Consumers create jobs.

Oldstyle Says: Showing us that the term "trickle down" can be found in several on-line sites does NOT prove that it exists as a theory for economists, you buffoon!Buffoon?? Some one is going to look like a buffoon at the end of this post, and it won't be me. I really do not care if it is or is not being taught. I can find references to unicorns and mermaids on line as well but that doesn't mean they exist outside of someone's imagination...which is EXACTLY where the ever elusive "trickle down economic theory" resides as well. So you say, but you have no proof of that. It is just your word, which has no value, dogma pusher. It isn't a REAL economic's a political term used by the proponents of income redistribution. Look, dipshit, it is a term that is "used" by all sorts of people. As Reagans Budget Director Says, it was a republican invention meant to get people to agree with supply side economics. You see, oldstyle, He would know. He was there. You do not. You were not. He was Reagans Budget Director. You were what, oldstyle. So, why is it that we should believe your contention. You have no proof. Because you can not find any.

Show me a credible economist that is using the "trickle down economic model". You can't BECAUSE JUST LIKE THE UNICORN IT'S SOMETHING THAT'S MADE UP...IT DOESN'T EXIST!!! Did someone say that there was an economic model for trickle down?? It was not me. Lying again, eh oldstyle?? Did I say it was being taught??? No, I did not.

And if you really WERE an economics major like you claim...then you'd know that. Now there is a stupid statement. You just said I would know something that I did not. Again, you are being dishonest.
So lets see, oh great econ expert. Is trickle down an economic theory??? You say you know better than the encyclopedias, which shows you are delusional. I do not care if it is an economic theory. You seem to be hung up on it, and say it is not. Who else believes it is an economic theory: (you know you are going to loose this point)
Trickle-down economic theory is based upon supply-side economics.
Trickle Down Economics Theory and Effect

due to legislation passed under Reagan, the trickle-down theory's most famous adherent.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work | United for a Fair Economy

In fact I am certain that the developers of the theory of "Trickle-Down" economics were fully aware of this
Trickle Down economics was a Trojan Horse

Robert Reich Dismisses Trickle-Down Theory Commonwealth Club
Robert Reich on the Trickle-Down Economic Theory video from Videos

Why the Trickle Down Theory of Economics Does not Work for Small Businesses.
Why the Trickle Down Theory of Economics Does not Work for Small Businesses. | Strategies For Small Business

Trickle Down Economic Theory-- "An economic theory which advocates letting businesses flourish,
Online Debate: Trickle Down Economic Theory Does Not Work |

Irwin Shishko: GOP trickle down theory more like casino economics
Irwin Shishko: GOP trickle down theory more like casino economics - Sun Sentinel

Warren Buffett: ‘Trickle Down’ Theory Hasn’t Worked
Warren Buffett: ‘Trickle Down’ Theory Hasn’t Worked (VIDEO) | TPMDC

And we can go for hours, literally hundreds of references to trickle down theory. Economists, dictionaries, pundits, on and on. And then there is Oldstyle, steadfastly saying that trickle down is not a theory. But, he has NO references saying so. Who to believe. Robert Reich, Warren Buffett, (both of whom, among many many others say it is a theory), and then Oldstyle, all by himself, saying it is not. And repeating it over and over. Who to believe. Who to believe. continue to amaze. After I tell you that "trickle-down theory" only exists because proponents of income redistribution coined the term to assail those who don't agree with their proceed to name a litany of sites of people who espouse income redistribution to prove me wrong! If you were any dumber you'd be a Chia pet! United For a Fair Economy? Seriously, Dude? This is so absurd it's become like a Monty Python skit. United For a Fair Economy sounds exactly like something John Cleese would come up with.
Let's look at United For a Fair Economy...shall we? Here's their "about us" page...

UFE raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. We support and help build social movements for greater equality.

Our vision is of a global society where prosperity is better shared, where there is genuine equality of opportunity, where the power of concentrated money and corporations neither dominates the economy nor dictates the content of mass culture. We envision a society in which values, not profits alone, guide economic decisions.

Our goals are to close the growing wealth divide, to change the rules that tilt tax benefits toward the wealthy, to spotlight the role of race in economic inequality, and to serve as a forum where different races, different cultures, and people with varying degrees of wealth can come together to work for economic justice."

Oh, yeah! Just a big bunch of unbiased economists there, Rshermr! Nobody with a political agenda in THAT group!!!
Then let's take a look at "Trickle Down Economics Theory and Effect.

The author, Kimberly Amadeo (another person who isn't an economist) states the following:

"Trickle-Down Economics Definition:

Trickle-down economics does exactly what it says -- the benefits of economic policies that help the wealthy trickle down to everyone else. For the most part, these policies mean tax cuts. Trickle-down economics assumes that the real drivers of economic growth are those who are successful in society -- business owners, investors, and savers. The extra cash they get from tax cuts is used to expand companies directly, investing in business, or adding savings (liquidity) that can be used for business lending.
According to trickle-down economics, the first thing businesses do with extra money is hire workers. These workers spend their wages, driving demand. The net result is a faster growing economy."

Gee, Ms. Amadeo seems a bit confused here. She speaks of a trickle down effect yet then she goes on and describes EXACTLY what Thomas Sowell points out when he says that trickle down theory is a straw horse since workers get paid first LONG before any profit is realized. Only she doesn't seem to get the REASON that businesses hire workers...which ISN'T because they suddenly have some extra money lying's because they see a bigger potential to realize a future profit because of supply side tax cuts. THAT is the reason workers are hired.
Now, isn't that nice. We now know that oldstyle can click on a link, and he can read. that was in question, as so far he has not proven either of his statements. One, that trickle down was started by democrats.
and, TWO, that trickle down is not a economic theory.
I could not care less if I picked a liberal site, as you say it is. I am not checking them out. Why should I . Your assertion is one that you should be proving. But you are not, because you can not.

Look, oldstyle. You are a dipshit. You want to see proof that trickle down is a theory. Not that it makes any difference at all. So, you had a bunch to choose from. But, instead, you jumped on one that is liberal in nature. So what, you totally dishonest clown. You have zero game. You have made claims. And you have no source. You are a complete waste of space, as usual. Just a dipshit. And a complete waste of space. At this point, only you, just oldstyle, believes trickle down is not a theory. Your assertion is absolutely stupid. And you are totally unable to back up your statement. So, oldstyle, the only remaining conclusion is that you are a liar. You know better, and you are a liar.
And then you've got to just LOVE, Robert Reich talking way back in 2008 about the wonders of building a "bottom up" economy and of course using the pejorative "trickle down" theory instead of the proper Supply Side theory. Gee, DID that "bottom up" thing turn out for us? You know...the stimulus that you were pushing to be passed back in the Fall of 2008? What a surprise that one of the strongest supporters of income redistribution would lapse into using the term trickle down. But hey, at least you finally named someone who had some background in economics!!! Now THAT'S classic!!! We're supposed to take the word of an anonymous "debater" of some bloggers site? Can you possibly get any more pathetic with this? I can't WAIT to see what the next "proof" is that you've supplied.
Then let's take a look at "Trickle Down Economics Theory and Effect.

The author, Kimberly Amadeo (another person who isn't an economist) states the following:

Yeah. But you are the only person taking the opposite position to Kimberly. Lets take a look at her biography, and see if your attack on her holds water:

Kimberly has over 25 years experience in economic research and business planning for The Arizona Republic, Arizona Public Service, and The Rockport Company. Prior to that, Kimberly was an urban planner at the Boston Redevelopment Authority.


Kimberly received a M.S. degree in Management from the Sloan School at M.I.T. where she majored in International Management and Finance. Her Master's Thesis was on International Exchange Rate Fluctuations. She also holds a Master's Degree in Social Planning from Boston College.

From Ada Lio:

"Trickle-Down Economics Definition:

Trickle-down economics does exactly what it says -- the benefits of economic policies that help the wealthy trickle down to everyone else. For the most part, these policies mean tax cuts. Trickle-down economics assumes that the real drivers of economic growth are those who are successful in society -- business owners, investors, and savers. The extra cash they get from tax cuts is used to expand companies directly, investing in business, or adding savings (liquidity) that can be used for business lending.
According to trickle-down economics, the first thing businesses do with extra money is hire workers. These workers spend their wages, driving demand. The net result is a faster growing economy."

Gee, Ms. Amadeo seems a bit confused here. She speaks of a trickle down effect yet then she goes on and describes EXACTLY what Thomas Sowell points out when he says that trickle down theory is a straw horse since workers get paid first LONG before any profit is realized. Only she doesn't seem to get the REASON that businesses hire workers...which ISN'T because they suddenly have some extra money lying's because they see a bigger potential to realize a future profit because of supply side tax cuts. THAT is the reason workers are hired. And of course, that is more of your con dogma. We went through this many times. So, again, Reagan did as you said, cut taxes and, you know the results. Unemployment went up to 10.8% from 7%, and the national debt went through the roof. And reagan then, as you know, had to INCREASE taxes 11 times, Borrow enough to tripple the national debt, and deficit spend. You know that, but you are dishonest.

So, at any rate, you have not yet brought up the rest of the sources that say what everyone but you know. That trickle down is an economic theory. Keep trying. I can bring you another 10 any time.
But again, oldstyle, you have NO souses saying that trickle down is NOT an economic theory. Which is really making you look like a fool.
Stimulus has nothing to do with bubbles.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to explain why you think they are unrelated when in fact they are the same. What does your fear tell you about your IQ and character??

This should be the easiest question in the world for the professor!!
Let's watch how easily he can handle it!!

And now we know, he refuted the idea by saying it was wrong!! It did not even occur to the goofy liberal to present evidence or logical argument!! A liberal's feelings that something is wrong is all that's necessary.

Actually, so far as I know his only line is,"thats con dogma and so it is wrong, though I can't explain why for the life of me." Of course, you are lying again. I keep trying to explain economics to you, but you are incapable of understanding. And con dogma, which you do post continuously, is easily discussed. And shown to be wrong, which it always is. If you had a brain, you would understand.

Too stupid!! Of course if it was wrong you would not be so afraid to say why it is wrong. What does your fear tell you about your IQ and character

Have you looked at the study explaining why cons are stupid? I keep sending it to you, for your own good, you should read it.

a typical liberal trying to change the subject hoping no one will notice!
"Irwin Shishko"? Ah, who IS Irwin Shishko and why is it that I should pay attention to him? I Googled his name and the ONLY thing there was the article that you cited, Rshermr. Obviously Mr. Shishko is a PROLIFIC writer on economic issues and I can see why you were so eager to use him as proof! (eye-roll)
But again, oldstyle, you have NO souses saying that trickle down is NOT an economic theory. Which is really making you look like a fool.

if its a theory of any significance at all then you would be able to name an economist who founded it or promoted it. I've asked 10 times now but still no answer??

What does that say??

In any case trickle down capitalism is far far better than trickle down government welfare entitlements.
"I could not care less if I picked a liberal site, as you say it is. I am not checking them out. Why should I ."

You don't check out the sites that you cite here? Really? So when they turn out to be complete jokes like these's not really your fault it? Gotcha...

Well, that explains a lot, Rshermr...
"I could not care less if I picked a liberal site, as you say it is. I am not checking them out. Why should I ."

You don't check out the sites that you cite here? Really? So when they turn out to be complete jokes like these's not really your fault it? Gotcha...

Well, that explains a lot, Rshermr...
Oldstyle, you are turning yourself inside because you can not find a source that says that trickle down is not a theory. You have at least a dozen now that say it is. And that is without any effort. No, I have not been checking these out, because you said that trickle down was not an economic theory. So, I have given you a dozen, and I do not intend to read them all. Not worth the time.
Quit complaining. Lets see your stuff. At this point, you have shown no game at all. And you are looking like a complete fool.
And you are looking like a complete fool.

It is you who is the fool because you can't name the economist who created the trickle down theory or any economist who promotes it.
And now oldstyle is so desperate that he has help from Ed, the idiot. Ed can not argue issues. He has a difficult time finding his list of libertarian issues. By the way, ed, what happened to you. Most men get away from libertarianism by the time they reach adolescence........
"I could not care less if I picked a liberal site, as you say it is. I am not checking them out. Why should I ."

You don't check out the sites that you cite here? Really? So when they turn out to be complete jokes like these's not really your fault it? Gotcha...

Well, that explains a lot, Rshermr...
Come on, oldstyle. Where is your source. You need a few to catch up, but you can not find even one.
by the way, you forgot that there was an economist on the list. Youi need to run him down. And a very wealthy businessman. Are you going to show that you know more than he? You should bring them up, or I will. dipshit.
And you are looking like a complete fool.

It is you who is the fool because you can't name the economist who created the trickle down theory or any economist who promotes it.
And now oldstyle is so desperate that he has help from Ed, the idiot. Ed can not argue issues. He has a difficult time finding his list of libertarian issues. By the way, ed, what happened to you. Most men get away from libertarianism by the time they reach adolescence........

It is you who is the fool because you can't name the economist who created the trickle down theory or any economist who promotes it.

Still trying to change the subject with personal attack because you lack the IQ and character for substance?
"I could not care less if I picked a liberal site, as you say it is. I am not checking them out. Why should I ."

You don't check out the sites that you cite here? Really? So when they turn out to be complete jokes like these's not really your fault it? Gotcha...

Well, that explains a lot, Rshermr...
Come on, oldstyle. Where is your source. You need a few to catch up, but you can not find even one.
by the way, you forgot that there was an economist on the list. Youi need to run him down. And a very wealthy businessman. Are you going to show that you know more than he? You should bring them up, or I will. dipshit.

I already GAVE you a source, idiot child...noted economist Thomas Sowell. Now would you like to show me where "Trickle-down Theory" is being taught as an economic theory? If it's REALLY being seen an actual economic principle then you should have no problem...right?

What's amusing is that you think giving a number of garbage cites counts more than one good one. "Irvin Shishko"? LOL...that's classic!!! Didn't he teach at the same college as you?
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