Corporations are fighting against the Right to Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Over 100 American Corporations had a zoom call with each other on how to fight against Protecting EVERYONE's Right to Vote.
If you are against clean and fair elections, then you are against the Right to Vote.
When someone votes twice, they cancel out another person's vote and they violate their Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes they violate EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Vote ID protects EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Prove me wrong.

Heads of Starbucks and Pepsi among business leaders to push back against voter restriction laws | Daily Mail Online
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Over 100 American Corporations had a zoom call with each other on how to fight against Protecting EVERYONE's Right to Vote.
If you are against clean and fair elections, then you are against the Right to Vote.
When someone votes twice, they cancel out another person's vote and they violate their Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes they violate EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Vote ID protects EVERYONE's the Right to Vote
Prove me wrong.

Heads of Starbucks and Pepsi among business leaders to push back against voter restriction laws | Daily Mail Online
Since they ask for an ID and a chain of custody for mail ins, it is racist.

I feel every national election has been rife with fraud since Kennedys old man cheated and got his sons head blown off (cheaters never win in the end...LOLOLOL)

What this does is eliminate all forms of cheating and Democrats know that without the dead and illegal electorate, They lose every time.
Over 100 American Corporations had a zoom call with each other on how to fight against Protecting EVERYONE's Right to Vote.
If you are against clean and fair elections, then you are against the Right to Vote.
When someone votes twice, they cancel out another person's vote and they violate their Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes they violate EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Vote ID protects EVERYONE's the Right to Vote
Prove me wrong.

Heads of Starbucks and Pepsi among business leaders to push back against voter restriction laws | Daily Mail Online
Since they ask for an ID and a chain of custody for mail ins, it is racist.

I feel every national election has been rife with fraud since Kennedys old man cheated and got his sons head blown off (cheaters never win in the end...LOLOLOL)

What this does is eliminate all forms of cheating and Democrats know that without the dead and illegal electorate, They lose every time.
lets face it, democrats and communists have to cheat
What we have here is virtue signalling. But don't they realize when they do this shit they are antagonizing half the population that WANTS Voter IDs and less election fraud? Maybe more than half in some places, and that doesn't seem to me to be good business.
Over 100 American Corporations had a zoom call with each other on how to fight against Protecting EVERYONE's Right to Vote.
If you are against clean and fair elections, then you are against the Right to Vote.
When someone votes twice, they cancel out another person's vote and they violate their Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes they violate EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Vote ID protects EVERYONE's the Right to Vote
Prove me wrong.

Heads of Starbucks and Pepsi among business leaders to push back against voter restriction laws | Daily Mail Online
Since they ask for an ID and a chain of custody for mail ins, it is racist.

I feel every national election has been rife with fraud since Kennedys old man cheated and got his sons head blown off (cheaters never win in the end...LOLOLOL)

What this does is eliminate all forms of cheating and Democrats know that without the dead and illegal electorate, They lose every time.
lets face it, democrats and communists have to cheat

Ask any libturd how identifying yourself is wacist when everyone has to do it. What percent of black voters don't drive...................5????

Ask any libturd how a chain of custody for mail ins and absent ballots is wacist when EVERYONE EVERYONE EVERY11111111 has to frikin do it

The Trump voter fraud scam was good in one way. Half the country will never be beat again by dead people and illegal ballots you rat bastard cheatin SOBs
The Trump voter fraud scam was good in one way. Half the country wil never be beat again by dead people and illegal ballots you rat bastard cheatin SOBs

LOL, well it's good that you aren't taking it personally. And I'm not 100% convinced that voter fraud is totally dead either. State legislatures around the country are working on it, but where there's a will there's a way and those rat bastard cheatin SOBs do have a lot of will.
Over 100 American Corporations had a zoom call with each other on how to fight against Protecting EVERYONE's Right to Vote.
If you are against clean and fair elections, then you are against the Right to Vote.
When someone votes twice, they cancel out another person's vote and they violate their Right to Vote.
When a non-citizen votes they violate EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Vote ID protects EVERYONE's Right to Vote
Prove me wrong.

Heads of Starbucks and Pepsi among business leaders to push back against voter restriction laws | Daily Mail Online
If there were actually such a problem, a solution would be required. In the absence of evidence (E.g., a lying politician raving that he lost the popular vote because 3-5 million illegal individuals had all voted against him, appointing a commission to bring the dastards to justice, and its being disbanded when not a single one could be found,) the fantasy merely serves as a hyper-partisan pretext to suppress votes, a ploy that is persistent in American history.

Flash an ID at a poll nanny? It's just the latest variation on poll taxes, literacy tests, gerrymandering, reducing voting venues, restricting early voting, prohibiting voting by mail, felony disenfranchisement, and contriving long lines where citizens are deprived of water.

Both parties have tried to erect barriers when it suited their respective interests.

Republicans now lashing out at private enterprise when they can on longer keep the corporate sector down on their plantation is amusing.
lets face it, democrats and communists have to cheat
That is the lie that losers need to tell themselves. The increase in Democratic enrollment makes them very pissy.

Meanwhile, the GOP, by their transparent attempts at voter suppression, is alienating the corporate interests that had sustained it.

Hundreds of corporations including Google and Amazon signed on to a statement, released Wednesday, expressing opposition to “any discriminatory legislation” that would make it harder to vote.
The statement is part of a push by major corporations to denounce voting legislation such as the bill recently passed in Georgia, which, among other provisions, mandates that voters present photo identification and bans advocacy groups from distributing food at polling places. Similar bills are under consideration in states including Texas and Michigan, and were introduced after former President Trump claimed Democrats “stole” the general election by means of voter fraud.

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