"Conservatives define themselves in terms of what they oppose."

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
If the OP is correct (a quote by George Will) it makes The Donald a conservative (small 'c') Republican.

RINO's once worked with Democrats, compromised and sought solutions to defined problems. Our system of governance, the checks and balances once worked. Today it is broken.

The conservative Republicans seem to whine and complain, without ever defining the problems facing our country sagaciously, and never seem to consider solutions which will not fit nicely into their dogmatic domain or put at risk their goal: A Republican in the White House.

The far right and the far left have been rejected by the voters, at least in polling thus far. Our choice is down to HRC and The Donald.

The former, experienced in government, both state and federal; experienced in law; experienced in diplomacy; an experienced legislator, and one who understands the meaning of speaking softly and carrying the big stick, even though her campaign speech is rather loud and at times ; the latter a bully, who bribed his way through the county/borough counsel, and boards of supervisors to get his way; reneged on contracts to contractors and has been sued or sued hundreds of times in civil matters, and one who disdains compromise and diplomacy as a weakness, preferring Brinkmanship and zero sum games.

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