Creationists suffer another legal defeat

And this essentially always comes back to the best logic you can provide: everything based on what you see. I'll come back to this later in my next post. But the fact remains that it is all effects that an object has on the world that determines its existence, not just visibility.

Yeah, that was the logic I though you atheists fell head over heals for and now you are belittleing me for using your logic. Make up you mind. You goin' mystic on me?:lol:
You have consistently demonstrated to have NO CLUE about the underlying methods of scientific reasoning, and yet you continue to assume you understand it? This has nothing to do with "you atheists". It has to do with scientific exploration, which is equivalent to evidence based reasoning.

So let's set the record straight once again. Our eyes are very limited in the visible spectrum of evidence. We have a number of methods of examining the world outside of what we can simply see with the naked eye. This includes but is not limited to simple magnification. So while you are limited to your poor blinded vision, I am limited to any developed method of detecting any physical interaction in this world. Molecular, genetics, you name it. Who do you think understands more?

LIGHT said:
False. Existence CAN be disproven. I can easily disprove that I have a billion dollars in my bank account. I can easily disprove that there are any pigs in a barn as I already gave you the example of and you so conveniently ignored.
Your two horrible examples do not examine the possibility of existence of an object or concept. They examine locations of items that are already known to be in existence. Once again you are incapable of congruent comparisons. You are not disproving whether pigs exist, you are just stating they aren't in your barn. In the EXACT same manner, you cannot disprove god, but you can state there is no evidence that shows god to exist in this world.

LIGHT said:
False. Evolution may defined as change over time but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS gets used to state that everything evolved from a single cell.
No. This is once again your stupidity and lack of understanding of the concept shining through. Evolution is a theory about life changing over time. It does not explain origins of life, nor does it EVER state that everything evolved from a single cell.

I will repeat this because you seem completely ignorant of the concept: evolution in no way states everything evolved from a single cell. You cannot find a single study on evolution that states such a thing, nor any review textbook.

So once again you demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge on the topic, and still think you are in a position to contribute a valuable opinion. This is the mark of true ignorance. You define it.

LIGHT said:
But once again you bring things back to the normal creationist stupidity of "I don't understand something so therefore it's all magic".

NO, that is your repeated mantra but has nothing to do with the way creationists work. I attribute the facts to creation because that is what I OBSERVE. Machines don't evolve from nothing nor does a car turn into an airplane with a bunch of sun added to it. You have never OBSERVED life coming from nothing nor apes turn into humans, yet because of your ignorance in the matter you choose to believe that humans came from apes just because they look the same. That reminds me of something.:eusa_think:
See you use the word "ignorance" when you disagree with me. I use the word "ignorance" when you say something stupid and absolutely unsubstantiated, and point it out specifically. You claim creationists have nothing to do with attributing the divine to things they don't understand, and yet I can present you with the concept of "irreducible complexity". Once again I use supporting evidence and you use..... NOTHING. I have stated this for the past 3 posts and you have dodged it each time. NOTICE how when I claim you dodge things, I point to specifics? You should try that sometime. The idea of irreducible complexity is the well documented reasoning of creationism which completely supports my claim, and refutes yours.

Furthermore, evolution in no way states humans evolved from apes. Once again you show you are completely clueless on the topic, and yet continue your unsupported verbal diarrhea.

LIGHT said:
Sun worship. Because the sun looks terrible and frightful and mightier than I it must be god.
Sounds silly, right? Except you JUST did the exact same thing with nature, claiming it must be a sign of divinity. Tell me why?

LIGHT said:
Try this little thought experiment. Right now, there's a magic fairy sitting on your shoulder. "You cannot empirically prove that the fairy does not exist". Are you exercising FAITH that the fairy isn't on your shoulder? You tell me.

Yes. By "believing" in the Bible I "believe" that there are no such things as Santa or magic fairies in the sense I think you are intending the term to mean.

Try this little experiment. Stick a frog in the blender and blend it up real good. Now what you have in front of you is all the necessary components of life sitting in that blender. All you need to do now is add some energy. Pulse it a couple of times maybe.. Now you have life right?
No, but keep making blind stabs in the dark about what you think evolution is, because you saying stupid things about a topic in which you clearly have no education or general knowledge this many times is just entertaining.

So you are exercising FAITH that there isn't a fairy on your shoulder? The bible is the only thing keeping you from believing in fairies on your shoulder? Really? That's sad.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.

That sums it up pretty well. Science does a pretty good job of describing things but it has no credible explanations for the creation of the universe or the spark of life. The theory of evolution only (incompletely) describes why lifeforms change over time. Many people assume that science will be able to answer all questions given enough time and effort but that is not true. Science has just replaced religion as the right 'faith' to believe in.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.

That sums it up pretty well. Science does a pretty good job of describing things but it has no credible explanations for the creation of the universe or the spark of life. The theory of evolution only (incompletely) describes why lifeforms change over time. Many people assume that science will be able to answer all questions given enough time and effort but that is not true. Science has just replaced religion as the right 'faith' to believe in.

So again, ignorance points to a god. So god=ignorance?
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.
Evolution in no way has anything to do with the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.
Atheism is not another religion. This is facts we are pressing, not belief.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.

It is not publically adhering to Christianity that atheists are against. It is the need to shove it into our faces and force it into law. The push to teach ID in schools is just one of the prevalent examples here. That is not simply 'publically' practicing Christianity, it is using the schools to promote Christian beliefs to those that may not be Christian.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.

I don't know about ALL christians but I certainly have read enough of YOUR posts to know that YOU are an ignorant pissant.

if people sneer at you it is probably because you are such a vile,loathsome, rotten insulting little jerk

you do NOT civilly disagree with insult them
you mock them

asshole that YOU are
you DEMAND respect for your ignorant beliefs

I have no doubt that the ignorant scumbag you are at the age of twelve will NOT disappear when you eventually reach 20
or 30

you will ALWAYS be a rotten, loathsome, vile worm demanding,mocking everyone you disagree with and then demanding respect for your idiotic beliefs
this isn't discrimination against Christians. its protection of vulnerable children in public schools so they are not brought up learning fairy tales and that if they don't follow ten rules they will burn in hell. it is about preserving our country and attempting to regain our former supremacy in math, science, and engineering instead of filling a generation's head with lunacy that directly contradicts provable science.

Actually--there are more than ten rules!

I bet you do not know when slavery is allowable according to scripture, do you?:p
The simplest way to preserve conscience and belief in the public square remains, as always, to teach evolution in science class and creationism/ID in the liberal arts classroom. Any other measure reveals an effort by the proponents of a side to compromise tax-funded activities.

Why are you mad at Texas when they discriminate against gays, but cheer when they discriminate against Christians? Just odd

this isn't discrimination against Christians. its protection of vulnerable children in public schools so they are not brought up learning fairy tales and that if they don't follow ten rules they will burn in hell. it is about preserving our country and attempting to regain our former supremacy in math, science, and engineering instead of filling a generation's head with lunacy that directly contradicts provable science.

Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.
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The Light is not the example of what our school systems should strive to emulate.
Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.
I love it when you say things that are utterly stupid. It's so entertaining.

The SAT has nothing to do with scientific reasoning or evolution. The structure includes examination of reading, mathematics, and writing. What part of that do you feel is influenced by evolution? I'm interested in hearing your moronic attempt at reasoning that one out. But I suppose you'll just either completely ignore me pointing out your stupidity, or make some vague claim I am dodging some invisible point you never made.

You say students are better of with science, and yet you consistently prove you have no clue what science actually is. Better luck next time.
Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.
I love it when you say things that are utterly stupid. It's so entertaining.

The SAT has nothing to do with scientific reasoning or evolution. The structure includes examination of reading, mathematics, and writing. What part of that do you feel is influenced by evolution? I'm interested in hearing your moronic attempt at reasoning that one out. But I suppose you'll just either completely ignore me pointing out your stupidity, or make some vague claim I am dodging some invisible point you never made.

You say students are better of with science, and yet you consistently prove you have no clue what science actually is. Better luck next time.

Explaining anything to you is like explaining math to Ma and Pa Kettle.

[ame=""]YouTube - Ma & Pa Kettle Math[/ame]

So being called stupid by you is a complement.
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Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation. If you're so gung-ho on science, you should start with logic.

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.

I agree. But you don't seem to know what science is.
The Light has no idea what science is or is about. Silly fool, The Light.
For the record, most people who sneer at Christianity and pronounce that Christians don't believe in or understand evolution, present evolution as an explanation for the creation of the universe.

Of course it makes no sense, but you'll pardon those of us who are not fond of atheists, who claim that Christians force their religion on others by publicly adhering to it, while it's A-OK for atheists to hit every Christian website, every newstation, and every school with their rabid insistence that nobody in a public place be allowed to refer to Christianity, simply assume that when people start whining about evolution, they are referring to the belief that it has something to do with the creation. Of course we think that, because typically, it's trotted out every time some asshole calls Christians idiots for believing in God and for believing God created the universe and life.

That sums it up pretty well. Science does a pretty good job of describing things but it has no credible explanations for the creation of the universe or the spark of life. The theory of evolution only (incompletely) describes why lifeforms change over time. Many people assume that science will be able to answer all questions given enough time and effort but that is not true. Science has just replaced religion as the right 'faith' to believe in.

I've heard it said that science deals with the "how" and religion/philosophy deals with the "why". There could be some merit in that.

However, you categoricaly state that science will never be able to answer all the questions. You don't know that. Simply because a question has no answer YET, doesn't mean it won't or that the answer is your deity of choice.

Belief has nothing to do with science, or shouldn't. There is either evidence to support a theory, or there isn't.
Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.
I love it when you say things that are utterly stupid. It's so entertaining.

The SAT has nothing to do with scientific reasoning or evolution. The structure includes examination of reading, mathematics, and writing. What part of that do you feel is influenced by evolution? I'm interested in hearing your moronic attempt at reasoning that one out. But I suppose you'll just either completely ignore me pointing out your stupidity, or make some vague claim I am dodging some invisible point you never made.

You say students are better of with science, and yet you consistently prove you have no clue what science actually is. Better luck next time.

And you forgot to include insulting you without an actual point so naturally that is the one that he chose. Sorry light but you are the kettle in that vid.
Restore our former supremacy? Is that why SAT scores have plummeted since the introduction of Evolutionism in our schools?

Should we really be teaching students fairy tales such as "the princess kissed the frog and millions of years later it turned into a prince"?

I think students are better off with science not fairy tales like evolution. The declining intelligence in our school systems seem to agree.
I love it when you say things that are utterly stupid. It's so entertaining.

The SAT has nothing to do with scientific reasoning or evolution. The structure includes examination of reading, mathematics, and writing. What part of that do you feel is influenced by evolution? I'm interested in hearing your moronic attempt at reasoning that one out. But I suppose you'll just either completely ignore me pointing out your stupidity, or make some vague claim I am dodging some invisible point you never made.

You say students are better of with science, and yet you consistently prove you have no clue what science actually is. Better luck next time.

And you forgot to include insulting you without an actual point so naturally that is the one that he chose. Sorry light but you are the kettle in that vid.

Ma and Pa couldn't see the point just like you.
Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation. If you're so gung-ho on science, you should start with logic.


But, if you read the post I was responding to you would have seen that I was responding to someone's claim that evolution was making our students smarter and brighter math students. SO now that you know, why don't you use some G-d given logic to add the 1+1 of the posts together to get the answer. Hopefully you can come up with the answer for yourself.

I agree. But you don't seem to know what science is.

What is it that you don't think I know science is? Is it because I disagree that students should be taught evolution is FACT? Is it because I and other scientists see evolution as violating the fundamental principles and laws? Where in the scientific process does it stat that evolution is FACT and that we shouldn't look at any other theories?
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Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation. If you're so gung-ho on science, you should start with logic.


If you think it does, the burden of proof is on you for making that claim.

But, if you read the post I was responding to you would have seen that I was responding to someone's claim that evolution was making our students smarter and brighter math students. SO now that you know, why don't you use some G-d given logic to add the 1+1 of the posts together to get the answer. Hopefully you can come up with the answer for yourself.

Mathmatical ability makes use of certain portions of the brain. Evolution could certainly account for it. Standardized test scores reflect something else entirely (perhaps an over-reliance on calculators).

What is it that you don't think I know science is? Is it because I disagree that students should be taught evolution is FACT? Is it because I and other scientists see evolution as violating the fundamental principles and laws? Where in the scientific process does it stat that evolution is FACT and that we shouldn't look at any other theories?

Because evolution is fact. The details and the process' involved are open to differing theories. But evolution is fact just like gravity.

Any scientific theory that involves a belief in a supernatural diety for its answers isn't scientific - in fact, it violates the laws of science which look for natural explanations.

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