The 2014/15 El Niño – Part 18 – October 2014 Update – One Last Chance?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The 2014/15 El Niño – Part 18 – October 2014 Update – One Last Chance?

Looks like Bob Tisdale has put out the October ENSO updates and the alarmist long awaited El Nino is now a thing of the past. The warmth in the oceans has dissipated and we are going rapidly cold globally.

As the chance for any water caused warming vanishes we hear a loud cries from the alarmist who wanted so badly to tout this year as the warmest...

But Fear not... The arctic polar low has doubled in size over the last two weeks and the formation of the second major polar low to hit the US is already forming in the Gulf of Alaska.

This year started off with a subsurface weather event below the surface of the tropical Pacific that made researchers and global warming alarmists hope for a super-duper El Niño in 2014. Sadly, things didn’t work out for them. The trade winds refused to cooperate. Now, there are replays taking place below the Pacific that could (<–crucial word) lead to an El Niño for the 2014/15 ENSO season.
It snowed here in my neck of Colorado more than a month ago, back in early September. It left a pretty good blanket up in the Rockies and San Juans. It's also been an uncharacteristically cold fall, though a beautiful one. So tell me all you "the evidence is in" warmies, what kind of winter will Southern Colorado have? Colder than average, average, or warmer than average? Spout off all you experts. You're all such crystal ball mouthpieces on weather predictions. Let's hear it. I want something to throw back in your faces come spring.
It snowed here in my neck of Colorado more than a month ago, back in early September. It left a pretty good blanket up in the Rockies and San Juans. It's also been an uncharacteristically cold fall, though a beautiful one. So tell me all you "the evidence is in" warmies, what kind of winter will Southern Colorado have? Colder than average, average, or warmer than average? Spout off all you experts. You're all such crystal ball mouthpieces on weather predictions. Let's hear it. I want something to throw back in your faces come spring.

As I live to your north, its going to be a cold, long , hard winter. But you will never hear those words from an alarmist.. Its like Ben Santers prediction to forever disprove CAGW, those goal post have now been moved from 10 years, 12, years, 15, years, 17 years, and now to 19.5 years..
Poor Billy, still so utterly confused by the concept of "global". It's rare to find a denier who doesn't fail hard at the most basic science and logic.
Poor Billy, still so utterly confused by the concept of "global". It's rare to find a denier who doesn't fail hard at the most basic science and logic.

"Denier". In the Muslim world, people like you are mullahs spending their days jabbing fingers at "heretics". Insofar as your claim that, "It's rare to find a denier who doesn't fail hard at the most basic science and logic", why don't you provide us some scientific argument with your next stellar insight? I doubt you have 5 minutes formal training in any scientific discipline.

Cliches aren't "basic science". They're just left-wing bullshit offered up in the media by the dump truck load. And you're just a brainwashed fool, a useful idiot for aping them.
Tom, you can't cover for ignorance by using hostility. Sure, you can try, but it makes everyone giggle.

Now, since you're so proudly incapable of doing a simple web search, it looks like, as usual, it will be up to the liberals to do the work for you. Don't sweat it. We're used to conservatives sponging off us.


Tom, you can't cover for ignorance by using hostility. Sure, you can try, but it makes everyone giggle.

Now, since you're so proudly incapable of doing a simple web search, it looks like, as usual, it will be up to the liberals to do the work for you. Don't sweat it. We're used to conservatives sponging off us.


Kool... two predictions that Mamooth is going to regret.. The surface mean has already shown prediction one fallacy. Since Sep 18 the mean is below average by 0.5 deg C
Poor Billy, still so utterly confused by the concept of "global". It's rare to find a denier who doesn't fail hard at the most basic science and logic.


"The ocean ate my global warming!" is not global either

Stop snorting the AGWKoolAid
Oh goodie, more warmie graphs that're entirely different from last year's warmie graphs...and the year before that...and the year before that. Less than 7% of Americans regard warmie chimera as the issue with which they're most concerned; 93% aren't concerned because many went through the last great chicken little environmental charade.

You remember that one don't you, mamooth? Only 30 or so years ago, less than a mouse fart on the geophysical scale of events? We were all supposed to be buried under the next great glacier by 2014. Well, close enough: the arctic has 500,000 sq. miles of new ice this year. Explain that inconvenient truth away with your cutsie little graphs, genius.

Check it out. Tom here is going step by step through the Big Golden Book of Denier Urban Legends.

No, scientists were _not_ predicting global cooling in the 1970s. Most scientists were predicting global warming in the 1970s.

But since that's actual science, Tom had no hope of knowing it. He only knows what his cult has seen fit to tell him, and his cult told him those darn scientists had predicted an ice age.
Kool... two predictions that Mamooth is going to regret.. The surface mean has already shown prediction one fallacy. Since Sep 18 the mean is below average by 0.5 deg C

Hey Billy, how's that Polar Vortex of Doom coming along? I just ask because temperatures are forecast to be rather average for the next couple weeks. Still want to tell us how the Deep Freeze is upon us?

By the way, getting forecasts from Bob Tisdale is probably not a wise idea, given his track record. Most everyone else predicts a weak El Nino.

News - El Ni o predicted to start in four to eight weeks - The Weather Network
Oh goodie, more warmie graphs that're entirely different from last year's warmie graphs...and the year before that...and the year before that. Less than 7% of Americans regard warmie chimera as the issue with which they're most concerned; 93% aren't concerned because many went through the last great chicken little environmental charade.

You remember that one don't you, mamooth? Only 30 or so years ago, less than a mouse fart on the geophysical scale of events? We were all supposed to be buried under the next great glacier by 2014. Well, close enough: the arctic has 500,000 sq. miles of new ice this year. Explain that inconvenient truth away with your cutsie little graphs, genius.

View attachment 32769

Well, my little corksmoker, you chose to repeat that stupid lie.

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Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.
Oh goodie, more warmie graphs that're entirely different from last year's warmie graphs...and the year before that...and the year before that. Less than 7% of Americans regard warmie chimera as the issue with which they're most concerned; 93% aren't concerned because many went through the last great chicken little environmental charade.

You remember that one don't you, mamooth? Only 30 or so years ago, less than a mouse fart on the geophysical scale of events? We were all supposed to be buried under the next great glacier by 2014. Well, close enough: the arctic has 500,000 sq. miles of new ice this year. Explain that inconvenient truth away with your cutsie little graphs, genius.

View attachment 32769

Were at 11,600 years of this interglacial. The majority of interglacial last just 10,000 years. When the mechanism turns there wont be a dam thing the warmists will be able to do to stop it. But their excuses to take your freedoms from you will remain the same..
Were at 11,600 years of this interglacial. The majority of interglacial last just 10,000 years. When the mechanism turns there wont be a dam thing the warmists will be able to do to stop it. But their excuses to take your freedoms from you will remain the same..

A single major volcanic event would shut them the hell up too. And to think all this marxist warmie bullshit is the brainchild of a few anti-petroleum Bay-Area billionaires. Oh the irony!
Kool... two predictions that Mamooth is going to regret.. The surface mean has already shown prediction one fallacy. Since Sep 18 the mean is below average by 0.5 deg C

Hey Billy, how's that Polar Vortex of Doom coming along? I just ask because temperatures are forecast to be rather average for the next couple weeks. Still want to tell us how the Deep Freeze is upon us?

By the way, getting forecasts from Bob Tisdale is probably not a wise idea, given his track record. Most everyone else predicts a weak El Nino.

News - El Ni o predicted to start in four to eight weeks - The Weather Network

Going to finally post those datasets with source code that proves your AGW religion?
Well, my little corksmoker, you chose to repeat that stupid lie.

Corksmoker? You're the one who lives in Portland, Alice. Last time I checked, there were about 3 straight people left in the whole city. Portland makes Castro Street look like an Isis convention.

So tell me, do you shills get paid, or are you just stupid enough to get sucked into all of this without compensation? I'll bet your corksmoker fantasy involves a Bay-Area anti-petroleum billionaire, doesn't it, old rockhead?

Oh goodie, more warmie graphs that're entirely different from last year's warmie graphs...and the year before that...and the year before that. Less than 7% of Americans regard warmie chimera as the issue with which they're most concerned; 93% aren't concerned because many went through the last great chicken little environmental charade.

You remember that one don't you, mamooth? Only 30 or so years ago, less than a mouse fart on the geophysical scale of events? We were all supposed to be buried under the next great glacier by 2014. Well, close enough: the arctic has 500,000 sq. miles of new ice this year. Explain that inconvenient truth away with your cutsie little graphs, genius.

View attachment 32769

Well, my little corksmoker, you chose to repeat that stupid lie.

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Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

And the AGW cult proves that they follow a religious belief not based on any real science.
And the AGW cult proves that they follow a religious belief not based on any real science.

What text in your quote do you believe "proves" that point? I see NOTHING there that even suggests such a contention in the slightest way. Your charge is inappropriate in context, irrational and unsupported by the facts. You're not discussing anything. You're spewing nothing but vapid, inconsequential rant.
And the AGW cult proves that they follow a religious belief not based on any real science.

What text in your quote do you believe "proves" that point? I see NOTHING there that even suggests such a contention in the slightest way. Your charge is inappropriate in context, irrational and unsupported by the facts. You're not discussing anything. You're spewing nothing but vapid, inconsequential rant.

Another AGW cult looking in the mirror moment.

Brought to you by the one who claims that over 70% of his classes were in science, yet has not posted one piece of science to support his AGW religion.
I ask again: "What text in your quote do you believe "proves" that point? I see NOTHING there that even suggests such a contention in the slightest way.?"

Where the fuck do you get that I said over 70% of my college classes were in science? Let's see the quote. It may well have been true. Most of engineering is science, but I have no recollection of having ever said that. If you start making up things and claiming I said them, you and me and the management here are going to have a conversation. As for posting science here: I think I can fairly say that I have put up more links and more quotes and more data graphs from peer reviewed scientific studies than any other poster here. You are not even in the running in such a competition. So... pack sand.

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