Conservatives; Your Current Choice For VP If Romney Wins? Did Santorum Make The List?

Bob McDonnell being right in the center/divide would attract the south and the rust belt, and hopefully Wisconsin.......Romney/McDonnell is THE DEATH OF OBAMA !!!!

Although we can give it a 25% chance that assuming Romney wins, he would choose Santorum as a running mate, it really depends on how Santorum performs throughout the spring.
If we have it right, the short list Romney has in mind is 1)Christie, 2)Rubio 3)McDonnell 4)Pawlenty 5)Rob Portman ,, and maybe John Thune.
Unless Rubio is pulling our strings and only saying he's not interested in the VP position, he would be the ideal choice, and who knows what Chrisite will tell Mitt when he's asked.
Still, we have the best field ever for VP Choices. Even John Thune would make a great ticket.
Who do you think Romney may have to settle for if he's the nominee?

I think you're kind of jumping the gun here. We have just gone through the Hawkeye/Cockeye--and Romney won by a measely 8 votes. In fact 2/3's of this state said NO to Romney.

Now it is expected that Romney will win New Hampshire--because he lives there--but he is going to have a hard time in the southern states like S. Carolina--Florida & others. I don't think the southerners are going to be swayed by millions of dollars in attack ads against other candidates.

In fact--I think Newt Gingrich is going to make a come-back in the south--that is where his support will be.

John McCain coming out and endorsing Mitt Romney--to me was the Kiss of death to Mitt Romney or the beginning of the end. NO ONE likes John McCain--and most think of him as a war monger.

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yes, Im aware that Gingrich could win SC, but I do think Romney will take Florida. But my gut tells me Romney will be the nominee. It's going to be 2008 again as the GOP will vote for who can take out Obama, and so far it's still Romney. I live in Florida and the Dem's here are in the minority as thousands more Dem's have switched over to Independant and Republicans over the last 3 years.
Who Mitt Romney will pick and who I want him to pick are two different things.

I believe that if getting rid of Obama-the-Idiot is job #1 then we have to have a guy who can pull down votes from independants and moderates. That being the only reason Romney is leading, he should pick a VP who moderates and independants would also like. That guy is John Huntsman.

Amazing, a sane thought from this source. Two Mormons on the same ticket? Are the evengelicals ready for that?

Hmm...didn't know John Huntsman was a Mormon.
How about:

Jeff Flake
Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
Paul Ryan
Jack Kingston

Nicki "Boom Boom" Haley

I like Jindal as well. rep for beating me too it.

Ryan is a bit of a stretch, but southern enough to pull them in.

But more than likely he will pick some unkown. As weak a personality as Romney is, he can't be overshadowed by his VP.

so Cristi is out.

Although we can give it a 25% chance that assuming Romney wins, he would choose Santorum as a running mate, it really depends on how Santorum performs throughout the spring.
If we have it right, the short list Romney has in mind is 1)Christie, 2)Rubio 3)McDonnell 4)Pawlenty 5)Rob Portman ,, and maybe John Thune.
Unless Rubio is pulling our strings and only saying he's not interested in the VP position, he would be the ideal choice, and who knows what Chrisite will tell Mitt when he's asked.
Still, we have the best field ever for VP Choices. Even John Thune would make a great ticket.
Who do you think Romney may have to settle for if he's the nominee?

Oh, I agree, compared to the presidential field, the Veep Feild is AWESOME. And that's the problem, the presidential field sucks.

Rubio won't be Romney's Veep because Romney has used anti-Hispanic Race Baiting to get an edge over Perry and Gingrich.

Christie I don't see getting the nod because he's moderate on social issues and he's from a region that Romney is already from and the GOP won't make much headway in, anyway.

Pawlenty is probalby kicking himself for dropping out when he did. he'd have been the "Not Romney" de Jour after Perry fumbled or Cain Imploded. He might be a good pick, because he makes Romney competitive in the Midwest.

The others... so what, who cares.

Doesn't matter, though. Romney is such an awful candidate that Obama will beat him easily unless the economy completely collapses.
As appealing as a non-white male VP would be, I think McDonnell would be a great choice.
Does he have good approvals in Virginia or is it buyers remorse, like Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin?

Two different polls showed 61 and 65 percent approval. VA has a one term limit so the time is perfect to be on the ticket, regardless of who the headliner is. He is good at reaching across the aisle without giving away the farm.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.
Rubio or Christie. No Santorum or Bachmann. The far right has blown any right to decide such things until it grows up.
Rubio has stated point blank, with absolutely no equivocation, that he will not be a VP contender. It was such a definitive statement, he can't go back on it without being a liar.

Christie is all mouth, which for him is saying something. He has no real accomplishments in NJ, other than his job-killing decision to not take Federal money for a new gateway to NY. And he doesn't help Mittens in any way.


  1. Southern - to offset his Northern
  2. Wingnut - to offset his Liberal
  3. Female - to appeal to females and as a token
  4. Non-White - to be able to claim "Us? Racist?", be able to fool some gullible Hispanics/Blacks/other Non-Whites, and as a token

It's gonna be Nicki "Boom-Boom" Haley. She's the South Carolina Governor, she's a Wingnut Teabagger, she's a She, and she's Indian, as in India.

Here ya go, folks: your 2012 Republican Ticket!


You heard it here first!
what does Rick Scotts approval have to do with Obama? Most Floridians want Obama thrown out of office YESTERDAY !!!

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