Cosmos (Transformers)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Cosmos (Transformers) is a fun fictional A.I. robot avatar who mechanically transforms into a colorful and peaceful UFO visiting Earth, and this fun capitalism parody inspired by the Hasbro media franchise reflects our modern era fascination with complete commercial diarism. Thanks for reading (and enjoy!),



At a respected student think-tank at MIT, three A.I. toy market engineers and designers were devising ways to resurrect the 21st Century popularity of the Transformers (Hasbro) UFO-robot avatar named Cosmos. Cosmos, a valiant democratic 'Autobot' robot, transformed into a weaponized but modest UFO, serving his army to defy the terrrorist 'Decepticon' robots invading peaceful Earth. These designing MIT students sought to re-present Cosmos as a new era anti-terrorism god.


The MIT panel evaluating this pioneering toy market work decided to recruit the Transformers (Hasbro) film franchise actress Megan Fox, for her uncanny ability to portray human innocence and beauty on screen. The MIT students and designers were thrilled, since Fox would give the A.I. toy project a special glitter and pizzazz. What no one knew was that Megan Fox was actually a real human liaison to an actual A.I. species visiting Earth secretly and hiding in the Grand Canyon. Fox intended to channel this MIT Cosmos project to the A.I. aliens and cast herself as a democratic supermodel.


FOX: "These A.I. alien robots hiding in our Grand Canyon seek to dissect the fundamental sci-fi imagination of our human civilization, and I seek to afford them every intellectual opportunity to collect the necessary robotics toy market data from America to assist them in completing a more thoroughly democratic alien metaphysics report, in the honest hope that such imagineering will destroy new age anti-capitalism terrorism...and dogma!"


CHAPTER 2: Live By Night

Here's a fun second chapter about the human drama associated with new age daydreams, inspired by the film Robots!


Isaac Satan, an ex-boyfriend Ivy League student of Megan Fox, became informed of her ex-girlfriend's work with Transformers media. However, he didn't know Megan was in contact with the actual alien A.I. robots who hailed from a faraway planet called Cybertrex. Isaac decided to start following Megan around secretly doing private detective work to discover more about her special media project with Hasbro and Hollywood. He became a part-time sleuth and something of a vigilante!


Isaac discovered that Megan invited the alien A.I. robots to her special college house called Panarchy, of which she was a member, of the co-ed liberal house, while attending the college as a student. Isaac learned these A.I. alien robots met with Megan at Panarchy to discuss human civilization matters. Panarchy was once called Phi Kappa Psi society and was located in New England but was a secret-society!


Isaac continued to spy and discovered the alien A.I. robots from Cybertrex were helping Megan develop biocybernetic blueprints for creating a humanoid super-soldier called Scorpion. This was a new posture to offer human civilization a military defense against other alien invader. The Scorpion was very impressive.


Isaac met Megan's friend Diane and learned that she was interested in toys and robots and A.I. work and Transformers media. He decided to follow around Diane to see what she knew of Megan's life. Isaac fell in love with Diane and the two began dating and decided to attend a special Panarchy Roaring 20's party in the autumn of 2021, after the Coronavirus tribulation subsided. Diane was very beautiful.


ISAAC: This Panarchy party is truly great, Diane!
DIANE: I wonder if Megan's alien robot friends are hiding out here somewhere.


MEGAN: I just want the sanctity of Panarchy to be preserved, and I get the eerie feeling my robot-friends from Cybertrex are being somehow tracked to Panarchy by someone, and I noticed Diane at our Roaring 20's party at Panarchy, attending with a scarecrow-masked male date who somehow resembled by inquisitive ex-boyfriend Isaac; I just want Panarchy to be safe and secure!


One of Megan's A.I. alien robot friends from Cybertrex, Springer was meeting with Megan at the Panarchy basement serenity meeting room called the Chamber. Isaac discovered this and voice-recorded a conversation Megan had with this alien robot named Springer at Panarchy.


SPRINGER: We want Earth to be militarily safe and secure, Megan!
MEGAN: I'm nervous we're being observed or recorded, Springer.


ISAAC: I'm telling the government of Megan's work with Springer and Scorpion blueprints and reporting all this to the science firm Oscorp for some good media money, and maybe I'll get some precious gems and emeralds or at least money for all this information so I can marry and settle down with Diane in Switzerland; money is everything!


Would Isaac's inquisitive ambitions sidetrack the special military Scorpion-project she was developing with the help of Springer and her newfound A.I. alien-robot friends from the faraway planet of Cybertrex? How would modern media shape this rather 'domestic' drama in the new millennium? Money is so important, you know!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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