Crime is out of control in Oakland California

Despite charges ranging from violent entry on Capitol grounds to assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon, approximately 70% of the charged Capitol rioters from January 6 have been released on pretrial bond, The Guardian reported Friday.

Another lying, MAGA Trump Humper.

100s were locked up and tortured for over three years no bail, no trial. Stuff it and stuff your BS number. Not talking about a grandma arrested for being in the stairs.
Despite charges ranging from violent entry on Capitol grounds to assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon, approximately 70% of the charged Capitol rioters from January 6 have been released on pretrial bond, The Guardian reported Friday.

A lie doesn't care who tells it.
The other 30 % were treated to Soviet gulag no bail lawfare
100s were locked up and tortured for over three years no bail, no trial. Stuff it and stuff your BS number. Not talking about a grandma arrested for being in the stairs.
+ Not one Firearm was confiscated in the Capital Building in the entire hours of the crowds walking through ( Not even Byrd’s Glock that actually killed someone )
You are one ignorant POS, fools like you act as if whites are crime free.
I have never said that

Maybe what may have caused your knee to jerk was when I said if black people in the ghetto learned to act white they would advance faster and someday catch up with other groups

That may be tough for you to hear

But its good advice

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