Courts dismiss denier suit against EPA


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Bunches of denier politicians have had their states sue the EPA, saying they can't regulate greenhouse gases. One court in Nebraska just dismissed that state's lawsuit, which bodes ill for the lawsuits from the other states.
As the EPA points out, the State of Nebraska's attempt to short-circuit the administrative
rulemaking process runs contrary to basic, well-understood administrative law. Simply
stated, the State cannot sue in federal court to challenge a rule that the EPA has not yet
actually made.

Accordingly, the Court will grant the EPA's motion and this case will be dismissed.

So, the court didn't flat out say "No" to Nebraska. Instead, they said that the state can't sue until the rules are finalized, since they have nothing to sue over now. That effectively kicks the can down the road another 2 years. And time is not on the side of the deniers.
The court denied nothing. They simply stated that they have not yet been harmed and have no standing to sue.

This is far from over... you alarmist s in your little cocoon thinking you got it all wrapped up...
You deniers in your smoke-filled dens thinking you've got ANYTHING.
You deniers in your smoke-filled dens thinking you've got ANYTHING.

The deniers of real science (the AGW cult) has no real room to call anyone a denier..

Do you even understand the science? Do you know why there's a concern about CO2? IMO, you're just parroting what others have told you and don't have a clue about the basics.

"Hard lefter" challenging you to prove you're not an ignorant boob.
You deniers in your smoke-filled dens thinking you've got ANYTHING.

The deniers of real science (the AGW cult) has no real room to call anyone a denier..

Do you even understand the science? Do you know why there's a concern about CO2? IMO, you're just parroting what others have told you and don't have a clue about the basics.

"Hard lefter" challenging you to prove you're not an ignorant boob.

Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.


It is often reported that the temperature of the earth is higher the past 20 years than it has ever been in history. This is simply not true, nor has it ever been. Hundreds of research studies using ice cores, pollen sedimentation, tree rings, etc. have shown that there were dozens of periods in the past 11,000 years (the Holocene period) that earth's temperature was warmer than it is today. Earth's temperature was very much warmer at least four times during the current interglacial period.

So no CO2 does NOT control climate, but you keep believing the religious dogma.
My GOD. Are you just catching on to that? You are so far behind, you'd catch up faster were you to do a 180 and meet us on the other side.
Do you even understand the science? Do you know why there's a concern about CO2? IMO, you're just parroting what others have told you and don't have a clue about the basics.

"Hard lefter" challenging you to prove you're not an ignorant boob.

Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.

What happens to the energy that CO2 absorbs? You didn't answer the question. You just proved my point. You'll parrot anything that fits your bias.
The OP spiking the football on this tells you all you need to know about these hate-America communists:coffee: .They loath the constitution and if you had any doubt before, it is now erased.

Slamming American business with stoopid levels of regulation via executive destroy the fossil fuel industry. Meanwhile, the country has spoken.......they don't want this shit as evidenced by zero significant climate legislation in years and years. The uninformed are duped.......those who can connect the dots get it >>>

Eight Ways The EPA is destroying America EPA Abuse

These mofu's don't give a shit about the rule of law :2up:......and determined decades ago that they will try to get their way via regulation so as to bypass congress.

A must see for those who are not part of the AGW k00k contingent >>>>

Most Americans are idiot sheep.......

This shit has been going on for some decades now but particularly since the beginning of this century.......

We are in the age of scientific dictatorship now......we will be forced to give up freedoms and rights....concede them to the "experts"......until elections will be a historical footnote.

On Scientific Dictatorship >>>>>

You are going to have to have a purpose to serve the world mental cases like DOT COM, a standardized world culture is utopia. Oh.....and it wont be at all American.:2up:

Nothing new.......Plato detailed it long, long ago. He could have never realized the technology to fast forward it X 1,000.
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We obviously see in this thread who has already total submitted to globalist control.......bought in some years ago.......those who automatically accept all pronunciations of the "experts" in government. These people trust government implicitly.......and how fucked is that????????!!!!!!!! Are the AGW incredibly predictable or what/?????? These people believe the aristocracy has the right to rule.......these are Brave New World prostitutes.

Connect the dots people........listen to the vid above on Scientific Dictatorship then think of the thinking we see in the AGW robots. All happening through science, through movies, TV shows.......these cheesedick zombies are already programmed long ago.

LOL.......Kissinger and Brewzinski wrote about it back in the mid-70's......the internet age........wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. Stupid fucks......within 10 years, we will have all of our personal computer data accessible from a government source. Most will happily oblige. The AGW mental cases will be the first to be all in.
Skook, you're babbling like the Unibomber now.

You've scared the people around you in the real world, which is why they won't tell you you're acting crazy. Easier for them to just avoid you. That's why it falls to me to break it to you.

Remember, I only do it because I care.
Skook, you're babbling like the Unibomber now.

You've scared the people around you in the real world, which is why they won't tell you you're acting crazy. Easier for them to just avoid you. That's why it falls to me to break it to you.

Remember, I only do it because I care.
Wow, that's all you got eh? LoSiNg
Bunches of denier politicians have had their states sue the EPA, saying they can't regulate greenhouse gases. One court in Nebraska just dismissed that state's lawsuit, which bodes ill for the lawsuits from the other states.
As the EPA points out, the State of Nebraska's attempt to short-circuit the administrative
rulemaking process runs contrary to basic, well-understood administrative law. Simply
stated, the State cannot sue in federal court to challenge a rule that the EPA has not yet
actually made.

Accordingly, the Court will grant the EPA's motion and this case will be dismissed.

So, the court didn't flat out say "No" to Nebraska. Instead, they said that the state can't sue until the rules are finalized, since they have nothing to sue over now. That effectively kicks the can down the road another 2 years. And time is not on the side of the deniers.

Well that settles it then. If the courts threw the case out then AGW or climate change or climate disruption or whatever they are calling it these days MUST. be real.


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Skook, you're babbling like the Unibomber now.

You've scared the people around you in the real world, which is why they won't tell you you're acting crazy. Easier for them to just avoid you. That's why it falls to me to break it to you.

Remember, I only do it because I care.
Wow, that's all you got eh? LoSiNg

lost deep in the matrix...........long ago JC......the comfy zone is standard navigation for most. Getting out is damn near the detriment of us all.
Skook, you're babbling like the Unibomber now.

You've scared the people around you in the real world, which is why they won't tell you you're acting crazy. Easier for them to just avoid you. That's why it falls to me to break it to you.

Remember, I only do it because I care.
I simply decided that life was too short, and computer mouse batteries too expensive, to waste scrolling past that denier troll so I added it to my ignore list. jc456 isn't far behind.
You deniers in your smoke-filled dens thinking you've got ANYTHING.

The deniers of real science (the AGW cult) has no real room to call anyone a denier..

Do you even understand the science? Do you know why there's a concern about CO2? IMO, you're just parroting what others have told you and don't have a clue about the basics.

"Hard lefter" challenging you to prove you're not an ignorant boob.

Walk us through this "Science" of yours.

How many lab experiments can you point to that demonstrate how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will: raise temperature, melt ice, increase ice, cause drought, floods, etc.
Skook, you're babbling like the Unibomber now.

You've scared the people around you in the real world, which is why they won't tell you you're acting crazy. Easier for them to just avoid you. That's why it falls to me to break it to you.

Remember, I only do it because I care.
I simply decided that life was too short, and computer mouse batteries too expensive, to waste scrolling past that denier troll so I added it to my ignore list. jc456 isn't far behind.
oh please put me on that list. I love it whenthe oppostion gives up!!!

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