Crazy Woman Shoots at McDonald'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Don't know what happened but the thread posted before I was done typing the title. Oh well, read on for the story.

This woman was so upset that McDonalds forgot the bacon on her cheeseburger than she fired a shot at the woman through the window. Thankfully, she missed but is still facing charges and up to 5 years in prison.

Personally, I wish she had gone to the KFC where this other idiot worked and tried yelling at him for not putting bacon on her sandwich. That would have been a scene worth watching.;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3lteXktdC05OTkEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAwRuX2dwcwMxBG9yaWdpbgNteS55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDBHF1ZXJ5A2tmYyBtdXNsaW0gc2NyZWFtcyB3aGVuIGFza2VkIGZvciBiYWNvbgRzYWMDMQRzYW8DMQ--?p=kfc%20muslim%20screams%20when%20asked%20for%20bacon&fr=ymyy-t-999&fr2=p%3Amy%2Cm%3Asa
Don't know what happened but the thread posted before I was done typing the title. Oh well, read on for the story.

This woman was so upset that McDonalds forgot the bacon on her cheeseburger than she fired a shot at the woman through the window. Thankfully, she missed but is still facing charges and up to 5 years in prison.

Personally, I wish she had gone to the KFC where this other idiot worked and tried yelling at him for not putting bacon on her sandwich. That would have been a scene worth watching.;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3lteXktdC05OTkEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAwRuX2dwcwMxBG9yaWdpbgNteS55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDBHF1ZXJ5A2tmYyBtdXNsaW0gc2NyZWFtcyB3aGVuIGFza2VkIGZvciBiYWNvbgRzYWMDMQRzYW8DMQ--?p=kfc%20muslim%20screams%20when%20asked%20for%20bacon&fr=ymyy-t-999&fr2=p%3Amy%2Cm%3Asa

That KFC link (graceful btw, very graceful) is bullshit. It's from Australia several years ago and has been debunked over and over. It has nothing to do with "bacon".

Countdown to some hack trying to make the current story political in 4....3....2...
Don't know what happened but the thread posted before I was done typing the title. Oh well, read on for the story.

This woman was so upset that McDonalds forgot the bacon on her cheeseburger than she fired a shot at the woman through the window. Thankfully, she missed but is still facing charges and up to 5 years in prison.

Personally, I wish she had gone to the KFC where this other idiot worked and tried yelling at him for not putting bacon on her sandwich. That would have been a scene worth watching.;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3lteXktdC05OTkEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAwRuX2dwcwMxBG9yaWdpbgNteS55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDBHF1ZXJ5A2tmYyBtdXNsaW0gc2NyZWFtcyB3aGVuIGFza2VkIGZvciBiYWNvbgRzYWMDMQRzYW8DMQ--?p=kfc%20muslim%20screams%20when%20asked%20for%20bacon&fr=ymyy-t-999&fr2=p%3Amy%2Cm%3Asa
bacon you say so she was ...not Muslim
Don't know what happened but the thread posted before I was done typing the title. Oh well, read on for the story.

This woman was so upset that McDonalds forgot the bacon on her cheeseburger than she fired a shot at the woman through the window. Thankfully, she missed but is still facing charges and up to 5 years in prison.

Personally, I wish she had gone to the KFC where this other idiot worked and tried yelling at him for not putting bacon on her sandwich. That would have been a scene worth watching.;_ylc=X1MDMjE0MjQ3ODk0OARfcgMyBGZyA3lteXktdC05OTkEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkAwRuX2dwcwMxBG9yaWdpbgNteS55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzEEcHFzdHIDBHF1ZXJ5A2tmYyBtdXNsaW0gc2NyZWFtcyB3aGVuIGFza2VkIGZvciBiYWNvbgRzYWMDMQRzYW8DMQ--?p=kfc%20muslim%20screams%20when%20asked%20for%20bacon&fr=ymyy-t-999&fr2=p%3Amy%2Cm%3Asa

Hmm, maybe this is why God forbade us eating pork. Makes ya crazy. :)

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