Cop brutally slams girl on concrete

not saying he was in the right but why does every one of these kinds of videos usually lack context? Are we to believe the cell-phone camera was only switched on immediately before the girl was slammed to the ground? It would be helpful to know what happened prior.


Because if we are to convict this man in the court of public opinion then we should be provided the full evidence not just the part that the prosecutor wants us to see.

Okay..... what could there possibly be, if we had entire let's say surveillance video running all day, that could justify slamming a girl's head into the concrete?

Use your imagination but keep it real.

Maybe she threatened to kill the other girl she was fighting with.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the cop intended for her head to hit the concrete when he did the judo maneuver on her?

Yeah I do. It's a wrestling move, pivoted for that effect.

Maybe she did. Maybe she did something else too. I asked you what she could have done that would justify slamming her head into the concrete. I'm still not seeing an answer.

I am not looking for justification. I want to see the context so I can decide if his actions were reasonable.

So it is reasonable for a cop to body slam a child with her hands cuffed. Smfh.

He cuffed her afterwards. I know you lefty types are keen on rewriting history but this is much too recent an event. At least wait a couple days.

Cuffed or not what man needs to body slam a female child, if she were white you wouldn't be singing that bullshit excuse song.

If she was white, you wouldn't be in this thread talking about it.

If she was white, it wouldn't even make the local news.

So you keep posting, without ever confronting my question. Must be skeery.

Okay, let's rip it wide open. Is there *ANY* justification, at any time, in any place, whether school, street, church or anywhere else ---- for slamming a girl's (or a boy's, or a man's or a woman's, baby's, geezer's, whatever) head into the concrete? Can such a scenario ever exist? Anywhere?

I don't want to hear "she mighta said this, she mighta did that", I want to hear any possible justification for slamming a human head into the concrete. Any at all, Hypothetically.

IDK how about "I have a gun in my locker"

is that a good enough excuse or does it only count for white boys?

"white boys" ?

I said literally anyone, but all you see is race huh?

So if I'm following, you're saying it may or may not be OK to slam a head into the concrete, it depends on the race?

Doesn't that mean some races are more human than others?

Of course race is a factor here. It's the only reason we're even talking about this right now. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, never does a white boy get manhandled by police. It definitely happens. We just never hear about it. Wonder why?

Because white people don't defend evil, and politicians use race to divide the country.

That's why.

You go too far with the comedy.

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