Could smoking pot raise testicular cancer risk?


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
Do men who frequently smoke pot have a higher risk of testicular cancer than those who do not? It's possible, according to a new study. However, the researchers say the link is currently a "hypothesis" that needs further testing.

Testicular cancer is relatively rare -- a man's lifetime chance of developing the disease is about 1 in 300 (and dying of it is about 1 in 5,000). Frequent or long-term marijuana smokers could have about double the risk of nonusers, according to the report in the February 9 issue of the journal Cancer.

In the study, a team led by Dr. Janet R. Daling of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, interviewed 369 men between the ages of 18 and 44 from the Seattle-Puget Sound area whose testicular cancer had been diagnosed. They compared those men with 979 men who lived in the same area, but did not have cancer.

Overall, 26 percent of the testicular cancer patients were pot smokers (15 percent who used daily or weekly) at the time of diagnosis, compared with 20 percent of men without cancer (10 percent who used daily or weekly). Is there a link between drugs, alcohol, and ADHD?

Could smoking pot raise testicular cancer risk? -
Any stats on the correlation between testicular cancer and secondhand smoke? ;)
The problem I see is that they only focus on drugs they "don't like" for such reports. The reality is that all drugs have really bad side effects, even Aspirin. Most prescription drugs have worse side effects proven, but they sell them, even some have them forced on them when in the hospital (I tell them if they give me anything without first completely consulting me I will sue, no problems since that). Many over the counter drugs cause severe side effects which people never notice because no one ever reads the packaging much less looks into it. So it wouldn't surprise me if pot does anything bad, smoking anything is bad for us just because of the tar.

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