'Cops and Klan Go Hand in Hand,' Chant Dallas Anti-Confederacy Protesters

Instead of calling the police, those idiots should call a leftist protester when five armed home-invaders are breaking into their house.
And they do.....what they failed to do for the protesters in Charlo. proves the point. That's why its important for counter groups to either stay home or stay armed as well. Throughout our history, if you nuts are so engulfed in it, its always been law enforcement that kept the Klan safe and in power.

If said "counter groups" intend on being armed, it's probably best that that they stay home. A handful of ignorant shitheads armed with their grandpa's single-shot 20 gauge shotguns and .22 rifles only serve as target practice for any well-armed police department.

But if they want to be martyrs, well go right ahead. But they'd be better off dousing themselves with gasoline and setting themselves on fire. That would make an awesome political statement. Maybe even get some sympathy for their "cause".

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