Crazy black girl's facebook rants? (or is it?)


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
I truly wonder if the majority of blacks feel this way towards white people? I know some on this board do. Discuss:)

1 day ago

DEAR WHITE PEOPLE: Don't be ashamed that whites are the world's first terrorist and still is. You all are rapists, pedophiles, murders etc; the list goes on. In the 1930's it was WHITE PEOPLE that bombed Tulsa, OK.; killing thousand of prospering blacks. And now today: you're legally killing our black children, incarcerating our black men, and raping us black women. Do your fucking research if you're not scared too and come back and tell me do you feel the same. To practice racism is a choice, not a birth defect that was passed down to you in your genetics. It's passed down to you for you to learn it, but it's up to you to act on it. If white PEOPLE didn't have guns the entire world kick your asses. If you keep asking for blood shed your going to get it. WHITE violence is what killed our black leaders; just like it's killing our children; LEGALLY! When did it become legal to take the lives of others because of the color of their skin. So with that being said "FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOD" and I hope one day very soon your race gets everything that it put out comes back to you all full throttle! DEATH!!!

read her replies.. amazing. I think her caps lock is stuck also.

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