Conspiracy Theory, OR Stolen Election?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

15 Nov 2020 ~~ By John Hinderacker
In the aftermath of the election, many questions have emerged not just about individual instances of voter fraud or vote suppression, which are legion, but more systematic issues involving software and electronic vote tracking. We know, for example, that thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump in Michigan were improperly shifted to Joe Biden due to an alleged software “glitch.”
I have no opinion on whether the election was stolen by the Biden campaign or not. I don’t think there is any way to know, on the current evidence, whether, if only legal votes were counted, and each voter voted only once, Donald Trump or Joe Biden actually won the election. I do know that if the United States is to avoid banana republic status, we need to institute more secure and reliable election procedures. No more ballot harvesting, no more millions of mail-in votes, and some reasonable attention paid to the machines and software that ultimately count the votes.
Sidney Powell, who became famous and widely respected due to her aggressive defense of Michael Flynn, has joined President Trump’s legal team. This morning she appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program, where she alleged that the Trump campaign has evidence of massive election fraud involving the Dominion voting system and its SmartMatic software–fraud that swung the election to Biden. Is she right? I have no idea. But Powell has earned the right to be taken seriously. Here she is. Judge for yourself:
One more thing: liberals are quick to dub anything they don’t like a conspiracy theory. But four years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that top officials of the FBI and the CIA would collaborate with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to propagate lies in order to try to swing the election to her, or failing that, to disable the incoming administration of the candidate that they didn’t favor. That scandal has greatly expanded my, and our, understanding of what may be possible. This isn’t your grandfather’s United States of America.

The real coup happened on Usurpation Day, January 20, 2009. All of the crimes flow from that betrayal of the Constitution By Democrats.....
Then there's this for Team Trump:
After more than four years of conspiracy theories and false accusations and the the failed Impeachment all based on false theories and accussations....
The major media outlets - the people who brought us Russia collusion, the Mueller investigation, Ukrainian interference and other group think - have been cranking out endless “baseless claims” of voter fraud over the last few days. When these non-thinkers publish the same phraseology repeatedly you can be sure there is voter fraud.

15 Nov 2020 ~~ By John Hinderacker
In the aftermath of the election, many questions have emerged not just about individual instances of voter fraud or vote suppression, which are legion, but more systematic issues involving software and electronic vote tracking. We know, for example, that thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump in Michigan were improperly shifted to Joe Biden due to an alleged software “glitch.”
I have no opinion on whether the election was stolen by the Biden campaign or not. I don’t think there is any way to know, on the current evidence, whether, if only legal votes were counted, and each voter voted only once, Donald Trump or Joe Biden actually won the election. I do know that if the United States is to avoid banana republic status, we need to institute more secure and reliable election procedures. No more ballot harvesting, no more millions of mail-in votes, and some reasonable attention paid to the machines and software that ultimately count the votes.
Sidney Powell, who became famous and widely respected due to her aggressive defense of Michael Flynn, has joined President Trump’s legal team. This morning she appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program, where she alleged that the Trump campaign has evidence of massive election fraud involving the Dominion voting system and its SmartMatic software–fraud that swung the election to Biden. Is she right? I have no idea. But Powell has earned the right to be taken seriously. Here she is. Judge for yourself:
One more thing: liberals are quick to dub anything they don’t like a conspiracy theory. But four years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that top officials of the FBI and the CIA would collaborate with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to propagate lies in order to try to swing the election to her, or failing that, to disable the incoming administration of the candidate that they didn’t favor. That scandal has greatly expanded my, and our, understanding of what may be possible. This isn’t your grandfather’s United States of America.

The real coup happened on Usurpation Day, January 20, 2009. All of the crimes flow from that betrayal of the Constitution By Democrats.....
Then there's this for Team Trump:
After more than four years of conspiracy theories and false accusations and the the failed Impeachment all based on false theories and accussations....
The major media outlets - the people who brought us Russia collusion, the Mueller investigation, Ukrainian interference and other group think - have been cranking out endless “baseless claims” of voter fraud over the last few days. When these non-thinkers publish the same phraseology repeatedly you can be sure there is voter fraud.

Fixed the "all caps" title.. Reminder not to do that.. Thanks..
you can be sure there is voter fraud.

I am inclined to, yes, believe there is voter fraud.

With that said, however, I have spent a good portion of my life in the study of political science, and I know of instances of mass voter fraud in the past, and the systematic efforts of the establishment to have voters not trust exit polling like they once did back in the sixties, seventies and eighties for this very reason, as advanced technologies have made stealing elections all the more easy, and exit polling was once the most reliable polling ever done.

Now? Now they don't even commission them, or allow them to be done.

. . . and yet? With out firm evidence of such fraud? And with out a firm grasp of understanding on how the intelligence community, both private and public are embedded in the media, the universities, the financial districts. . . it makes no difference in the end.

It is all about hearts and minds, which, seem to be largely lost, and if they aren't, one cannot just invoke the insurrection act, or portions of the 14th Amendment if one cannot PROVE such a thing has occurred.

It MUST BE PROVED to those who voted for Biden. . . .

My biggest fear, with the changes that administration is making in the various government agencies, putting in "yes men?" The left will never accept such a conclusion, it will come down to using force to strip the electors from those states who either voted for Biden, or those states who the Trump campaign "claims," had the use of voter shifting or illegal vote harvesting.

Such a path is a dangerous precedent, and it is like destroying the body to kill the cancer.

The election wasn't stolen.

Biden won.

Get over it.

The first duck to fall... Whitmer next, Just how many in Philly will be arrested for election fraud?

The election wasn't stolen.

Biden won.

Get over it.

See, that's just the thing. . .

As far as cyber crime goes, it is nearly impossible to prove, either way. . .

. . . and as far as the ballot harvesting, and other electoral shenanigans goes? Well, we have shit on film, actual cell video and affidavits. You want links?
Oh I think this election was stolen. Loads of signed affidavits out there and some of them were from Dem watchers who couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Throw in the Dominion machines that gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden which was caught. How many weren't caught? None of these machines were certified and they needed to be to be in any election. Loads of questions which I hope MIT finds the answer to.

Uncertified machines? Grounds for a new election??
Dupes are being fleeced to pay off trump's campaign debts. Then they are going to be left out in the cold like those rallygoers in Omaha. Sad.
Dupes are being fleeced to pay off trump's campaign debts. Then they are going to be left out in the cold like those rallygoers in Omaha. Sad.

LOL More like Dupes think Biden won the election.

Loads of signed affidavits out there and some of them from Dem watchers who couldn't believe what they were seeing. MIT is looking into Dominion. Dominion which gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden. They caught that one. Wonder how many they didn't catch??Dominion who's machines weren't certified and shouldn't have been used at all. Dominion which is owned and run by Dems.

Nothing fishy here at all.
and as far as the ballot harvesting, and other electoral shenanigans goes? Well, we have shit on film, actual cell video and affidavits. You want links?
Funny how it all disappears when the lawyers are asked to present it in court. A mystery, fer shure.
and as far as the ballot harvesting, and other electoral shenanigans goes? Well, we have shit on film, actual cell video and affidavits. You want links?
Funny how it all disappears when the lawyers are asked to present it in court. A mystery, fer shure.
I am not a lawyer, so I am not aware of the proceedings.

I will not engage in hyperbole.


15 Nov 2020 ~~ By John Hinderacker
In the aftermath of the election, many questions have emerged not just about individual instances of voter fraud or vote suppression, which are legion, but more systematic issues involving software and electronic vote tracking. We know, for example, that thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump in Michigan were improperly shifted to Joe Biden due to an alleged software “glitch.”
I have no opinion on whether the election was stolen by the Biden campaign or not. I don’t think there is any way to know, on the current evidence, whether, if only legal votes were counted, and each voter voted only once, Donald Trump or Joe Biden actually won the election. I do know that if the United States is to avoid banana republic status, we need to institute more secure and reliable election procedures. No more ballot harvesting, no more millions of mail-in votes, and some reasonable attention paid to the machines and software that ultimately count the votes.
Sidney Powell, who became famous and widely respected due to her aggressive defense of Michael Flynn, has joined President Trump’s legal team. This morning she appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program, where she alleged that the Trump campaign has evidence of massive election fraud involving the Dominion voting system and its SmartMatic software–fraud that swung the election to Biden. Is she right? I have no idea. But Powell has earned the right to be taken seriously. Here she is. Judge for yourself:
One more thing: liberals are quick to dub anything they don’t like a conspiracy theory. But four years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that top officials of the FBI and the CIA would collaborate with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to propagate lies in order to try to swing the election to her, or failing that, to disable the incoming administration of the candidate that they didn’t favor. That scandal has greatly expanded my, and our, understanding of what may be possible. This isn’t your grandfather’s United States of America.

The real coup happened on Usurpation Day, January 20, 2009. All of the crimes flow from that betrayal of the Constitution By Democrats.....
Then there's this for Team Trump:
After more than four years of conspiracy theories and false accusations and the the failed Impeachment all based on false theories and accussations....
The major media outlets - the people who brought us Russia collusion, the Mueller investigation, Ukrainian interference and other group think - have been cranking out endless “baseless claims” of voter fraud over the last few days. When these non-thinkers publish the same phraseology repeatedly you can be sure there is voter fraud.

Its not just just a conspiracy theory. Its the same recycled shit from 2016 and 2018.

Its the fetid refried, refried beams of conspiracies.

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