locating anywhere that failed to offer cash upfront or extended tax breaks. While a national chain like Olive Garden might get access to the public purse or is allowed to contribute less to it, mom and pop Italian restaurants get left out in the cold. Small competitors rarely, if ever, get the special deals from local governments that rich national chains get all the time. Examples of these deals from throughout the nation could regularly fill a daily newspaper.

The mayor of Oklahoma City justified the Amazon deal by reportedly saying, “It is the game cities are forced to play,” because everybody else is doing it and all are forced to compete. Whether or not this is a justification, when government rewards some businesses and not others with tax breaks or outright subsidies, it is a socialistic practice. Whether or not they actually succeed, government officials are attempting to control the flow of resources in our economy with state and local economic development deals. By definition, this is socialistic, because socialism involves, after all, government control of resources.

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.
It does happen everywhere, but you aren't arguing that. That it happens with such frequency is emblematic of a crumbling economic system.
It shows the decision is really being made by the government. I don't think that is a good thing.
The government decided to create jobs for its citizens. Unless you are in Wisconsin what is it to you?
It's a huge waste of tax dollars. So far there are no jobs. These things hurt our economy.

Well it takes time to build things and go through a lot of red tape to build a factory..

They broke ground for the plant June 28, 2018

And the far left proves they do not understand beyond their debunked religious narratives.

Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?
You think the government should be deciding who to throw money at?
Citizens should be deciding if it is in their interests.
Citizens? Explain how that works exactly.
The government is supposed to be representing the interests of its citizens. Are you in Wisconsin?
So you think the government should control the economy? You are a socialist?
I'm a Marxist, the word socialist doesn't scare me. Although I usually take exception to its loose interpretation as you have taken the liberty of here.

I don't believe the government should control the economy. I think it is a stretch to say this deal is an example of government controlling the economy. I think that Wisconsin made a decision that they feel is in the interests of its people and that has an affect on their economy.
Then you don't really understand economics.
Citizens should be deciding if it is in their interests.
Citizens? Explain how that works exactly.
The government is supposed to be representing the interests of its citizens. Are you in Wisconsin?
So you think the government should control the economy? You are a socialist?
I'm a Marxist, the word socialist doesn't scare me. Although I usually take exception to its loose interpretation as you have taken the liberty of here.

I don't believe the government should control the economy. I think it is a stretch to say this deal is an example of government controlling the economy. I think that Wisconsin made a decision that they feel is in the interests of its people and that has an affect on their economy.
Then you don't really understand economics.
Why do you say that?
The government decided to create jobs for its citizens. Unless you are in Wisconsin what is it to you?
It's a huge waste of tax dollars. So far there are no jobs. These things hurt our economy.

Well it takes time to build things and go through a lot of red tape to build a factory..

They broke ground for the plant June 28, 2018

And the far left proves they do not understand beyond their debunked religious narratives.

Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
It's a huge waste of tax dollars. So far there are no jobs. These things hurt our economy.

Well it takes time to build things and go through a lot of red tape to build a factory..

They broke ground for the plant June 28, 2018

And the far left proves they do not understand beyond their debunked religious narratives.

Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
In order to condemn Obamacare I would have to feel like I know what the answer is. I have said it didn't fix out problems. But I don't know what the answer is, do you? Tell me what we can do? Republicans have no answer.
Well it takes time to build things and go through a lot of red tape to build a factory..

They broke ground for the plant June 28, 2018

And the far left proves they do not understand beyond their debunked religious narratives.

Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
In order to condemn Obamacare I would have to feel like I know what the answer is. I have said it didn't fix out problems. But I don't know what the answer is, do you? Tell me what we can do? Republicans have no answer.

Exactly you will not condemn it, being far left will not allow you do so.

And the far left posting over and over say republicans have no answer is another far left debunked talking point.

So you see you are ok with things as long as it is far left and you can blame anyone with an (R) next to their name..
Our government picks and chooses who wins and who loses...........And the Politicians join the self serving ranks of the millionaires club.
That's the American way, always has been.
It is not supposed to be the way.............Founders wanted a limited gov't for this very reason...........Once we gave Gov't to hand out for anything they our politicians should have Nascar suits on.
Sure and it might create few jobs and be gone in 5 years, 20 years short of the break even. You think gov should be picking winners and losers?

And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
In order to condemn Obamacare I would have to feel like I know what the answer is. I have said it didn't fix out problems. But I don't know what the answer is, do you? Tell me what we can do? Republicans have no answer.

Exactly you will not condemn it, being far left will not allow you do so.

And the far left posting over and over say republicans have no answer is another far left debunked talking point.

So you see you are ok with things as long as it is far left and you can blame anyone with an (R) next to their name..
If it is debunked then please tell me how we will fix healthcare. The costs continue to skyrocket.
And yet another prime example of the far left showing they were ok with Obama stimulus and yet can not handle it when a company wants to build in the US.

Nothing but debunked far left narratives in this one.

Foxconn is expected to contribute $51.5 billion to Wisconsin's GDP over the next 15 years, which is $3.4 billion dollars annually

Then again you have shown you are ok with far left picking winners and losers as well as giving corporate welfare to the insurance industry and big pharma..
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
In order to condemn Obamacare I would have to feel like I know what the answer is. I have said it didn't fix out problems. But I don't know what the answer is, do you? Tell me what we can do? Republicans have no answer.

Exactly you will not condemn it, being far left will not allow you do so.

And the far left posting over and over say republicans have no answer is another far left debunked talking point.

So you see you are ok with things as long as it is far left and you can blame anyone with an (R) next to their name..
If it is debunked then please tell me how we will fix healthcare. The costs continue to skyrocket.

I see you still avoid the question as Obamacare and Foxxcon are the same, by your own standards. Yet you refuse to admit it.

This is the standard far left mindset, they will do all they can to avoid admitting Obamcare as the failure it is.

Although they can not understand why the costs are skyrocketing after allowing the insurance companies, large medical companies and big pharma to write the law.
I haven't said that at all. I've said solyndra was the same as foxconn. Why is it repubs know solyndra was bad, but they support foxconn?

YEs you have as you will not condemn obomacare and admit it is horrid..

And no you never said that til now. But Obamacare and Foxxcon would the same as well, based on your logic..

Because one has solid plan (sustainability) and the other never really had one (even Bush rejected Solyndra). Just that the far left big donors would make millions on this, even knowing it would fail.
In order to condemn Obamacare I would have to feel like I know what the answer is. I have said it didn't fix out problems. But I don't know what the answer is, do you? Tell me what we can do? Republicans have no answer.

Exactly you will not condemn it, being far left will not allow you do so.

And the far left posting over and over say republicans have no answer is another far left debunked talking point.

So you see you are ok with things as long as it is far left and you can blame anyone with an (R) next to their name..
If it is debunked then please tell me how we will fix healthcare. The costs continue to skyrocket.

I see you still avoid the question as Obamacare and Foxxcon are the same, by your own standards. Yet you refuse to admit it.

This is the standard far left mindset, they will do all they can to avoid admitting Obamcare as the failure it is.

Although they can not understand why the costs are skyrocketing after allowing the insurance companies, large medical companies and big pharma to write the law.
You keep repeating yourself like a moron.

Obamacare and Foxconn are not the same. Heathcare is not going to fix itself obviously, something needs to be done. If it makes sense for Foxconn to start manufacturing in the the US they are going to come here without the government throwing money at them.

Now again, how are we going to fix healthcare? You seem to think you know so please share.
Our government picks and chooses who wins and who loses...........And the Politicians join the self serving ranks of the millionaires club.
That's the American way, always has been.
It is not supposed to be the way.............Founders wanted a limited gov't for this very reason...........Once we gave Gov't to hand out for anything they our politicians should have Nascar suits on.
The founders payed the cost of safe passage for merchant vessels passing the Barbary States. It was costing the country a fortune.
Our government picks and chooses who wins and who loses...........And the Politicians join the self serving ranks of the millionaires club.
That's the American way, always has been.
It is not supposed to be the way.............Founders wanted a limited gov't for this very reason...........Once we gave Gov't to hand out for anything they our politicians should have Nascar suits on.
The founders payed the cost of safe passage for merchant vessels passing the Barbary States. It was costing the country a fortune.
Until they built a Navy and created the marines and kicked their asses.
Our government picks and chooses who wins and who loses...........And the Politicians join the self serving ranks of the millionaires club.
That's the American way, always has been.
It is not supposed to be the way.............Founders wanted a limited gov't for this very reason...........Once we gave Gov't to hand out for anything they our politicians should have Nascar suits on.
The founders payed the cost of safe passage for merchant vessels passing the Barbary States. It was costing the country a fortune.
Until they built a Navy and created the marines and kicked their asses.
Right, and we have never looked back. The US taxpayer pays to protect private capitalist interests around the globe. You sound happy that the government is picking winners and losers.

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