Consumer Price Index rose 3.2% in October

That's cute.

When did the left gets fast tracked patents from China for the presidents daughter?

Do you have actual testimony proving this?

Why did Trump lie about his Chinese bank account?

There has been no account of testimony showing what you say.

Why did Trump praise Xi incessantly when COVID was first breaking.

Because it's smart to not make enemies of such powerful countries until they make the first move and he had gotten Xi to bleed it's gold treasure reserve in tarrifs. There was no reason to get him angry. You would have liked him and Xi to fight outright?

Which Democrat appointed Mueller?

Which letter in "Uniparty" confuses you?

Screenshot 11-20-2023 07.22.38.png
Do you have actual testimony proving this?

Testimony? It's part of the public record silly.

"What's interesting about these applications is they sailed through incredibly quickly compared to what is normal in China, under normal trademark practice," Riebling says. He notes this time it took only about nine months for the registrations to be granted by the Chinese government. "When I look at this the first thing I think of is the Chinese government should be given a speeding ticket. ... I get whiplash looking at how fast these applications went by."

There has been no account of testimony showing what you say.

Never said there was.

Because it's smart to not make enemies of such powerful countries until they make the first move and he had gotten Xi to bleed it's gold treasure reserve in tarrifs. There was no reason to get him angry. You would have liked him and Xi to fight outright?

Lol. So Trump was placating Xi?

What a weak president.

Which letter in "Uniparty" confuses you?

View attachment 861259
So Mueller was appointed by the guy appointed by Trump at a time when Republicans controlled the executive and both houses of Congress and it was a democrat investigation?

ROFL. Tell Vlad you need more training.

Good grief. Rookie.
Testimony? It's part of the public record silly.

Then post the testimony.

It's the proof. Soon Hunter will be called upon to testify and then we can post his testimony.

So, post Trumps testimony about this.

This is testimony. Soon Wray will also be under oath and comparatives will be made between his words prior to testimony and after testimony.

Which is the reason for testimony.

Your English is not good. Tell Vlad you need more language lessons.

Read slowly...There is nothing testimony. It is part of the public record.
Post the testimony. It's the proof that supports the public record.

"Testimony: A formal written or spoken statement and especially one given in a court of law."

You can't.

There is no testimony.

P x P en passant. Thanks for the game.
Of course I can't. There are no charges.
Of course you can't. It isn't there. Two years of all threee branches as well as the CIA/DOJ/Media behind the left and they found nothing and didn't subpoena Trump.

P x P en passant.


Hunter will be assigned for testimony. A few months after the October surprise.
Of course you can't. It isn't there. Two years of all threee branches as well as the CIA/DOJ/Media behind the left and they found nothing and didn't subpoena Trump.

P x P en passant.


You are too stupid to debate.

Hunter will be assigned for testimony. A few months after the October surprise.
I wouldn't vote for Hunter if I were you.

Have a great day.

Nothing better represents ignorance better than maga fuckups.
are you sure?

“Bidenomics” unleashed massive new federal spending and debt – only to deliver historically high inflation and falling real wages that are crushing American households.

  • Under the guise of pandemic aid, the Biden Administration went on a trillions-of-dollars spending spree to fund its liberal agenda.
  • “The labor market has been affected by this agenda with real wages falling below pre-pandemic trends. […] Even without new tax legislation, inflation increases marginal tax rates on businesses and personal incomes, deterring business investment and reducing real wages,” University of Chicago Professor Casey Mulligan said during his opening testimony.
  • Moreover, Carrie Sheffield, Senior Policy Analyst at Independent Women’s Forum, discussed in her opening testimony how rushing through trillions of dollars in government spending left pandemic funding vulnerable to waste, fraud, and abuse. “Fraudulent actors may have also stolen one dollar out of every seven in pandemic unemployment, totaling as much as $135 billion, according to a new GAO report.”

You are too stupid to debate.

This is not a debate, there are no scrutineers.

Meanwhile, you have no proof of what you state as fact. :doubt:

if I were you.

You are not me. You are an idiot who pretends that he is me so that he can call himself down. :lol:

Have a great day.

It is what it is. Every day has its moments and value.
I am saying you do not have a clue about inflation, worldwide or American.
I get my information from credible sources

“Bidenomics” unleashed massive new federal spending and debt – only to deliver historically high inflation and falling real wages that are crushing American households.
  • Under the guise of pandemic aid, the Biden Administration went on a trillions-of-dollars spending spree to fund its liberal agenda.
  • “The labor market has been affected by this agenda with real wages falling below pre-pandemic trends. […] Even without new tax legislation, inflation increases marginal tax rates on businesses and personal incomes, deterring business investment and reducing real wages,” University of Chicago Professor Casey Mulligan said during his opening testimony.
  • Moreover, Carrie Sheffield, Senior Policy Analyst at Independent Women’s Forum, discussed in her opening testimony how rushing through trillions of dollars in government spending left pandemic funding vulnerable to waste, fraud, and abuse. “Fraudulent actors may have also stolen one dollar out of every seven in pandemic unemployment, totaling as much as $135 billion, according to a new GAO report.”
Trump fucking up the response to COVID is the topic. NOT the race of any nation or it’s citizens.

Trump was the POTUS
POTUS is the Nations Leader
Trump delegated to take blame away from himself.
He failed to take responsibility

Then he and his cult cast blame upon others.

“No, I don’t take any responsibility at ALl.”
Each and every word of this is a lie.
Trump fucking up the response to COVID is the topic. NOT the race of any nation or it’s citizens.

Trump was the POTUS
POTUS is the Nations Leader
Trump delegated to take blame away from himself.
He failed to take responsibility

Then he and his cult cast blame upon others.

“No, I don’t take any responsibility at ALl.”

Each and every word of this is a lie.
Let's evaluate your claim. Each and every word of this is a lie. <<< Your Claim.

Trump was POTUS......Very much a FACT. Duh.

POTUS is the Nations Leader....Supposed to be a FACT, but Not when trump is POTUS.

Trump Delegated.....Very Much True and a take blame away from himself.....this is Opinion, I say true, you claim whatever you wish. Your little denial won't take away the FACT that trump delegated to the Governors. He Did.

He failed to take responsibility.......FACT....Here is a direct quote...."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt. Do you need to see the video again?

Then he and his cult cast blame upon others.......You are doing it right NOW.

Looks like you are caught in a little denial.
Man UP, and take responsibility.
Yeah, because tbe strike didn't significantly impact available inventories.

Geezusz H Crackers.
Okay hollie

Let’s settle two issues that you seem to be bi on.

1. Do you approve of the FED increasing interest rates to fight inflation?

2. If you approve of the first question, why the idiotic complaining of their increase.

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