cooking suggestions


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
If one were inclined to burn a Qur'an (Koran), what's the best way to cook that book?

Maybe I'm just not sufficiently in the loop, but I wonder: does one soak the tome in gasoline, first?

Or does one just light it up without any incendiary assistance? Would that be the purist method?

Is one supposed to make sure no word of print remains behind, or is partial charring good enough?

Must one rip off a sheet and use it to wipe one's ass first?
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If one were inclined to burn a Qur'an (Koran), what's the best way to cook that book?

Maybe I'm just not sufficiently in the loop, but I wonder: does one soak the tome in gasoline, first?

Or does one just light it up without any incendiary assistance? Would that be the purist method?

Is one supposed to make sure no word of print remains behind, or is partial charring good enough?

Must one rip off a sheet and use it to wipe one's ass first?

A nice bacon grease fire should do just fine
Back in my day, we never used accelerants on the books themselves, only on the log base. If logs are in short supply, then yes, gasoline on the pages is the way to go.

I do recall leather bindings being troublesome. On those, it's best to open the book at center, apply a splash of gas, and toss a match.

The aroma of burning rice paper is something to experience. I wish I could be there, to see the children, flame light dancing on their little faces as they look on in amazement.

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If one were inclined to burn a Qur'an (Koran), what's the best way to cook that book?

Maybe I'm just not sufficiently in the loop, but I wonder: does one soak the tome in gasoline, first?

Or does one just light it up without any incendiary assistance? Would that be the purist method?

Is one supposed to make sure no word of print remains behind, or is partial charring good enough?

Must one rip off a sheet and use it to wipe one's ass first?

Wrap the book in bacon and throw it on the grill.
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We are allowed to burn the flag. We are allowed to stand on the flag. We are allowed to burn our bibles. We got away with burning draft cards. So what's the big deal about burning the Koran? All of a sudden this burning nonsense isn't allowed just because it might piss off a few muslims?
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Speaking of bacon . . .

I am wondering if it's ok to cook something over the heat and flame of a burning Qur'an?

Or would that make the food taste bad?
Ok. Ok. Joking aside.

I hereby submit that anybody who doesn't think that Pastor Terry is an asshole for this Qur'an burning thing needs to give it some more thought.

Hey Pastor, I aint no expert on the precepts of all things "Christianity," but I believe one component of the whole religion involves doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you object when radical Islamists burn the American flag and burn the Holy Bible, then maybe --

I'm spit-balling here --

but just maybe, the answer is to NOT burn the 'holy book' of the religion of those who have offended you in that fashion.

Maybe -- and again, I'm spit-balling -- what you need to do is demonstrate the Christian religious philosophy of "turning the other cheek" instead.
Speaking of bacon . . .

I am wondering if it's ok to cook something over the heat and flame of a burning Qur'an?

Or would that make the food taste bad?
What your masters don't tell you is you could fly tanker planes full of pork fat over the mooozlum territories and once it hit the ground, the true "believers" would all kill themselves.
I know.
Hannity and O'reilly forgot to mention that.
Fuck it. Offending people is the American way.

Pastor Terry fucked up the date. It should have been held on Halloween. At midnight. During an outdoor showing of The Rocky Horror Picture show. A stage full of Dr. Frankenfurter-costumed participants could soak the Koran in a vat of bacon fat, fresh from the "Chocolate Deep Fried Bacon Fritter" stand, and then pass the tomes to all the torch wielding Riff Raff-costumed participants while the entire crowd sings along to, and changes the lyrics of...

Therrrres a Liiiight.. (Over at Mohammedans place...)

[ame=]YouTube - Rocky Horror Picture Show - Over At The Frankenstein Place[/ame]
If one were inclined to burn a Qur'an (Koran), what's the best way to cook that book?

Maybe I'm just not sufficiently in the loop, but I wonder: does one soak the tome in gasoline, first?

Or does one just light it up without any incendiary assistance? Would that be the purist method?

Is one supposed to make sure no word of print remains behind, or is partial charring good enough?

Must one rip off a sheet and use it to wipe one's ass first?

gasoline would be good. otherwise heavy rainfalls could soak the books and prevent the burning.

as it happened in 1933.
Fuck it. Offending people is the American way.

Pastor Terry fucked up the date. It should have been held on Halloween. At midnight. During an outdoor showing of The Rocky Horror Picture show. A stage full of Dr. Frankenfurter-costumed participants could soak the Koran in a vat of bacon fat, fresh from the "Chocolate Deep Fried Bacon Fritter" stand, and then pass the tomes to all the torch wielding Riff Raff-costumed participants while the entire crowd sings along to, and changes the lyrics of...

Therrrres a Liiiight.. (Over at Mohammedans place...)

YouTube - Rocky Horror Picture Show - Over At The Frankenstein Place

That works for me!
The Koran is NOT "Fair Food" to be dipped in batter, deep fried in lard and then served on a stick and eaten with a stick of camel and chocolate covered bacon.

mmmmmmmm.... sacriligious. gaaaahaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
If one were inclined to burn a Qur'an (Koran), what's the best way to cook that book?

Maybe I'm just not sufficiently in the loop, but I wonder: does one soak the tome in gasoline, first?

Or does one just light it up without any incendiary assistance? Would that be the purist method?

Is one supposed to make sure no word of print remains behind, or is partial charring good enough?

Must one rip off a sheet and use it to wipe one's ass first?

gasoline would be good. otherwise heavy rainfalls could soak the books and prevent the burning.

as it happened in 1933.
Yeah...damn that bad luck. :lol:
The Koran is NOT "Fair Food" to be dipped in batter, deep fried in lard and then served on a stick and eaten with a stick of camel and chocolate covered bacon.

mmmmmmmm.... sacriligious. gaaaahaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Who said anything about eating it? :lol:

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