Criticism of Israel is NOT Anti-Semitism

Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

When one begins hurling personal insults on a talkboard, it is clear that the person hurling the insults has lost the plot. And, I have made no antisemitic remarks, ever. You should learn to spell the word correctly, it would help disguise (for a while) your absolute ignorance and lack of education.
"Jews were already in the area, as well as Christians and Muslims, More Arabs also emmigrated to the area in early 1900s as well, to get jobs."

Some facts from source documents:

Population of Jews in Palestine.

"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
"Jews were already in the area, as well as Christians and Muslims, More Arabs also emmigrated to the area in early 1900s as well, to get jobs."

Some facts from source documents:

Population of Jews in Palestine.

"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

And there was the British mandate, so it wasnt illegal for Jews to buy land. More than any other people , Jews have a historical tie to that land, Longer than anyone else. Much longer than the people called palestinians. Seems only logical after WW2 especialy that Jews with nowhere else to go except maybe the US try and settle there once again. There definately may be varying degrees of unfairness, but i have a problem with people who say Israel is practicing Genocide when they have tried to make peace. (not that you have said that)

The people of Palestine (of changing religions but the same people) have lived in the area for over 5,000 years. Far longer than the Europeans that started invading/settling in the late 1800s.

Keep squirming all you want, Jew hater.

Jewish spiritual and physical ties to the land are undeniable and longer than anybody else. The Jewish state is a done deal, and here to stay.

Anti Zionism is anti semetism.

Who's squirming gentile hater? Demographic trends in the lands controlled by Israeli Jews will result in either in the continuation of apartheid, genocide/ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews or the creation of a secular democratic state that, of course could not be a Jewish state. There isn't a two-state solution anymore, unfortunately.

Keep dreaming. Jews are settling in their ancient homeland of Judeah and Samaria and will soon be annexing it and making it part of Israel. There is no other possible outcome. It's only a question of when and not if.

So, we agree. We only differ on what the best outcome is. I would prefer a secular democratic state for all the people of Palestine (including Israeli Jews) and you probably prefer an Apartheid state or ethnic cleansing/genocide of the non-Jews. Correct?
Is that what the OP says?
Forgot, English isn't your first language.

What's yours Achmed, Arabic?

English. Although I did learn French at school, along with Spanish, Greek and Latin, but I'm a bit rusty in all of those. I also know a bit of German, Swedish, Polish and Turkish from travelling to those countries in my time. Tried learning Arabic once, never could master it though, couldn't get to grips with the writing.

Interesting how you use the Russian/Eastern European spelling of the name "Ahmed"

Well even though the Koran is written in Arabic, many Muslims don't actually speak the language. Interesting how you pinpointed the spelling of the Muslim name Achmed, and can designate a region of the world based on how it's spelled. Must be from knowing so many Achmeds, Ahmed. :rofl:

there are a number of databases that give the origins, meanings and locations for names. Even one for the FBI to help with unfamiliar names.
My father could tell you that origins, background and even some family history of names and faces. Much like looking at the eyes and nose to determine where someone's family originated from.

Well actually Achmed is a Muslim name and you'll find it spelled only one way, in Arabic letters. How an individual Muslim decides to spell his Arabic origin name in the West in English, French, Spanish using Latin letters is pretty much up to them. You will find that immigrants from the same Muslim country with the same first or last name will often spell it differently, depending on the name, of course. For example with "Ali" there isn't much wiggle room, but you get into certain names with consonants and vowels that don't even exist in the English language, and the spelling is all over the place.
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.
And there was the British mandate, so it wasnt illegal for Jews to buy land. More than any other people , Jews have a historical tie to that land, Longer than anyone else. Much longer than the people called palestinians. Seems only logical after WW2 especialy that Jews with nowhere else to go except maybe the US try and settle there once again. There definately may be varying degrees of unfairness, but i have a problem with people who say Israel is practicing Genocide when they have tried to make peace. (not that you have said that)

The people of Palestine (of changing religions but the same people) have lived in the area for over 5,000 years. Far longer than the Europeans that started invading/settling in the late 1800s.

Keep squirming all you want, Jew hater.

Jewish spiritual and physical ties to the land are undeniable and longer than anybody else. The Jewish state is a done deal, and here to stay.

Anti Zionism is anti semetism.

Who's squirming gentile hater? Demographic trends in the lands controlled by Israeli Jews will result in either in the continuation of apartheid, genocide/ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews or the creation of a secular democratic state that, of course could not be a Jewish state. There isn't a two-state solution anymore, unfortunately.

Keep dreaming. Jews are settling in their ancient homeland of Judeah and Samaria and will soon be annexing it and making it part of Israel. There is no other possible outcome. It's only a question of when and not if.

So, we agree. We only differ on what the best outcome is. I would prefer a secular democratic state for all the people of Palestine (including Israeli Jews) and you probably prefer an Apartheid state or ethnic cleansing/genocide of the non-Jews. Correct?

The outcome is already happening. Israel will eventually annex the West Bank. The Arabs that stay, will learn to live and love the Jewish state, as do the 1.8 Million Arab Muslims that are Israeli citizens with full rights. Might take a few generations, but it will happen.
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.

As I said before differing with policies doesn't make one an anti semite. Even Israelis criticise Isrseli policies.

An anti ZIONIST, however, which is what you are, is just another name for Jew hater. Just as being an anti American, against the existence of America, would make you an America hater.
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The people of Palestine (of changing religions but the same people) have lived in the area for over 5,000 years. Far longer than the Europeans that started invading/settling in the late 1800s.

Keep squirming all you want, Jew hater.

Jewish spiritual and physical ties to the land are undeniable and longer than anybody else. The Jewish state is a done deal, and here to stay.

Anti Zionism is anti semetism.

Who's squirming gentile hater? Demographic trends in the lands controlled by Israeli Jews will result in either in the continuation of apartheid, genocide/ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews or the creation of a secular democratic state that, of course could not be a Jewish state. There isn't a two-state solution anymore, unfortunately.

Keep dreaming. Jews are settling in their ancient homeland of Judeah and Samaria and will soon be annexing it and making it part of Israel. There is no other possible outcome. It's only a question of when and not if.

So, we agree. We only differ on what the best outcome is. I would prefer a secular democratic state for all the people of Palestine (including Israeli Jews) and you probably prefer an Apartheid state or ethnic cleansing/genocide of the non-Jews. Correct?

The outcome is already happening. Israel will eventually annex the West Bank. The Arabs that stay, will learn to live and love the Jewish state, as do the 1.8 Million Arab Muslims that are Israeli citizens with full rights. Might take a few generations, but it will happen.

Why would Arab Christians and Muslims ever "love" a Jewish state? The Arab Israelis do not love the Jewish state. Why would a Christian or a Muslim "love" a state that declares itself of another religion. You are dreaming. As Roger Cohen of the NYT said:

"If there will be one state, it will be an Arab state. The other option is an Israeli dictatorship, probably a religious nationalist dictatorship, suppressing the Palestinians and suppressing its Jewish opponents.”
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.

As I said before differing with policies doesn't make one an anti semite. Even Israelis criticise Isrseli policies.

An anti ZIONIST, however, which is what you are, is just another name name for Jew hater. Just as being an anti American, against the existence of America, would make you an America hater.

One can be against the Zionist policy of removing the Christians and Muslims from Palestine and creating a Jewish State in Palestine just as an American can look back and be against "manifest destiny" which contributed to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native americans. Your idea that anyone that is against genocide and ethnic cleansing is an antisemite if it is Israel committing it, is ludicrous.
Forgot, English isn't your first language.

What's yours Achmed, Arabic?

English. Although I did learn French at school, along with Spanish, Greek and Latin, but I'm a bit rusty in all of those. I also know a bit of German, Swedish, Polish and Turkish from travelling to those countries in my time. Tried learning Arabic once, never could master it though, couldn't get to grips with the writing.

Interesting how you use the Russian/Eastern European spelling of the name "Ahmed"

Well even though the Koran is written in Arabic, many Muslims don't actually speak the language. Interesting how you pinpointed the spelling of the Muslim name Achmed, and can designate a region of the world based on how it's spelled. Must be from knowing so many Achmeds, Ahmed. :rofl:

there are a number of databases that give the origins, meanings and locations for names. Even one for the FBI to help with unfamiliar names.
My father could tell you that origins, background and even some family history of names and faces. Much like looking at the eyes and nose to determine where someone's family originated from.

Well actually Achmed is a Muslim name and you'll find it spelled only one way, in Arabic letters. How an individual Muslim decides to spell his Arabic origin name in the West in English, French, Spanish using Latin letters is pretty much up to them. You will find that immigrants from the same Muslim country with the same first or last name will often spell it differently, depending on the name, of course. For example with "Ali" there isn't much wiggle room, but you get into certain names with consonants and vowels that don't even exist in the English language, and the spelling is all over the place.

Ahmad - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Variant form(s) Achmad, Achmat, Achmed, Achmet, Ahmat, Ahmet, Ahmadu, Amadou
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

When one begins hurling personal insults on a talkboard, it is clear that the person hurling the insults has lost the plot. And, I have made no antisemitic remarks, ever. You should learn to spell the word correctly, it would help disguise (for a while) your absolute ignorance and lack of education.

When a terrorist worshipper begins to play an anti Semetic clip that is stereotypical of Jews, he shouldn't be surprised when he gets insulted.
Keep squirming all you want, Jew hater.

Jewish spiritual and physical ties to the land are undeniable and longer than anybody else. The Jewish state is a done deal, and here to stay.

Anti Zionism is anti semetism.

Who's squirming gentile hater? Demographic trends in the lands controlled by Israeli Jews will result in either in the continuation of apartheid, genocide/ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews or the creation of a secular democratic state that, of course could not be a Jewish state. There isn't a two-state solution anymore, unfortunately.

Keep dreaming. Jews are settling in their ancient homeland of Judeah and Samaria and will soon be annexing it and making it part of Israel. There is no other possible outcome. It's only a question of when and not if.

So, we agree. We only differ on what the best outcome is. I would prefer a secular democratic state for all the people of Palestine (including Israeli Jews) and you probably prefer an Apartheid state or ethnic cleansing/genocide of the non-Jews. Correct?

The outcome is already happening. Israel will eventually annex the West Bank. The Arabs that stay, will learn to live and love the Jewish state, as do the 1.8 Million Arab Muslims that are Israeli citizens with full rights. Might take a few generations, but it will happen.

Why would Arab Christians and Muslims ever "love" a Jewish state? The Arab Israelis do not love the Jewish state. Why would a Christian or a Muslim "love" a state that declares itself of another religion. You are dreaming. As Roger Cohen of the NYT said:

"If there will be one state, it will be an Arab state. The other option is an Israeli dictatorship, probably a religious nationalist dictatorship, suppressing the Palestinians and suppressing its Jewish opponents.”

Yada yada yada. Poll after poll shows that the 1.8 million Arab Muslims that are Israeli citizens enjoy the highest standards of living, which is why they prefer living there over ANY other Muslim country. Israel unlike Muslim shitholes is a tolerant democratic society.
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.

As I said before differing with policies doesn't make one an anti semite. Even Israelis criticise Isrseli policies.

An anti ZIONIST, however, which is what you are, is just another name name for Jew hater. Just as being an anti American, against the existence of America, would make you an America hater.

One can be against the Zionist policy of removing the Christians and Muslims from Palestine and creating a Jewish State in Palestine just as an American can look back and be against "manifest destiny" which contributed to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native americans. Your idea that anyone that is against genocide and ethnic cleansing is an antisemite if it is Israel committing it, is ludicrous.

You anti Semites keep blabbering the same idiotic things. The Arabs were then ones that tried to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide, not the Jews. And it started with the Hebron massacre of 1929 where Muslim animals cleansed the presence of an ancient Jewish community. The population of "Palestinians" in the region has multiplied exponentially in the last 90 years. That's because they are recent invaders from neighboring lands.

Pali Nazi lovers love to blurt out words like genocide and ethnic cleansing without even knowing what they mean. Must be because they apply best to the Arabs / Muslims.
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.

As I said before differing with policies doesn't make one an anti semite. Even Israelis criticise Isrseli policies.

An anti ZIONIST, however, which is what you are, is just another name name for Jew hater. Just as being an anti American, against the existence of America, would make you an America hater.

One can be against the Zionist policy of removing the Christians and Muslims from Palestine and creating a Jewish State in Palestine just as an American can look back and be against "manifest destiny" which contributed to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native americans. Your idea that anyone that is against genocide and ethnic cleansing is an antisemite if it is Israel committing it, is ludicrous.

You anti Semites keep blabbering the same idiotic things. The Arabs were then ones that tried to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide, not the Jews. And it started with the Hebron massacre of 1929 where Muslim animals cleansed the presence of an ancient Jewish community. The population of "Palestinians" in the region has multiplied exponentially in the last 90 years. That's because they are recent invaders from neighboring lands.

Pali Nazi lovers love to blurt out words like genocide and ethnic cleansing without even knowing what they mean. Must be because they apply best to the Arabs / Muslims.

How can that be Ruddy? The Jews were in Europe and went to Palestine and evicted the Christians and Muslims living there. Of course the Christians and Muslims tried to resist the invasion of Europeans.

The facts show that the recent invaders are the Jews, of 414,456 migrants to Palestine from 1920 to 1946, 376,415 were Jews. That is about 90% of the migrants were Jews. These are just facts Ruddy. You have bought the propaganda.

Do you mean that Ukrainians cannot be against Russian nationalism of the people in the East of Ukraine? Do you mean that Palestinians cannot be against an ideology that evicted them from their homes? What an extraordinary notion. Demonstrates how delusional these zionutters are.
O.K., Nostrodamus, what is your definition of anti-Zionist and remember, the subject is about Jews.

Disagreeing with this, for example.

"Representatives of American-Jewish businessman Irving Moskowitz on Monday took over a room in the home of the Hamdallah family in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. As in previous cases, the emissaries of Moskowitz, whose foundation raises funds for Jewish housing projects in Arab neighborhoods, enjoy a privilege that East Jerusalem's Palestinians don't have: to get back property that was abandoned during the 1948 War of Independence."


So they reclaimed Jewish owned property from the arab muslim land thieves, so what is so wrong about that then Abdul. Isnt that what you claim the arab muslims are trying to do in Israel with their brand new land deeds and rusty old keys ?
Do you mean that Ukrainians cannot be against Russian nationalism of the people in the East of Ukraine? Do you mean that Palestinians cannot be against an ideology that evicted them from their homes? What an extraordinary notion. Demonstrates how delusional these zionutters are.
O.K., Nostrodamus, what is your definition of anti-Zionist and remember, the subject is about Jews.

I thought the subject was about criticism of Israel, not Jewish people?

Same thing isn't it, just as criticism of Palestinians is also criticism of ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS
The least you could do is learn to spell antisemitism. Being against Zionism, as some Jews are, is not antisemitism.

Depends on the individuals definition of Zionism. Any thing other than it is the belief that the Jews should have a national home in the region where their historic roots lie and the right to defend that nation and people from all acts of violence, war and belligerence.

So your definition of Zionism makes you ANTI_SEMITIC ( 3 ways of spelling the same thing, and all are in common usage )
Do you mean that Ukrainians cannot be against Russian nationalism of the people in the East of Ukraine? Do you mean that Palestinians cannot be against an ideology that evicted them from their homes? What an extraordinary notion. Demonstrates how delusional these zionutters are.
O.K., Nostrodamus, what is your definition of anti-Zionist and remember, the subject is about Jews.

Disagreeing with this, for example.

"Representatives of American-Jewish businessman Irving Moskowitz on Monday took over a room in the home of the Hamdallah family in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. As in previous cases, the emissaries of Moskowitz, whose foundation raises funds for Jewish housing projects in Arab neighborhoods, enjoy a privilege that East Jerusalem's Palestinians don't have: to get back property that was abandoned during the 1948 War of Independence."


So they reclaimed Jewish owned property from the arab muslim land thieves, so what is so wrong about that then Abdul. Isnt that what you claim the arab muslims are trying to do in Israel with their brand new land deeds and rusty old keys ?

It was never Jewish owned. Just stolen by a Jew. The Christians and Muslims owned 90% of the property in Palestine in 1946.
You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

What's an "anti semtic". If you mean "antisemitic", what leads you to that conclusion? Differing with Israel's policies, does make one antisemitic.

As I said before differing with policies doesn't make one an anti semite. Even Israelis criticise Isrseli policies.

An anti ZIONIST, however, which is what you are, is just another name name for Jew hater. Just as being an anti American, against the existence of America, would make you an America hater.

One can be against the Zionist policy of removing the Christians and Muslims from Palestine and creating a Jewish State in Palestine just as an American can look back and be against "manifest destiny" which contributed to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native americans. Your idea that anyone that is against genocide and ethnic cleansing is an antisemite if it is Israel committing it, is ludicrous.

You anti Semites keep blabbering the same idiotic things. The Arabs were then ones that tried to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide, not the Jews. And it started with the Hebron massacre of 1929 where Muslim animals cleansed the presence of an ancient Jewish community. The population of "Palestinians" in the region has multiplied exponentially in the last 90 years. That's because they are recent invaders from neighboring lands.

Pali Nazi lovers love to blurt out words like genocide and ethnic cleansing without even knowing what they mean. Must be because they apply best to the Arabs / Muslims.

How can that be Ruddy? The Jews were in Europe and went to Palestine and evicted the Christians and Muslims living there. Of course the Christians and Muslims tried to resist the invasion of Europeans.

The facts show that the recent invaders are the Jews, of 414,456 migrants to Palestine from 1920 to 1946, 376,415 were Jews. That is about 90% of the migrants were Jews. These are just facts Ruddy. You have bought the propaganda.

View attachment 36745

Why do you concentrate on a 26 year window when the immigration to Palestine started in 1850 and carried on until 2007. Can you explain the almost miraculous 1200 births per 1000 people needed to show the increase that was achieved by the arab muslims during this time frame. The only possible answer to this is illegal immigration on a vast scale
Ancient Israel is gone too. Rome is called the Eternal City for a reason, and has been Rome continuously since Romulus and Remus, and the Romans never went anywhere they are in Italy today. Same for Greece and Egypt.

But it reminds me of this. You have the same unwarranted hubris that the Jew in this had, until straightened out:

You played this idiotic clip before, you anti semtic asswipe.

There is no hubris. Jews are back in their ancient homeland, practicing the same religion, traditions, and speaking the same language as their ancestors did. I'd say the years in exile have taught the Jewish people to survive and coexist, while maintaining their identity.

If the Kurds end up getting their state, they too would also be a realization of an ancient people back in their homeland, having survived thousands of years of suffering and being in exile.

When one begins hurling personal insults on a talkboard, it is clear that the person hurling the insults has lost the plot. And, I have made no antisemitic remarks, ever. You should learn to spell the word correctly, it would help disguise (for a while) your absolute ignorance and lack of education.

When a terrorist worshipper begins to play an anti Semetic clip that is stereotypical of Jews, he shouldn't be surprised when he gets insulted.

What was antisemitic about the clip?
Do you mean that Ukrainians cannot be against Russian nationalism of the people in the East of Ukraine? Do you mean that Palestinians cannot be against an ideology that evicted them from their homes? What an extraordinary notion. Demonstrates how delusional these zionutters are.
O.K., Nostrodamus, what is your definition of anti-Zionist and remember, the subject is about Jews.

Disagreeing with this, for example.

"Representatives of American-Jewish businessman Irving Moskowitz on Monday took over a room in the home of the Hamdallah family in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amud. As in previous cases, the emissaries of Moskowitz, whose foundation raises funds for Jewish housing projects in Arab neighborhoods, enjoy a privilege that East Jerusalem's Palestinians don't have: to get back property that was abandoned during the 1948 War of Independence."


So they reclaimed Jewish owned property from the arab muslim land thieves, so what is so wrong about that then Abdul. Isnt that what you claim the arab muslims are trying to do in Israel with their brand new land deeds and rusty old keys ?

It was never Jewish owned. Just stolen by a Jew. The Christians and Muslims owned 90% of the property in Palestine in 1946.

LINK from a non partisan source that can be verified

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