Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter
A reminder of leftist affection for murder and mayhem.

10 Jul 2020 ~~ By Lioyd Billingsley
“There’s no way you can do any homework on Black Lives Matter and not see that it’s a Marxist political organization,” and the move to substitute a “black” nation anthem was “a communist political move.” That was sports journalist Jason Whitlock in an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News this week, when more obscure information about BLM emerged.
Convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg (pictured above) is vice chair of Thousand Currents, a California-based charity that handles fundraising for Black Lives Matter. Rosenberg is a veteran of the May 19 Communist Organization that carried out a bombings in the early 1980s to counter President Reagan’s “Morning in America” campaign. Rosenberg landed on the FBI most wanted list and was arrested with stolen explosives in 1984.
The terrorist drew 58 years but served only 16 because in 2001 President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg’s sentence. Since 2016, Rosenberg has been involved with Black Lives Matter, now openly recognized as a Marxist organization making communist political moves. One of those moves, supported by prominent Democrats is to defund the police, but BLM Philadelphia boss YahNé Ndgo is taking that to a new level. “One of the things that we are demanding over five years is the complete abolition,” she told Fox News Tuesday. “We don’t want to see any police in our community.”
Black Lives Matter has made a hero of Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur) who murdered a New Jersey state trooper, escaped prison and fled to Cuba. As Atlanta and Chicago confirm, murder is becoming more common in communities where Black Lives Matter operates, and the abolition of police would make it more so. As it happens, in Communist doctrine and practice, murder is necessary for social progress.
Should some kind of Communist regime take power in the United States, the killing fields would be vast indeed. For the left, at home and abroad, the United States has always been the main enemy. The motive is there and given the means and opportunity, those mutant social growths, conservatives, and Judeo-Christian types, with their traditional values, would have to go. In a way, the cultural revolution is already in progress.
America is attacked 24/7 as an inherently unjust and racist society, never a great country and beyond all prospect of reform. Like the Khmer Rouge, the left longs for the “year zero” of their utopian socialist dreams. Violent thugs extract cringing confessions of “white privilege” and “inherent bias.” In cities and states controlled by Democrats, police and politicians tend to look the other way. Embattled Americans, isolated by the pandemic, push back as best they can.
Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Tucker Carlson the DOJ needs to start looking into BLM. No such action is evident, and despite the efforts of the allegedly intrepid John Durham, none of the DOJ and FBI bosses in the coup attempt on President Trump has been brought to justice.
As the election approaches, leftist violence is certain to surge. Will the FBI and DOJ continue to take a knee? Will BLM and Antifa be declared terrorist organizations? As President Trump says, we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

One of the first black President's pardons of terrorists has done well. The FALN boys, not so much. The first black President who was half black, not all white, tried with pardoning Oscar Lopez Rivera, also FALN, but waited till he was too old.

#ANTIFA and #BLM are the offspring of yesterday's militant versions of Weather Underground, 19th of May Commies and the Symbionese Liberation Army.
You have to ask yourself why are Susan Rosenberg, Linda Sue Evans, William Ayers and his wife running around loose in the United States?
Why haven't they been charged with aiding and abetting treason, looting and murdering in the USA?
Why has the FBI not closed and indicted the laundering of various foreign agents funding used to incite violence in the USA?
Why are are the real decision making positions in Black Lives Matter held by white Communists, Anarchists, Muslims or Elitists?
Most of all... Why are these people not facing expeditious trials and convictions leading to execution?
Had William Ayers been convicted for his actions and leading membership in the "Weather Underground" there would not have been a president named Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
Strangely if anyone has read the fictional novel by William Luther Pierce, published under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald. called the "Turner Diaries" published in 1978. These events are taking place today....
The DoJ and FBI have been corrupt for decades, beginning with J. Edgar Hoover along with the many career corrupt employees on the payroll.
Perhaps like the OSS both the DoJ and FBI should be disbanded and restructured?
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Convicted of explosives possession in 1984, she received a 58-year-sentence, which was sixteen times the national average for such offenses.[10] Her lawyers contend that, had the case not been politically charged, Rosenberg would have received a five-year sentence.[3]

Accused of driving the getaway car after her gang murdered two Police Officers and a Brinks guard in the early 80's. Authorities declined to endure the expense and security to prosecute her since she was sentenced to 58 years for explosive and firearms possession. Wouldn't you know her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton after 16 years. That's how they work the system.
Black national anthems are communist moves? Which kind of communist? A Maoist, a Stalinist, a Leninist, a Trotskyist?

Does it really matter? Each of them follow the similar paths of genocide, murder, tyrrany, enslavement, godlessnees and totalitarian power for the few over the many.
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