conservatives don't mind showing id at the ballot box !!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
I certainly do not mind proving that I am who I say I am. I do it all the time, it's what normal people do. :thup:
the left will use the cowardly tactic of racism and disenfranchisement of the poor to keep from showing id at the voting booth !!! the reason is very clear !!! like they said in 08 vote democrat and vote often !!
I'm a proud American and will show my ID whenever necessary. Considering the reports of voter fraud and knowing that illegals have voted, I think it's the best way to protect our voting rights. If people are allowed to cheat the system, we are all disenfranchised.

The Dems also objected to states updating their voter rolls. It is necessary to purge names of deceased and those who have moved. As it is, anyone can walk in and vote using a deceased person's name and those who have moved can vote twice, once in person and once by absentee ballot. The only reason to object to updating voter rolls and stopping voter ID legislation is so you can cheat easier. Can't think of any other reason.

The liberals either want the cheating to continue or they think their constituents are the dumbest people on the planet because they claim it will stop them from voting if they have to show ID.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!
Consevatives bend over and take it up the arse a lot, but that's not the point it's against the U.S. Constitution.

I guess you disagree with showing your driver's license when a cop pulls you over.

The constitution gives us the right to vote, but if people cheat, that takes away our right. We don't need illegals, double voters and cheaters to cancel out valid votes.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!

That is a chicken shit comparison. Here, it matters not what race or religion you are, just that you are a legal citizen and that you are who you claim. It's expected when you drive, apply for a loan or open a bank account.

I realize some don't want rules to get in the way of election fraud, but the rest of us will be disenfranchised if we allow cheaters.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!
Patton would disagree !!! and do try to claim Patton was a liberal !!!:badgrin:and if Stalin could vote in the 2012 election he would vote with the socialist left !!:badgrin::badgrin:
Consevatives bend over and take it up the arse a lot, but that's not the point it's against the U.S. Constitution.
showing you are a US citizen before voting is against the constitution !!!:badgrin::badgrin:

It is funny!!! Of course, the left thinks catching illegals who have no right to be here is against the constitution.

It should not stop one single qualified citizen from voting. Of course, some states have been stupid enough to give driver's licenses to illegals, so they are one step ahead of any measure to protect the sanctity of the voting booth.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!

That is a chicken shit comparison. Here, it matters not what race or religion you are, just that you are a legal citizen and that you are who you claim. It's expected when you drive, apply for a loan or open a bank account.

I realize some don't want rules to get in the way of election fraud, but the rest of us will be disenfranchised if we allow cheaters.

:rolleyes: There is almost no election fraud. You already have to prove your identity to get your voter's registration. Affix a picture to it if you are that paranoid.

You idiots obsess over the stupidest things.
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
Of course not! They admire both the Hitler and Stalin philosophy: show me your papers!
Patton would disagree !!! and do try to claim Patton was a liberal !!!:badgrin:and if Stalin could vote in the 2012 election he would vote with the socialist left !!:badgrin::badgrin:

Stalin was a rightwing nutjob more than anything else. He's more like you than almost anyone on the left.
thats how Al Gore got more votes than Bush. in deep blue districts, where everyone more or less looks alike, and no ID required, they all just go from one precinct to another with a name like "Sam Jackson" or Al Green. and SOME fat dumb uneducated liberal behind the counter just hands him a democratic ballot,,,NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Consevatives bend over and take it up the arse a lot, but that's not the point it's against the U.S. Constitution.

I guess you disagree with showing your driver's license when a cop pulls you over.

The constitution gives us the right to vote, but if people cheat, that takes away our right. We don't need illegals, double voters and cheaters to cancel out valid votes.

If you want to stop cheating there are better ways than to have state approved ID card,They could start by getting rid of those voting machines or at least making a paper trail.

So you are willing to take away millions of peoples right to vote to stop a couple of foreigners from voting?
and another thing, wouldn't anyone be suspicious if and when an individual came to a precinct and barely spoke any english? Isnt learning basic english one of the first things you would need to qualify to be an american president? and now you dont even have to know American History!!! George Washington? Abe Lincoln? UHM,,,AHH,,,NO SPEEKO ANGLISH,,,No Comprende Jorge Washinton nor Habe Linkon!
and another thing, wouldn't anyone be suspicious if and when an individual came to a precinct and barely spoke any english? Isnt learning basic english one of the first things you would need to qualify to be an american president? and now you dont even have to know American History!!! George Washington? Abe Lincoln? UHM,,,AHH,,,NO SPEEKO ANGLISH,,,No Comprende Jorge Washinton nor Habe Linkon!

Have you been to Texas?
conservatives support everyone showing id at the ballot box !!! and said conservatives express this opinion from rich to poor !!! thats because we only want to vote once !!! libbs are against a level playing field !!! it's not like libbs are the only ones required to show id !!everyone should rich or poor left or right !!! so where is the suppression libbs always like to bitch ,whine,and scream racism about !!
I think voter ID should be done by fingerprint or eye scan. I once overheard a bunch of Democrats bragging who voted the most times. One guy said he was a precinct chairman and voted 30 times for Al Gore and against President Bush who he spent the next 4+ years bitterly criticizing. After that, I left that leftist forum. Some of them can't stand a person who constantly brings proof to the table that their party line drivel isn't true.

I think if a cheater tries to vote twice, he should have his voter privileges revoked for life after serving a minimum sentence of 25 years.

That's how important I think the integrity of voting honestly is.

To compound matters, these community organizing braggarts were carting people to the polls for free and trolling nursing homes for absentee votes.

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