COUNTDOWN to November 2010 Election

LOL, she has personal problems..
well I guess that is way worse than being CORRUPTED and UNDER INVESTIVGATION, like a slew of Democrats-Progressives are.
gawd you lefties are Pathetic. you did the same thing to Palin. ya couldn't dig up much POLITICAL on her, so you all went after her personally and included her FAMILY.

That gives me hope
The Republicans are in the midst of a Revolution in the Party to weed out the phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment. This Revolution could hurt them initially in November but it is essential for the overall future survival of the Party. People are just so sick of them being the Democrat-Light Party. So the Republicans will likely make some modest gains with real Conservatives as opposed to making massive gains with more phony Check-Pant Republicans. Personally i prefer these modest gains with real Conservatives. I guess we'll see though. Make 2010 count America.


I wanted to say pretty much the same thing.What is the sense of voting for a Republican who will vote like a Democrat.I think no matter how things end up the GOP will be stronger because of the Tea party influence.For the first time for me anyway the American people have taken a major step in taking government back.No longer will we be happy,if we ever were,sitting back and listening to what the candidate wants to do.Now the candidate is being told what the people want done in Washington.

This in the long run makes the Republican party stronger.Maybe the Conservative element will start to have a more active part in the future.

Exactly. IMHO the perfect conservative to get the US on the right track is NJ's Christie. He's like a bull in the China Shop, but he's doing all the unpopular things that need to be done to straighten-out the mess. Get rid of the demagogues and put in responsible folks who work for the betterment of the people instead of themselves.
I don't want to discourage Wry and Uptown here who, though I disagree with them, are probably accurately representing the opposing point of view.

Wry seems to think that the Tea Party drum beat of fair taxes, responsible spending, smaller government, constitutional integrity are just 'platitudes'. Uptown seems to have bought into the Democratic talking points that the Tea Partiers are just a bunch of rightwing radical kook types. I believe they are both very wrong.

Having been heavily involved in the Tea Party movement, I can assure everybody that these people are your neighbors, the people you work with, go to the gym with, go to church with, play golf with, or meet at the grocery store. They represent all political parties, races, age groups, and socioeconomic demographics.

Their vision of an America that does not mortgage the future of the children, that is creating good, steady, permanent jobs, that is a people of laws and personal liberties, choices, opportunities, and options unhindered by a too big, too overreaching government is not a platitude. It is a heartfelt conviction. And God willing they'll start pointing the country back in that direction come November.
I don't want to discourage Wry and Uptown here who, though I disagree with them, are probably accurately representing the opposing point of view.

Wry seems to think that the Tea Party drum beat of fair taxes, responsible spending, smaller government, constitutional integrity are just 'platitudes'. Uptown seems to have bought into the Democratic talking points that the Tea Partiers are just a bunch of rightwing radical kook types. I believe they are both very wrong.

Having been heavily involved in the Tea Party movement, I can assure everybody that these people are your neighbors, the people you work with, go to the gym with, go to church with, play golf with, or meet at the grocery store. They represent all political parties, races, age groups, and socioeconomic demographics.

Their vision of an America that does not mortgage the future of the children, that is creating good, steady, permanent jobs, that is a people of laws and personal liberties, choices, opportunities, and options unhindered by a too big, too overreaching government is not a platitude. It is a heartfelt conviction. And God willing they'll start pointing the country back in that direction come November.

I didn't say that at all. My judgement of the tea party comes mostly from looking at it's alledged "leaders" (whom I'll admit may or may not represent the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the tea party or the interests of the mainstream media). We're talking Sarah Palin, that guy running for Senate in Alaska, Glenn Beck, Sharron Angle, and Christine O'Donnell. There's no doubt that the dominate leaders of the tea party right now ARE representative of the Christian Right. Not to even call the religious right a "fringe group", I tried very carefully in my post not to make it sound like they were, guess it didn't work.

They ARE a legitimate force in the Republican Party and in politics. I'm not sure if they represent even the majority of "tea party voters" however they are the most vocal FOR SURE.

One thing I'd quickly note. All those issues that you listed are fine and great, I'd agree with all of them personally. I'm pretty conservative on economic issues and believe and a strong capitalist system, HOWEVER I'm also for a hands off role of government in people's personal lives. Is there there a place for pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-war republicans/conservatives/moderates within the tea party when the majority of your leaders adhere to the Christian Right? I keep asking this question but it does not get answered.
I don't want to discourage Wry and Uptown here who, though I disagree with them, are probably accurately representing the opposing point of view.

Wry seems to think that the Tea Party drum beat of fair taxes, responsible spending, smaller government, constitutional integrity are just 'platitudes'. Uptown seems to have bought into the Democratic talking points that the Tea Partiers are just a bunch of rightwing radical kook types. I believe they are both very wrong.

Having been heavily involved in the Tea Party movement, I can assure everybody that these people are your neighbors, the people you work with, go to the gym with, go to church with, play golf with, or meet at the grocery store. They represent all political parties, races, age groups, and socioeconomic demographics.

Their vision of an America that does not mortgage the future of the children, that is creating good, steady, permanent jobs, that is a people of laws and personal liberties, choices, opportunities, and options unhindered by a too big, too overreaching government is not a platitude. It is a heartfelt conviction. And God willing they'll start pointing the country back in that direction come November.

I didn't say that at all. My judgement of the tea party comes mostly from looking at it's alledged "leaders" (whom I'll admit may or may not represent the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the tea party or the interests of the mainstream media). We're talking Sarah Palin, that guy running for Senate in Alaska, Glenn Beck, Sharron Angle, and Christine O'Donnell. There's no doubt that the dominate leaders of the tea party right now ARE representative of the Christian Right. Not to even call the religious right a "fringe group", I tried very carefully in my post not to make it sound like they were, guess it didn't work.

They ARE a legitimate force in the Republican Party and in politics. I'm not sure if they represent even the majority of "tea party voters" however they are the most vocal FOR SURE.

One thing I'd quickly note. All those issues that you listed are fine and great, I'd agree with all of them personally. I'm pretty conservative on economic issues and believe and a strong capitalist system, HOWEVER I'm also for a hands off role of government in people's personal lives. Is there there a place for pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-war republicans/conservatives/moderates within the tea party when the majority of your leaders adhere to the Christian Right? I keep asking this question but it does not get answered.

The thing is though Uptown, the Tea Party does not and has NEVER included social issues in its focus or emphasis. The Tea Partiers will leave decisions re abortion, gay marriage, war, AND religion for others to decide. The Tea Partiers have focused and continue to focus exclusively on reining in runaway, fiscally irresponsible spending, on a government that is too large, too authoritarian, too intrusive, and a government that ignores its constitutional roots and grounding. It is these themes that even those persons you listed have focused on.

The fact that they are Christians should not be a disqualifying factor since most Americans are Christians. And their personal views re abortion, gay marriage, etc. should not be an issue unless they intend to use the Federal government to implement their social views. Not a single one of them believes that should be the role of the Federal government. Nor do I. Far more Americans are Christian than anything else. Christianity is not a disqualifying factor. Or shouldn't be.

But the Obama-friendly, left leaning media continues to pull the one person in a kooky outfit out of the crowd of 10,000 to hold up as typical of the gathering. They scour the crowd looking for the one offensive sign out of thousands to put on the evening news or on the front page of the newspaper. Or they pull one provocative line out of a 20-minute speech. And the gullible buy into that.

Which is probably why Glenn Beck recently encouraged folks to continue to rally, continue to speak out, and continue to believe that this country can be put back on course, but don't wear the Statue of Liberty costume to the rally and don't bring that offensive sign because that one out of thousands will be what the media will use.

I decided sometime back that I'm sick and tired of being politically correct. I will be myself. And if myself is Christian and a patriot and a constitutional originalist, then so be it. There are hundreds of thousands like me though. Don't write us off too quickly.
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Another example of the infighting within the GOP. It remains to be seen if the Tea Partiers, 9/12ers et al can restore the soul of the GOP, or if it will continue on the destructive 'liberal light' track that it has been on for some time now.

Cowardly Republican Senate Aides Begin Attacking Jim DeMint
by Erick Erickson
Thursday, September 16th at 5:00AM EDT

It has begun. Republican Senate aides who desperately want the majority back so they can add an extra zero to their eventual K-Street salary package once they stop prostituting themselves to lobbyists and instead become lobbyists prostituting themselves to squishy Republicans are attacking Jim DeMint.

In addition to their own self-interest, you can be sure they are expressing their bosses’ frustrations.

Now, you and I both know that Jim DeMint swooping in at the last minute to endorse Christine O’Donnell had as much to do with her victory as a butterfly flapping its wings in China 340 years ago last Monday. But this is the establisment’s chance. They hate that DeMint is so much more effective. They hate that he is liked so much more.

Cowardly Senate aides who refuse to go on record with their names are saying DeMint will be punished. As if they can do anything to him. It’s not like he’s going to be thrown out of leadership. Good grief.

In any event, the knives are out for Jim DeMint among his colleagues for his efforts to elect Republicans who remember what Republicans stand for.
Cowardly Republican Senate Aides Begin Attacking Jim DeMint | RedState
Gleanings from the morning e-mail. According to Redstate who pulled it from the WSJ:


The most interesting thing is how many of the liberal Republicans are being rejected in favor of more conservative ones, and that every single Democrat who rejected the more damaging policies are suriving their primaries.

Fox News has been featuring Democrat after Democrat among the 30 plus who are now on the record for wanting to extend ALL the Bush tax cuts, including those for people earning $250,000 and above. Those people not only survived their primaries, but are much more likely to survive the general election.

It has been interesting to watch.
Rasmussen today:

Only 25% Say Current Government Policies Have Country On Right Course

Nevada Governor: Sandoval (R) 52%, Reid (D) 39%

New Hampshire Senate: Ayotte (R) 51%, Hodes (D) 44%

Delaware Senate: Coons (D) 53%, O’Donnell (R) 42%

Pennsylvania Governor: Corbett (R) 49%, Onorato (D) 39%

Colorado Senate: Buck (R) 49%, Bennet (D) 45%

Senate Balance of Power: Dems 49 GOP 45 Toss-Up 6

Governor Scorecard Ratings: GOP 27 Dems 16 Toss-Up 7
I think the Tparty loathes the Republicans a bit more than they do the Democrats. The Democrats are the adversary they can deal with, the Republicans are the sell out who has hurt them badly.

Dream on!Its because of the liberals horrible actions the teaparty was formed.
I think the Tparty loathes the Republicans a bit more than they do the Democrats. The Democrats are the adversary they can deal with, the Republicans are the sell out who has hurt them badly.

Dream on!Its because of the liberals horrible actions the teaparty was formed.

Baruch is right though that the Tea Partiers are as disgusted with squishy liberal light RINO Republicans as they are with no guts, social engineering, no fiscal discipline Democrats. And they feel more betrayed by those Republicans who campaign on conservative credentials and then abandon them once in office. They expect most Democrats to be liberal loonies but at least they are being true to who they are. They don't expect that of Republicans and will hold those in contempt who turn out to be that way.
Christine O'Donnell announced this week that she was getting off the national scene, not doing any more talk shows or national interviews, etc. and will spend the next weeks until election focusing on Delaware. She will go to picnics and town meetings and wherever invited there.

That's the smart approach. National interviews only provide sound bites to project negatively in the national media and the media will use them that way. But local politics is what will get her elected in Delaware. She has been so savaged, she may not be able to pull it out--she's down deep in double negatives right now--but she's still putting the message most people want to hear out there. So we'll see.

Karl Rove's main quarrell with her apparently is that Delaware had a 'sure Republican seat' in Castle and a sure Democrat seat with O'Donnell as the GOP contestant. Maybe he's right. Maybe he's wrong. But I know for darn sure I wish he would just shut the hell up about it. He's certainly not helping.

Rasmussen today shows the GOP losing some ground in the Senate even as the GOP fortunes rise in public opinion.

Election 2010: Senate Balance Of Power
Senate Balance of Power: Dems 51 GOP 45 Toss-Ups 4
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New polling in California moved the state's senate race from Toss-Up to Leans Democratic in the Rasmussen Reports Senate Balance of Power ranking.

Earlier today, Alaska moved to Soild Republican from Leans Republican.

Current projections suggest that the Democrats would hold 51 seats after Election Day while the Republicans would hold 45. Four states are in the Toss-Up category (Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and Wisconsin). All four Toss-Ups are seats currently held by Democrats.

Republicans have the edge in four Democratic-held Senate seats--Arkansas, Indiana, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania.

At the moment, no Republican-held seats appear headed for the Democratic column.
Election 2010: Senate Balance Of Power - Rasmussen Reports
She's not getting anywhere near fair treatment though Topspin. The media and leftwingers who are attacking her are using anything negative they can find, honestly or dishonestly--frankly so far it has been mostly dishonestly--to destroy her. NONE are dealing with her message on taxes, the economy, spending, etc. Few people are able to hold up under that kind of dedicated personal smear campaign.


1. Do you honestly believe Obama's policies are working and will work?

2. Do you honestly believe the Democrats in Congress have represented you well, effectively, and honestly?

3. Do you honestly want us to stay on the course we have been no matter what?

4. Do you honestly believe putting the GOP back into power will make things worse?
I don't want to discourage Wry and Uptown here who, though I disagree with them, are probably accurately representing the opposing point of view.

Wry seems to think that the Tea Party drum beat of fair taxes, responsible spending, smaller government, constitutional integrity are just 'platitudes'. Uptown seems to have bought into the Democratic talking points that the Tea Partiers are just a bunch of rightwing radical kook types. I believe they are both very wrong.

Having been heavily involved in the Tea Party movement, I can assure everybody that these people are your neighbors, the people you work with, go to the gym with, go to church with, play golf with, or meet at the grocery store. They represent all political parties, races, age groups, and socioeconomic demographics.

Their vision of an America that does not mortgage the future of the children, that is creating good, steady, permanent jobs, that is a people of laws and personal liberties, choices, opportunities, and options unhindered by a too big, too overreaching government is not a platitude. It is a heartfelt conviction. And God willing they'll start pointing the country back in that direction come November.

I didn't say that at all. My judgement of the tea party comes mostly from looking at it's alledged "leaders" (whom I'll admit may or may not represent the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the tea party or the interests of the mainstream media). We're talking Sarah Palin, that guy running for Senate in Alaska, Glenn Beck, Sharron Angle, and Christine O'Donnell. There's no doubt that the dominate leaders of the tea party right now ARE representative of the Christian Right. Not to even call the religious right a "fringe group", I tried very carefully in my post not to make it sound like they were, guess it didn't work.

They ARE a legitimate force in the Republican Party and in politics. I'm not sure if they represent even the majority of "tea party voters" however they are the most vocal FOR SURE.

One thing I'd quickly note. All those issues that you listed are fine and great, I'd agree with all of them personally. I'm pretty conservative on economic issues and believe and a strong capitalist system, HOWEVER I'm also for a hands off role of government in people's personal lives. Is there there a place for pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-war republicans/conservatives/moderates within the tea party when the majority of your leaders adhere to the Christian Right? I keep asking this question but it does not get answered.

The thing is though Uptown, the Tea Party does not and has NEVER included social issues in its focus or emphasis. The Tea Partiers will leave decisions re abortion, gay marriage, war, AND religion for others to decide. The Tea Partiers have focused and continue to focus exclusively on reining in runaway, fiscally irresponsible spending, on a government that is too large, too authoritarian, too intrusive, and a government that ignores its constitutional roots and grounding. It is these themes that even those persons you listed have focused on.

The fact that they are Christians should not be a disqualifying factor since most Americans are Christians. And their personal views re abortion, gay marriage, etc. should not be an issue unless they intend to use the Federal government to implement their social views. Not a single one of them believes that should be the role of the Federal government. Nor do I. Far more Americans are Christian than anything else. Christianity is not a disqualifying factor. Or shouldn't be.

But the Obama-friendly, left leaning media continues to pull the one person in a kooky outfit out of the crowd of 10,000 to hold up as typical of the gathering. They scour the crowd looking for the one offensive sign out of thousands to put on the evening news or on the front page of the newspaper. Or they pull one provocative line out of a 20-minute speech. And the gullible buy into that.

Which is probably why Glenn Beck recently encouraged folks to continue to rally, continue to speak out, and continue to believe that this country can be put back on course, but don't wear the Statue of Liberty costume to the rally and don't bring that offensive sign because that one out of thousands will be what the media will use.

I decided sometime back that I'm sick and tired of being politically correct. I will be myself. And if myself is Christian and a patriot and a constitutional originalist, then so be it. There are hundreds of thousands like me though. Don't write us off too quickly.

Amen, sister, I wish I could rep you again. Great comments!
fox did you get more than a ged? seriously

she's a slut, self admitted and telling people not to have sex. She needs to start a caucus with Vitter
Topspin, were you schooled in any social skills at all?

This year I don't care if a candidate is the spawn of hell, has horns under his or her hat, has slept with the entire Navy, or thinks babies are invented by storks.

If you vote for O'donnell's opponent, you will be voting for more indefensible spending, higher taxes, more government intrusion into our personal lives, fewer liberties, options, choices, opportunities, and deficits that threaten to literally bankrupt the country.

If you vote for O'Donnell you vote for the reverse.

That is your choice here and nothing else matters.


Do you approve of the Congressional spending?
Do you want to pay higher taxes?
Do you want to give up more liberty, options, choices, and opportunities?
Do you want more deficit spending that threatens to bankrupt the country?

Let's see how many intelligent and/or educated people here are willing to focus on and answer those questions.

Will you?
if your a dumb enough ditz to vote for a slut who gets paid to tell you not to have sex, then you get what you aked from. Unlike you I got an education and don't need a conservatard telling me or my kids how to live.
if your a dumb enough ditz to vote for a slut who gets paid to tell you not to have sex, then you get what you aked from. Unlike you I got an education and don't need a conservatard telling me or my kids how to live.

But you certainly don't mind insulting her and criticizing her.

But as far as dealing with the issues I raised. . . .crickets. Tsk Tsk.

You see I think intelligent, educated people with honest convictions--people who do not have a schoolyard mentality or just like to say stupid things like 'slut witch'--would not have avoided those questions.

So far you have.
The Tea Party/Libertarian Party whatnot phenom seems to have totally fizzled out here in Ohio. I dunno why; seemed strong a year ago. Ours will be the usual race to the bottom and the only open question is what amount of disgust does it take to make a hard line party supporter vote against his own incumbent.

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