Crisis in the Classroom: Surge of illegal immigrant kids poses challenge for schools


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Mar 16, 2010
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Crisis in the Classroom: Surge of illegal immigrant kids poses challenge for schools
Crisis in the Classroom Surge of illegal immigrant kids poses challenge for schools Fox News

By Mike Emanuel

Published August 29, 2014
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What was a crisis on America's southern border is now turning into a major challenge for school administrators across the country.

Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors have crossed into the U.S. in recent months, and those not being held in health department-run facilities have in many cases been sent to live with sponsors, who are typically extended family members. As the new school year begins, the children, who in many cases don't speak English and have limited reading skills, are showing up for class.

This has raised questions in local districts about the strain it could put on teachers.

"They may have only gone to 2nd or 3rd grade, have limited literacy in their first language. That does create a different kind of teaching impact on a school than our traditional immigrant families," Anne Arundel County, Md., administrator Kelly Reider told Fox affiliate WBFF.

Other officials, including the mayor of Lynn, Mass., have traveled to Washington seeking answers from the Obama administration.

"I love the fact that Lynn is a diverse community," Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy said. "By speaking out about this, I have been called a racist, I have been called a hater. That is not the case. I'm simply looking at this from the point of view of the economic impact it has had on my city."

Why should we spend taxpayers dollars on educating the third world?
Because they will all grow up to be doctors. Really. Just ask them. The most common answer among Hispanic immigrant children to the question what do you want to do when you grow up is to be a doctor. This is what they are told to say.

Then ask them about grades, what science or biology courses do they take, can they read, write their own names. They have no interest. But they will quickly tell you how they intend to be doctors.
obamacare dokters . paid a stipend to fight and kure disezz !!
Crisis in the Classroom: Surge of illegal immigrant kids poses challenge for schools
Crisis in the Classroom Surge of illegal immigrant kids poses challenge for schools Fox News

By Mike Emanuel

Published August 29, 2014
What was a crisis on America's southern border is now turning into a major challenge for school administrators across the country.

Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors have crossed into the U.S. in recent months, and those not being held in health department-run facilities have in many cases been sent to live with sponsors, who are typically extended family members. As the new school year begins, the children, who in many cases don't speak English and have limited reading skills, are showing up for class.

This has raised questions in local districts about the strain it could put on teachers.

"They may have only gone to 2nd or 3rd grade, have limited literacy in their first language. That does create a different kind of teaching impact on a school than our traditional immigrant families," Anne Arundel County, Md., administrator Kelly Reider told Fox affiliate WBFF.

Other officials, including the mayor of Lynn, Mass., have traveled to Washington seeking answers from the Obama administration.

"I love the fact that Lynn is a diverse community," Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy said. "By speaking out about this, I have been called a racist, I have been called a hater. That is not the case. I'm simply looking at this from the point of view of the economic impact it has had on my city."

Why should we spend taxpayers dollars on educating the third world?

^ racist...amiright?
best to send them nationwide , maybe open the eyes of some people who won't believe what they are seeing . Best when they end up in some nice little Podunk city .

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