Corruption in Washington--The Great Turning Point--Must Start Tomorrow--1/1/2018


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. They joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

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Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.
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Its quoting a CNN guy---its not a lie because you don't like what is said.

There are too many Dumb-Asses on this board.
Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades
"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. Thet joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

I am here to tell ya--------->the whole house of cards is coming down. Either the realistic Democrats step up to help while saving themselves, or watch anything they had, or thought they had besides the blue states, evaporate before their, and the leftists on this boards, very eyes!

Does anyone not see it coming? Really! If you don't, how uninformed are you! This is NOT an exercise in "gotcha," it is real! The major sign to all Leftists should be that the DOJ, and FBI, are fighting like hell to stop from having to release how they got the FISA warrants.

I refuse to insult your intelligence; if that is to be done, I will let you do it to yourselves. But, just ask yourself a question------------->why under congressional scrutiny; scrutiny that has top clearance, would you try NOT to tell them!

Now, go ahead and fool yourselves if you wish, but with everything pointing how they got it, and since we ALL know who paid for it, there is deep trouble for the left ahead, and very, very, quickly!
Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.
Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

Hell, if DJT had the economic failure Obama had, we would have helped the Democrats throw him out-)
Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

Hell, if DJT had the economic failure Obama had, we would have helped the Democrats throw him out-)

You just won the internet. :biggrin:
"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. Thet joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

I probably should have started a thread on this, but leftists never come to my threads, lol

Anyway----------> you notice how things are coming out about the collusion/delusion, and how now, the evidence is being FORCED to be shown where it originated from, meaning the FISA warrants!

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT A SPEECH called the State Of The Union-) Well my friends, I am told by highly reliable sources, that if the issue is FORCED enough into the open, our President, thinking of having a very decent size video board, and will PERSONALLY connect the dots on that video board between Hilly, the DNC, Steele, Fusion GPS, the FBI hierarchy, and the DOJ-) This in front of God, a massive American audience, and the charming and delightful Democrats.

And the reason?

Because the phony-baloney delusion/collusion, is hurting the Union, and must be addressed to move forward!

Set in stone, no...............because the rest of the evidence has to be collected by that time. I am told, 60-40, but the efforts are being stepped up to acquire everything needed to finish of the collusion/delusion; FISA warrant start, so he can do it with the largest audience possible.

Expect the Democrats to walk out if it happens, and to be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE, in the 2018 midterms!
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Its quoting a CNN guy---its not a lie because you don't like what is said.

There are too many Dumb-Asses on this board.

Moron.......its like judging an entire party by what some idiot spews.....

Would you and your entire ilk want to be likened by Roy Moore?

(well, shit, maybe you would.....LOL)
"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. Thet joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

I probably should have started a thread on this, but leftists never come to my threads, lol

Anyway----------> you notice how things are coming out about the collusion/delusion, and how now, the evidence is being FORCED to be shown where it originated from, meaning the FISA warrants!

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT A SPEECH called the State Of The Union-) Well my friends, I am told by highly reliable sources, that if the issue is FORCED enough into the open, our President, thinking of having a very decent size video board, and will PERSONALLY connect the dots on that video board between Hilly, the DNC, Steele, Fusion GPS, the FBI hierarchy, and the DOJ-) This in front of God, a massive American audience, and the charming and delightful Democrats.

And the reason?

Because the phony-baloney delusion/collusion, is hurting the Union, and must be addressed to move forward!

Set in stone, no...............because the rest of the evidence has to be collected by that time. I am told, 60-40, but the efforts are being stepped up to acquire everything needed to finish of the collusion/delusion; FISA warrant start, so he can do it with the largest audience possible.

Expect the Democrats to walk out if it happens, and to be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE, in the 2018 midterms!

Encouraging opinions. Thanks for sharing.

Do you believe Jeff Sessions is helping with cleaning up the Obama/Clinton corruption; or is he part of the Swamp; or just a complete Pussy, or what?

The Attorney General must be a part of saving our Government...the one Jefferson envisioned, and which made this the greatest country in the human experience.

Is Sessions a Pussy or a Patriot?

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

Fucking partisan hack. My point was the Trump did not corrupt the DOJ, that it goes back wayyy before him. Even when we agree on something your partisan zealousness will never let you acknowledge it. What a shitty way to live.
"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. Thet joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

Zerohedge is not a valid source. Try again.

We all know what you’re pushing. You’re trying to discredit one of our most valuable institutions, the FBI, in order to cover for the crimes Mueller will most likely charge Trump with.
That’s treasonous.

And no Obama didn’t corrupt the justice dept. That dubious honor belongs to Sessions and Trump.

Can’t wait for this administration’s crimes and traitorous acts to be revealed by Bob Mueller.

Oh please, the corruption there goes back way more than a year, more like decades

I wasn't aware that Donald Trump has been President of the United States for decades.

Time sure flies when you're having fun and I"m still not tired of winning.

I probably should have started a thread on this, but leftists never come to my threads, lol

Anyway----------> you notice how things are coming out about the collusion/delusion, and how now, the evidence is being FORCED to be shown where it originated from, meaning the FISA warrants!

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT A SPEECH called the State Of The Union-) Well my friends, I am told by highly reliable sources, that if the issue is FORCED enough into the open, our President, thinking of having a very decent size video board, and will PERSONALLY connect the dots on that video board between Hilly, the DNC, Steele, Fusion GPS, the FBI hierarchy, and the DOJ-) This in front of God, a massive American audience, and the charming and delightful Democrats.

And the reason?

Because the phony-baloney delusion/collusion, is hurting the Union, and must be addressed to move forward!

Set in stone, no...............because the rest of the evidence has to be collected by that time. I am told, 60-40, but the efforts are being stepped up to acquire everything needed to finish of the collusion/delusion; FISA warrant start, so he can do it with the largest audience possible.

Expect the Democrats to walk out if it happens, and to be THROWN OUT OF OFFICE, in the 2018 midterms!

Encouraging opinions. Thanks for sharing.

Do you believe Jeff Sessions is helping with cleaning up the Obama/Clinton corruption; or is he part of the Swamp; or just a complete Pussy, or what?

The Attorney General must be a part of saving our Government...the one Jefferson envisioned, and which made this the greatest country in the human experience.

Is Sessions a Pussy or a Patriot?


You know, that is a good question Macauley.

I am positive he doesn't want to make the DOJ appear as it was under the last administration, meaning partisan. He is also under orders; as is the whole administration, to plug leaks, so it would be detrimental for sure to leak whatever they are working on, and get caught doing it.

Let me put it this way----------> you know the link you have. I am sure that Lindsey got the information from Trump, since they are working closer together. Where do you think Trump got the information from? Forget the regular agents/lawyers in the DOJ or FBI, the only way he got it was someone on high in one of these places, someone with a lot of access, that could just pull the actual files, and knew where to get them from.

Am I saying I know it was Sessions? Nah, that would be total speculation, but the odds are pretty good he at least had something to do with it!

And finally, I give you another piece of the intricate web, that by using your logic, will give you extreme confidence to know that WE are on the correct track-------->

With Sessions being in the inner circle for many, many, months; aren't you confident that he knows if their is any truth at all to the collusion/delusion? His lack of what we perceive to be; inactivity on pursuing the last administration, has nothing to do with his past integrity. We know through all of his dealings in Alabama; Leftist bullshit talking points aside, the man had a sterling reputation, do we not!

Now when Roy Moore had all of his problems in Alabama, Jeff Sessions was asked by the Republicans, and the President, if he would consider either returning to his seat, or take Moore's place, and reclaim his senate seat. He declined!

And so, here we have a man of great integrity, who could easily have gone back to his position of power as 1 of 100 in the senate, and he knows virtually everything about the inner workings of the Trump campaign, AND has access to how everything came down at the DOJ before he got there to acquire the FISA warrants, and probably has significant information on what happened at the FBI, and yet, he chose to stay in what the left would have us believe, is a treasonous administration that COLLUDED and pulled off a Russian coup against Hillary?

And so I ask ya, how much do you think Sessions integrity is worth to him? And if ya don't know, or aren't sure, just watch him on youtube get extremely hot, when he is accused of lying on more than one occasion at the congressional hearings.

Nah, we are not only on the right track, we have hammers in our conservative hands to knock the nails into the Leftist coffins, and while that is manual labor, instead of hiring illegals to do it for us, I am sure you and I will enjoy doing it ourselves!

There is absolutely little doubt that history will view the collusion/delusion, as a significant part of our history. Thing is, it won't play in history, or in the near future, as the left on here, there, and every where thought it would-)
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"Even some Democrats are now beginning to have doubts. Remarkably even CNN – possibly the single most strident supporter of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the mainstream media – has now published an article by Paul Callan which outlines in detail the case against the FBI, admits that it is compelling, and ends with these (from this source) truly remarkable words:

While I rarely agree with much of what the President does or says regarding legal issues, this time he’s got it right. The FBI’s reputation has been severely damaged not by the President’s criticism but by a systematic failure of the bureau’s leadership.

The field agents of the FBI should still retain the trust of the American people. Their honor and dignity has not been compromised; but the bureau’s leadership ranks require a prompt and thorough house cleaning by the new director, Christopher Wray. The bureau’s leadership has forfeited the reputation of a cherished American institution."

Crisis For Mueller: Lindsey Graham Demands New Special Counsel To investigate Trump Dossier & FBI | Zero Hedge

Obama corrupted the Justice Department. Its time for Liberals to deal with that fact...time to decide whether they are Americans first or just Democrats first.

Republicans had to make the same choice with Nixon, and they manned up....and did the right thing for America. They joined the Democrats in riding him out of town on a rail.

Will Democrats do the same?....for America?

Will they help clean up the DOJ and FBI.?...knowing the Republic cannot last with a corrupted Justice Department.

Knowing, it simply cannot?

If you truly want to address corruption in Washington. you must start by getting rid of the current ‘administration’ – the most corrupt in decades.

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