Conservatives Out of Gas? GOP Strategy Empty?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

So if the Republicans take back the senate and house in November does that mean the Democrats are in worse shape? Or are the American people who vote for Republicans just idiots? I'd rather the Government do absolutely nothing rather than spend another trillion on programs that haven't done squat for the country.

Also, to bad your racism charge isn't true...

The NAACP, the Tea Party and the Question of Racism - The Numbers

...and that was from ABC! :eek:

You are just another typical lib that always needs something to complain about.... I'm sorry your life sucks so much.
No it means they cheated again

Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

GOP lacks a message other than ....NO
They lack credible leadership

When push comes to shove.....what exactly have they done to get us out of our economic problems? What did they do about solving the healthcare crisis?

Other than return us to the Bush/Cheney years...what are they promising for the future?
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

I am certain you meant "strategery"?
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

So if the Republicans take back the senate and house in November does that mean the Democrats are in worse shape? Or are the American people who vote for Republicans just idiots? I'd rather the Government do absolutely nothing rather than spend another trillion on programs that haven't done squat for the country.

Also, to bad your racism charge isn't true...

The NAACP, the Tea Party and the Question of Racism - The Numbers

...and that was from ABC! :eek:

You are just another typical lib that always needs something to complain about.... I'm sorry your life sucks so much.

Racism? You deny the existence of racist signs and racist slogans at some Tea Party Rallies?
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

GOP lacks a message other than ....NO
They lack credible leadership

When push comes to shove.....what exactly have they done to get us out of our economic problems? What did they do about solving the healthcare crisis?

Other than return us to the Bush/Cheney years...what are they promising for the future?

And what do you espouse? More spending and taxes? Yeah, well thought out, as always.

Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

So if the Republicans take back the senate and house in November does that mean the Democrats are in worse shape? Or are the American people who vote for Republicans just idiots? I'd rather the Government do absolutely nothing rather than spend another trillion on programs that haven't done squat for the country.

Also, to bad your racism charge isn't true...

The NAACP, the Tea Party and the Question of Racism - The Numbers

...and that was from ABC! :eek:

You are just another typical lib that always needs something to complain about.... I'm sorry your life sucks so much.

Racism? You deny the existence of racist signs and racist slogans at some Tea Party Rallies?

What do you expect from leftwing race pimps?
Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

So if the Republicans take back the senate and house in November does that mean the Democrats are in worse shape? Or are the American people who vote for Republicans just idiots? I'd rather the Government do absolutely nothing rather than spend another trillion on programs that haven't done squat for the country.

Also, to bad your racism charge isn't true...

The NAACP, the Tea Party and the Question of Racism - The Numbers

...and that was from ABC! :eek:

You are just another typical lib that always needs something to complain about.... I'm sorry your life sucks so much.

If the Democrats lose either the House or the Senate (or both -- not likely, but possible) that would not prove support for the GOP.

The 2006 election was most definitely a rejection of the GOP and evidence of support for the Democrats.

Of course you would rather the government do nothing. You wanted the economy to collapse after 8 years of mostly GOP rule (the gop held ALL the strings for most of the 8 years)?

Attack Obama on the Democrats on principle and real world examples, not the bullshit the right wing noise machine feeds you.
it's going to be funny in 12 when the racist crying now will still be crying.

Uh oh... I think you just topped your last illiterate remark:

I'm just saying a higher percentage of highly educated people when for Obama.
So if the Republicans take back the senate and house in November does that mean the Democrats are in worse shape? Or are the American people who vote for Republicans just idiots? I'd rather the Government do absolutely nothing rather than spend another trillion on programs that haven't done squat for the country.

Also, to bad your racism charge isn't true...

The NAACP, the Tea Party and the Question of Racism - The Numbers

...and that was from ABC! :eek:

You are just another typical lib that always needs something to complain about.... I'm sorry your life sucks so much.

Racism? You deny the existence of racist signs and racist slogans at some Tea Party Rallies?

What do you expect from leftwing race pimps?

republiklansman like soggyfaginNOLA have a hard time with a Black Pres. He will win in 12 so it's gonna get funny.
The problem for Republicans is they have no real plan. The worst thing for them would be winning in '10. They would secure a Obama reelection in doing so.
I'm just saying a higher percentage of highly educated people when for Obama.

Really?????? And you post shit like this as evidence you are highly educated?
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Look at all the threads about FOX News, and Talk Radio, and the rest of the GOP Noise Machine throwing out as many stories as they can about alleged Voting irregularities, crazy stories about Felons putting Democrats over the top, and more. Is this a platform to run on?

gawd, the right has become totally bankrupt.

Between the Tea Party Rallies with racist signs and slogans, and the latest infighting resulting in fruitcake ideas like calling loyal Republicans RINOs and running extremist nitiwts wrapped in the Flag and Patriotism as 'people's' candidates against loyal Republicans....whoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee!:cuckoo:

The infighting that is happening in the GOP is just starting to bubble to the surface. Will they end up eating their own in pursuit of purity and litmus tests?

GOP lacks a message other than ....NO
They lack credible leadership

When push comes to shove.....what exactly have they done to get us out of our economic problems? What did they do about solving the healthcare crisis?

Other than return us to the Bush/Cheney years...what are they promising for the future?

And what do you espouse? More spending and taxes? Yeah, well thought out, as always.


More tax revenue is needed. More spending is needed. Or would you prefer the economy go into the toilet just so you can say "I told you so"?

The GOP was in control of things for many years before the Democrats took some power back in 2006, and for most of the 8 years prior to Obama inheriting an economy in a tailspin.

Do you deny Obama entered office with an economy in danger of imploding? yes or no.
Racism? You deny the existence of racist signs and racist slogans at some Tea Party Rallies?

What do you expect from leftwing race pimps?

republiklansman like soggyfaginNOLA have a hard time with a Black Pres. He will win in 12 so it's gonna get funny.

You're the ignoramus who keeps dwelling on the man's race. I have a hard time with Obama because he's ignorant and incompetent.

And why the homosexual references? You have gay issues to go along with your obvious race hangups?

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