Could some please explain the selective Abominations thing?


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Is this what they mean by "Cafeteria Christians"??


Do the homophobic faux Christian not realize that they are ignoring most of the abominations?

And most of God's laws handed down in the OT.

Is this what they mean by "Cafeteria Christians"??


Do the homophobic faux Christian not realize that they are ignoring most of the abominations?

And most of God's laws handed down in the OT.


Christ came to fulfill the obligation of the letter of the LAW. Christ did not come to change the intent of the LAW. Murder is still a sin against God because it is an attempt by man to circumvent GOD's authority over life and death. Homosexuality is a sin against GOD, as it circumvents GOD's reason for sexual acts to the glorification of man's indulgence. In both cases man is asserting his will and priority against that of GOD's. The regulations of wearing one's hair, eating select foods, and against mixing fabric were ritual illustrations of God's purity and were established to set apart the nation of Israel from the world as a living demonstration of purity to illustrate the LAW. What the LORD JESUS CHRIST did on the cross, now is the ONLY illustration needed, as well as, the payment for confessed sin such as lying, cheating, stealing, etc., by the repentant sinner.

Homosexual "marriage" is man saying that marriage is what man's decides it is, and of his design. It also says that the homosexual act is nothing to repent about --- come what may.
Is this what they mean by "Cafeteria Christians"??


Do the homophobic faux Christian not realize that they are ignoring most of the abominations?

And most of God's laws handed down in the OT.


Christ came to fulfill the obligation of the letter of the LAW. Christ did not come to change the intent of the LAW. Murder is still a sin against God because it is an attempt by man to circumvent GOD's authority over life and death. Homosexuality is a sin against GOD, as it circumvents GOD's reason for sexual acts to the glorification of man's indulgence. In both cases man is asserting his will and priority against that of GOD's. The regulations of wearing one's hair, eating select foods, and against mixing fabric were ritual illustrations of God's purity and were established to set apart the nation of Israel from the world as a living demonstration of purity to illustrate the LAW. What the LORD JESUS CHRIST did on the cross, now is the ONLY illustration needed, as well as, the payment for confessed sin such as lying, cheating, stealing, etc., by the repentant sinner.

Homosexual "marriage" is man saying that marriage is what man's decides it is, and of his design. It also says that the homosexual act is nothing to repent about --- come what may.

Pretending for a second that that makes sense….

Where does it specifically say that in the bible?

And are Jews going to hell… in your mind?
Is this what they mean by "Cafeteria Christians"??


Do the homophobic faux Christian not realize that they are ignoring most of the abominations?

And most of God's laws handed down in the OT.


Christ came to fulfill the obligation of the letter of the LAW. Christ did not come to change the intent of the LAW. Murder is still a sin against God because it is an attempt by man to circumvent GOD's authority over life and death. Homosexuality is a sin against GOD, as it circumvents GOD's reason for sexual acts to the glorification of man's indulgence. In both cases man is asserting his will and priority against that of GOD's. The regulations of wearing one's hair, eating select foods, and against mixing fabric were ritual illustrations of God's purity and were established to set apart the nation of Israel from the world as a living demonstration of purity to illustrate the LAW. What the LORD JESUS CHRIST did on the cross, now is the ONLY illustration needed, as well as, the payment for confessed sin such as lying, cheating, stealing, etc., by the repentant sinner.

Homosexual "marriage" is man saying that marriage is what man's decides it is, and of his design. It also says that the homosexual act is nothing to repent about --- come what may.

"Homosexuality is a sin against GOD, as it circumvents GOD's reason for sexual acts to the glorification of man's indulgence."

Sex is for fun as well as procreation. The proof:

That the newly married husband shall (be free) for one year to rejoice with his wife (Deut. 24:5)
Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)

Both these speak to how sex is about more than reproduction. If it was solely for reproduction, why orgasms and climaxes? And why can orgasms and climaxes be achieved from more than penis-vaginal intercourse? There are nerves connecting the clittoris to a woman's nipples. With practice, women can achieve an orgasm from simply stimulating their nipples. Others can reach orgasm from simple breathing exercises. And men can reach climax from anal intercourse. Awful lot of pleasure for something that's supposedly only for making babies.

Lastly, Leviticus 18:22 says "Man shall not lie down with man as man lies with woman..." So maybe if men make love with men in a uniquely homosexual manner it's ok? :)
Could some please explain the selective Abominations thing?

yes actually, I can.....
1) there are two Hebrew words which are translated by the English word abomination....
2) one of those words is associated with what are referred to as the Levitical codes, those related to being "unclean" and thus unable to perform ritual sacrifices.......under the NT teachings in the book of Hebrews, Christians are not required to perform the ritual sacrifices, and thus are not required to follow the Levitical code.
3) the other Hebrew word is used only a few times in the is used to describe idolatry, human sacrifice, bestiality, incest and having homosexual relations as has nothing to do with the Levitical code or sacrifice.....

if you wish to verify this for yourself, here is an online Hebrew English interlinear OT....
Search for: - Strong's Interlinear Bible Search - Reference Desk -
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I'm sure that's true, from the persepctive of Christians. But ya gotta wonder whether there's a conflict of interest when ever Christians claim they're not bound by Jewish law yet include the Jewish holy book with their own. If it doesn't apply to them, why include it in the Bible? And why do they teach it at church rather a lot especially when talking about the things not to do?
If it doesn't apply to them, why include it in the Bible? And why do they teach it at church rather a lot especially when talking about the things not to do?

I can give you a couple of excellent reasons....
1) there are more things in the OT than the Levitical codes....there are even more things in the book of Leviticus than the Levitical codes.....
2) how do you explain the transition to a new covenant if there is no understanding of the old covenant?......
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YES!!!! Before Jesus paid our sin debt on that Roman cross we lioved under the OLD covenant (Jewish laws) now we live under the new covenant not under Jewish laws. I S THIS TRUTH WAY OVER YOUR HEAD??
I'm sure that's true, from the persepctive of Christians. But ya gotta wonder whether there's a conflict of interest when ever Christians claim they're not bound by Jewish law yet include the Jewish holy book with their own. If it doesn't apply to them, why include it in the Bible?

So we can know where the Messiah came from.
Is this what they mean by "Cafeteria Christians"??

Do the homophobic faux Christian not realize that they are ignoring most of the abominations?

And most of God's laws handed down in the OT.

Uh, this is a new Testament abomination:

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:24

Okay, Hazel, show me more of your talking points, I've heard them all.
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