Conservatives SHOULD be embarrassed by Rep Michele Bachmann


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
39° 44 mins 21 secs N, 104° 59 mins 5 secs W
Michele Bachmann portrays herself as an uber patriotic American. Why then, does she know so little about American history?

That's just one of many questions.

I thought that ALL kids learned about what happened at Lexington and Concord (Massachusetts) in grade school. But assuming for the moment that Bachmann forgot (or didn't know) in which state the "shot heard round the world" originated, why didn't anyone on her staff catch such an obvious mistake prior to Bachmann delivering her high profile speech in NH especially since the speech was widely viewed as an attempt to test the waters of a presidential run? - A History of Michele Bachmann's Grasp of History - Monday, March 14, 2011

Frankly, I find the anti-intellectual element of the GOP to be a little scary. Our gov't doesn't need to be run by people who reject objective truth in favor of blindly believing whatever suits them at any given moment. After all, that's how Bush got us into the quagmire of Iraq looking for nonexistent WMDs.
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Why should I be embarassed by her ignorance and yet not by the President's ignorance as well?

Personally, I am not embarassed by others being ignorant. Im encouraged that there are people out there willing to do things even if they don't know everything. Because ignorant people can be taught correct principles and facts. People who refuse to do anything with their lives, won't benefit others even if they know everything perfectly.
Why should I be embarassed by her ignorance and yet not by the President's ignorance as well?

Personally, I am not embarassed by others being ignorant. Im encouraged that there are people out there willing to do things even if they don't know everything. Because ignorant people can be taught correct principles and facts. People who refuse to do anything with their lives, won't benefit others even if they know everything perfectly.

Is it even possible to know "everything"? I don't think I would trust someone who claimed or pretended to know it all anyway. :eusa_hand:
Why should I be embarassed by her ignorance and yet not by the President's ignorance as well?

Personally, I am not embarassed by others being ignorant. Im encouraged that there are people out there willing to do things even if they don't know everything. Because ignorant people can be taught correct principles and facts. People who refuse to do anything with their lives, won't benefit others even if they know everything perfectly.

Is it even possible to know "everything"? I don't think I would trust someone who claimed or pretended to know it all anyway. :eusa_hand:

Not in this life. lol.

That's why I am not worried about people being ignorant. They can learn. I can have patience with them.
57 States.

'nuff said.

If one is willing to equate the silly with the substantive, that would be true. However, a verbal or syllabic gaff is hardly equivalent to substantive errors (repeated errors on several topics, I might add) when someone speaks at great length from a prepared text (or extemporaneously, for that matter) about a topic on which they obviously know very little.

I don't know if it's ignorance or just plain stupidity, but it's disturbing that someone with so little knowledge of our history feels that she is qualified to serve in a leadership role of ANY kind in our gov't.

But there's something more disturbing on a fundamental level beyond the embarrassment of her repeated mistakes. Generally, people learn at a very young age that there is a significant difference between believing something and knowing something. After all, it IS possible to believe something that isn't actually (or factually) true. I don't get the sense that Bachmann is intellectually capable of questioning her own beliefs. Rather, I get the impression that Bachmann equates believing something with knowing something. That's the way a child thinks.
Not a conservative, but as an American I'm alot more embarrassed by this than I am Bachmann:

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Why would conservatives be ashamed?

They used to be represented by William F Buckley now they are represented by Michelle Bachmann
Why should I be embarassed by her ignorance and yet not by the President's ignorance as well?

Personally, I am not embarassed by others being ignorant. Im encouraged that there are people out there willing to do things even if they don't know everything. Because ignorant people can be taught correct principles and facts. People who refuse to do anything with their lives, won't benefit others even if they know everything perfectly.

Is it even possible to know "everything"? I don't think I would trust someone who claimed or pretended to know it all anyway. :eusa_hand:

Not in this life. lol.

That's why I am not worried about people being ignorant. They can learn. I can have patience with them.

There's a difference between garden variety ignorance and willful ignorance. I get the impression that Bachmann falls within the latter category.
Why are you folks so fixated on a junior congress critter? As far as her lack of knowledge, what's the big deal? Pelosi, Obama, Gore, Feinstein, Gore again, Biden have all made incredibly bonheaded comments displaying an utter lack of historical knowledge. This is nothing new.
There's a difference between garden variety ignorance and willful ignorance. I get the impression that Bachmann falls within the latter category.

Why? Because you don't like her politics?

Convenient eh?
57 States.

'nuff said.

If one is willing to equate the silly with the substantive, that would be true. However, a verbal or syllabic gaff is hardly equivalent to substantive errors (repeated errors on several topics, I might add) when someone speaks at great length from a prepared text (or extemporaneously, for that matter) about a topic on which they obviously know very little.

I don't know if it's ignorance or just plain stupidity, but it's disturbing that someone with so little knowledge of our history feels that she is qualified to serve in a leadership role of ANY kind in our gov't.

But there's something more disturbing on a fundamental level beyond the embarrassment of her repeated mistakes. Generally, people learn at a very young age that there is a significant difference between believing something and knowing something. After all, it IS possible to believe something that isn't actually (or factually) true. I don't get the sense that Bachmann is intellectually capable of questioning her own beliefs. Rather, I get the impression that Bachmann equates believing something with knowing something. That's the way a child thinks.

IF she had only written the correct info on her would have been ok.
Mini was pointing out the double standards.

Needless to say, it fails because no matter how obvious the double standard is, people excuse themselves from it.

What double standard is that? Feeling embarrased?

The idea that we should feel embarassed about Republican candidates yet not about Democrat.

Do I, for instance, have to be embarrased by the "57 states" comment in order for you to be embarrased by Bachmann's bastardisation of history? Is that the unfair double standard she is referring to?

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