Control of VA House down to a coin flip


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
After the VA elections, the VA house was 49D-51R. However, 4 recounts were in process, all in (R) winning districts. In one of them, the result of the recount was .. a tie. By VA law, ties are settled by a coin flip or some other agreed upon random event. Thus, the election centers on a coin flip, and thus control of the VA house centers on a coin flip.

Va. House district now tied after ballot review by panel of judges

Remember, every vote counts.

Note that a 3-judge panel gave the Republican a disputed vote, creating the tie. And that's ... fine. It looks like a good decision. Obviously, if it had gone the other way, every Republican here would be screaming about how the judges were part of a liberal conspiracy. And they'll still be screaming that if the Democrat wins the coin toss.
If Virginia is dumb enough to elect so many (D)-bags, they deserve what they get.
If Virginia is dumb enough to elect so many (D)-bags, they deserve what they get.
Unfortunately Northern Virginia now controls how the state as a whole votes for Governor,Lt Gov,SOS,senators etc.

Imagine- a state where the majority of voters controls who get elected Governor?
No dip shit the MAJORITY don't the majority of northern virginia voters do. Jesus the left's grasp of reading comprehension is horrible.
The majority of Virginians are moving toward a Democratic majority.

That's how it works, Odium.
If Virginia is dumb enough to elect so many (D)-bags, they deserve what they get.
Unfortunately Northern Virginia now controls how the state as a whole votes for Governor,Lt Gov,SOS,senators etc.

Imagine- a state where the majority of voters controls who get elected Governor?
No dip shit the MAJORITY don't the majority of northern virginia voters do. Jesus the left's grasp of reading comprehension is horrible.

And I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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