Conservative Take Heart!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I know, it sucks.

The worst, stupidest, most incompetent, anti-American Scumbag President has been reelected along with his certifiable running mate. He watched a terror attack unfold on the anniversary of 9/11, then jet off to a fund raiser only to come back and lie to us about it. Further, he's on a mission to "transform" America -- into something we won't recognize.

He hates success, loves dependency and his illiterate loser followers go, "yeah wuss wrong wid dat?" (that's my Rdean imitation)

I want you to remember two things: first the Jews have had it much, much worse than we ever did; they lost their entire homeland and nation, but because they held their faith, they outlasted all those who "conquered" them. Sure, some Jews listened to their Jake Starkey's ("Oh, come on! We should be more Bablyonian...Egyptian...Roman...let's Goosestep! Hitler won and we need to be more like him!") No, thanks

We'll stick to our principles. They're what set us apart. We believe in freedom, individuality and doing things for ourselves. It's fun. We're not trading it for an Obamaphone.

And as bad as things are, it could be worse: we could be Democrats, losers who have completely given up on life and have Obama as Head of Household and Lord and Savior.
SO now you're comparing the beating you took this election to the the plight of the Jewish people? You're fucking sick in the head.
I know, it sucks.

The worst, stupidest, most incompetent, anti-American Scumbag President has been reelected along with his certifiable running mate. He watched a terror attack unfold on the anniversary of 9/11, then jet off to a fund raiser only to come back and lie to us about it. Further, he's on a mission to "transform" America -- into something we won't recognize.

He hates success, loves dependency and his illiterate loser followers go, "yeah wuss wrong wid dat?" (that's my Rdean imitation)

I want you to remember two things: first the Jews have had it much, much worse than we ever did; they lost their entire homeland and nation, but because they held their faith, they outlasted all those who "conquered" them. Sure, some Jews listened to their Jake Starkey's ("Oh, come on! We should be more Bablyonian...Egyptian...Roman...let's Goosestep! Hitler won and we need to be more like him!") No, thanks

We'll stick to our principles. They're what set us apart. We believe in freedom, individuality and doing things for ourselves. It's fun. We're not trading it for an Obamaphone.

And as bad as things are, it could be worse: we could be Democrats, losers who have completely given up on life and have Obama as Head of Household and Lord and Savior.

Thanks for the sentiment, but we're beyond that.

The economy is going to collapse. Obamacare, massive and increased spending, loss of jobs, businesses and homes, a president that wants to punish America to fulfill the dreams of his father. the best thing that could happen right now is that the whole thing falls apart sooner than later, get it over with and rebuild.
I don't think you should feel so bad. Maybe after this the Republican party will slowly start to banish the Todd Akin's and Rick Santorums etc etc and become a better party. :)
I don't think you should feel so bad. Maybe after this the Republican party will slowly start to banish the Todd Akin's and Rick Santorums etc etc and become a better party. :)
They need to get rid of the Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich and Bill Kristol noecon dweebs first....The prigcons like Santorum are already a small minority and do a pretty good job of self-marginalization.
I don't think you should feel so bad. Maybe after this the Republican party will slowly start to banish the Todd Akin's and Rick Santorums etc etc and become a better party. :)

Oh, you mean become more like you Godless assholes...?

No thanks...


You're never going to get anywhere with anybody using terms like that.

True... If only I were trying to.

I gave up on you guys a while ago.

Just to clarify though.... Which party voted to take God off the platform?
I don't think you should feel so bad. Maybe after this the Republican party will slowly start to banish the Todd Akin's and Rick Santorums etc etc and become a better party. :)
They need to get rid of the Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich and Bill Kristol noecon dweebs first....The prigcons like Santorum are already a small minority and do a pretty good job of self-marginalization.

Most of that, I agree with.
I kinda like Santorum though.

I'm kind of liking Rand Paul lately though. Seems to be a good mix of libertarian and conservative.
Just a thought though.
Oh, you mean become more like you Godless assholes...?

No thanks...


You're never going to get anywhere with anybody using terms like that.

True... If only I were trying to.

I gave up on you guys a while ago.

Just to clarify though.... Which party voted to take God off the platform?

I'm not the problem bub. :thup:

I don't care who does what with their belief or non-belief in a god. That shit has absolutely no place in politics or Government operations, regardless of how much people try to inject it in as if it's significant.

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