"Conservative" Democrats?

You mean they vote against Democrat Bills whenever it doesn't matter. If it does matter, then they vote as Pelosi orders.

False. They told Pelosi to fuck off when they killed the Public Option, which effectively destroyed the most significant piece of Democratic legislation since Medicare. In effect, they turned it into RomneyCare, which left the current monopolized insurance system fully in tact. They also refused to move taxes back to the Clinton rates, preferring instead to side with the GOP and split the difference. Again, they told Pelosi to fuck off on the most important issues of the Obama presidency.

An equivalent piece of legislation would have been if a coalition inside the GOP blocked the full implementation of the Bush Tax Cuts or the Iraq War. This didn't happen. The GOP House and Senate actually supported war funding after the war became unpopular and political suicide. GOP Senators and House members from "Purple" states knowingly cast votes that would result in losing their seats. Why? Because the GOP simply does not tolerate dissent. The Left has long supported a centrist faction. The Right, however, no longer allows any variation from the party line. Politicians who stray from the Far Right are eliminated in the primaries, whereas Blue Dog Democrats are allowed to oppose Pelosi and Obama without any recourse. This is why Lieberman, who helped McCain run against Obama, was welcomed back with open arms. The Democrats give their politicians freedom to oppose the party. The leadership on the Right, however, exercises total control over their members. If you fuck with Dick Chaney or the Koch brothers, you lose your job. Period. End of story.

Of course, when the Republicans vote in lockstep as they always do, it's called "party discipline".
You mean they vote against Democrat Bills whenever it doesn't matter. If it does matter, then they vote as Pelosi orders.

False. They told Pelosi to fuck off when they killed the Public Option, which effectively destroyed the most significant piece of Democratic legislation since Medicare. In effect, they turned it into RomneyCare, which left the current monopolized insurance system fully in tact. They also refused to move taxes back to the Clinton rates, preferring instead to side with the GOP and split the difference. Again, they told Pelosi to fuck off on the most important issues of the Obama presidency.

An equivalent piece of legislation would have been if a coalition inside the GOP blocked the full implementation of the Bush Tax Cuts or the Iraq War. This didn't happen. The GOP House and Senate actually supported war funding after the war became unpopular and political suicide. GOP Senators and House members from "Purple" states knowingly cast votes that would result in losing their seats. Why? Because the GOP simply does not tolerate dissent. The Left has long supported a centrist faction. The Right, however, no longer allows any variation from the party line. Politicians who stray from the Far Right are eliminated in the primaries, whereas Blue Dog Democrats are allowed to oppose Pelosi and Obama without any recourse. This is why Lieberman, who helped McCain run against Obama, was welcomed back with open arms. The Democrats give their politicians freedom to oppose the party. The leadership on the Right, however, exercises total control over their members. If you fuck with Dick Chaney or the Koch brothers, you lose your job. Period. End of story.

Republicans may not have voted against the Bush tax cuts, but plenty of them, like McCain, publicly announced their opposition, so that is exactly the same as your ACA example. Furthermore, plenty of Republicans voted along with Democrats on the shutdown. Not a single democrat voted the other way.

Your claim is bullshit.
You mean they vote against Democrat Bills whenever it doesn't matter. If it does matter, then they vote as Pelosi orders.

False. They told Pelosi to fuck off when they killed the Public Option, which effectively destroyed the most significant piece of Democratic legislation since Medicare. In effect, they turned it into RomneyCare, which left the current monopolized insurance system fully in tact. They also refused to move taxes back to the Clinton rates, preferring instead to side with the GOP and split the difference. Again, they told Pelosi to fuck off on the most important issues of the Obama presidency.

An equivalent piece of legislation would have been if a coalition inside the GOP blocked the full implementation of the Bush Tax Cuts or the Iraq War. This didn't happen. The GOP House and Senate actually supported war funding after the war became unpopular and political suicide. GOP Senators and House members from "Purple" states knowingly cast votes that would result in losing their seats. Why? Because the GOP simply does not tolerate dissent. The Left has long supported a centrist faction. The Right, however, no longer allows any variation from the party line. Politicians who stray from the Far Right are eliminated in the primaries, whereas Blue Dog Democrats are allowed to oppose Pelosi and Obama without any recourse. This is why Lieberman, who helped McCain run against Obama, was welcomed back with open arms. The Democrats give their politicians freedom to oppose the party. The leadership on the Right, however, exercises total control over their members. If you fuck with Dick Chaney or the Koch brothers, you lose your job. Period. End of story.

Of course, when the Republicans vote in lockstep as they always do, it's called "party discipline".

When do they ever vote in lockstep?
False. They told Pelosi to fuck off when they killed the Public Option, which effectively destroyed the most significant piece of Democratic legislation since Medicare. In effect, they turned it into RomneyCare, which left the current monopolized insurance system fully in tact. They also refused to move taxes back to the Clinton rates, preferring instead to side with the GOP and split the difference. Again, they told Pelosi to fuck off on the most important issues of the Obama presidency.

An equivalent piece of legislation would have been if a coalition inside the GOP blocked the full implementation of the Bush Tax Cuts or the Iraq War. This didn't happen. The GOP House and Senate actually supported war funding after the war became unpopular and political suicide. GOP Senators and House members from "Purple" states knowingly cast votes that would result in losing their seats. Why? Because the GOP simply does not tolerate dissent. The Left has long supported a centrist faction. The Right, however, no longer allows any variation from the party line. Politicians who stray from the Far Right are eliminated in the primaries, whereas Blue Dog Democrats are allowed to oppose Pelosi and Obama without any recourse. This is why Lieberman, who helped McCain run against Obama, was welcomed back with open arms. The Democrats give their politicians freedom to oppose the party. The leadership on the Right, however, exercises total control over their members. If you fuck with Dick Chaney or the Koch brothers, you lose your job. Period. End of story.

Of course, when the Republicans vote in lockstep as they always do, it's called "party discipline".

When do they ever vote in lockstep?

it's very rare.....but when they do it's because the bill proposed by the Demonrats is a total anti-American piece of shit legislation.....Obamacare for example.....foisted upon America by solely the Demonrats.....:mad:
A 'conservative' dimocrap, huh?

Is that like a 'pious' whore?

Now here's something we can all enjoy..!!

Seeing dimocrap scum get put in Prison where they belong. If they're alive. Which.... :dunno:

How many times have I said, "the dimocrap party isn't a political party, it is a criminal enterprise'?


I'd start a thread for this, but it would only be moved to -- Somewhere.

Three Union Thugs Plead Guilty To Extortion After Waging Campaign Of Violence And Terror Against Non-Union Contractors…


In other words, union goons doing what union goons do.

Via FBI press release:

The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that three members of Local 17 of the International Union of Operating Engineers pleaded guilty before United States District Judge William M. Skretny to violations of the federal Hobbs Act Extortion statute and agreed to testify in the upcoming trial of their seven co-defendants.

Pleading guilty were:

Carl A. Larson, 50, of Boston, New York; Larson formerly worked as an organizer for Local 17

Michael Eddy, 44, of Gowanda, New York, a member of Local 17

George DeWald, 50, of Springville, New York; a member of Local 17.

Each defendant faces a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when he is sentenced in May 2014.

In pleading guilty, each of the defendants admitted that he participated in a campaign of threats, violence, and property destruction against non-union contractors in an effort to force those contractors to enter into a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17.

Larson pled guilty to trying to force an Orchard Park contractor and its owner to sign with Local 17 by threatening the owner personally and after the contractor’s owner was stabbed by another Local 17 member. On February 5, 2003, the contractor’s owner asked Larson, “What are the positives [to signing with the union]? You guys slash my tires, stab me in the neck, try to beat me up in a bar. What are the positives to signing? There are only negatives.” Larson responded by telling the owner that “the positives are that the negatives you are complaining about would go away.”

Eddy pled guilty to being part of a campaign of violence and intimidation against a Latham, New York contractor while the contractor was removing soil contaminated with coal tar from under the Waterfront School in downtown Buffalo during the summer of 2005. Eddy admitted to being present when members of Local 17 damaged a pickup truck being driven by the contractor’s project manager as he tried to enter the worksite and then “belly bumping” the project manager when got out of his truck to investigate. During this campaign, a Local 17 organizer obtained the project manager’s home address and his wife’s name and sent his wife a letter stating, “We would like for the job to run as smoothly as your wedding day did at [your wedding venue] and as smooth as [your husband’s] nights are in the Western New York region.

DeWald pled guilty to being a part of campaign designed to force a Frankfort, New York contractor who was the low bidder on the 2003 expansion of the Chaffee Landfill in Chaffee, New York, to sign a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17. DeWald admitted that on May 7 or 8, 2002, he and several other Local 17 members went to the Chaffee Landfill under the cover of darkness, where they put sand used for sandblasting into the engines and hydraulic lines of nine separate pieces of heavy equipment causing significant delays in finishing the job and over $240,000 in damage to the equipment.


Just a 'local story' I guess.

A 'conservative' dimocrap, huh?

Is that like a 'pious' whore?

Now here's something we can all enjoy..!!

Seeing dimocrap scum get put in Prison where they belong. If they're alive. Which.... :dunno:

How many times have I said, "the dimocrap party isn't a political party, it is a criminal enterprise'?


I'd start a thread for this, but it would only be moved to -- Somewhere.

Three Union Thugs Plead Guilty To Extortion After Waging Campaign Of Violence And Terror Against Non-Union Contractors…


In other words, union goons doing what union goons do.

Via FBI press release:

The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that three members of Local 17 of the International Union of Operating Engineers pleaded guilty before United States District Judge William M. Skretny to violations of the federal Hobbs Act Extortion statute and agreed to testify in the upcoming trial of their seven co-defendants.

Pleading guilty were:

Carl A. Larson, 50, of Boston, New York; Larson formerly worked as an organizer for Local 17

Michael Eddy, 44, of Gowanda, New York, a member of Local 17

George DeWald, 50, of Springville, New York; a member of Local 17.

Each defendant faces a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when he is sentenced in May 2014.

In pleading guilty, each of the defendants admitted that he participated in a campaign of threats, violence, and property destruction against non-union contractors in an effort to force those contractors to enter into a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17.

Larson pled guilty to trying to force an Orchard Park contractor and its owner to sign with Local 17 by threatening the owner personally and after the contractor’s owner was stabbed by another Local 17 member. On February 5, 2003, the contractor’s owner asked Larson, “What are the positives [to signing with the union]? You guys slash my tires, stab me in the neck, try to beat me up in a bar. What are the positives to signing? There are only negatives.” Larson responded by telling the owner that “the positives are that the negatives you are complaining about would go away.”

Eddy pled guilty to being part of a campaign of violence and intimidation against a Latham, New York contractor while the contractor was removing soil contaminated with coal tar from under the Waterfront School in downtown Buffalo during the summer of 2005. Eddy admitted to being present when members of Local 17 damaged a pickup truck being driven by the contractor’s project manager as he tried to enter the worksite and then “belly bumping” the project manager when got out of his truck to investigate. During this campaign, a Local 17 organizer obtained the project manager’s home address and his wife’s name and sent his wife a letter stating, “We would like for the job to run as smoothly as your wedding day did at [your wedding venue] and as smooth as [your husband’s] nights are in the Western New York region.

DeWald pled guilty to being a part of campaign designed to force a Frankfort, New York contractor who was the low bidder on the 2003 expansion of the Chaffee Landfill in Chaffee, New York, to sign a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17. DeWald admitted that on May 7 or 8, 2002, he and several other Local 17 members went to the Chaffee Landfill under the cover of darkness, where they put sand used for sandblasting into the engines and hydraulic lines of nine separate pieces of heavy equipment causing significant delays in finishing the job and over $240,000 in damage to the equipment.


Just a 'local story' I guess.


This story exposes the true nature of Unionism in this country. Unions are criminal enterprises. They are extortion rackets.
Yes of course there is. There are fiscal conservatives who do not wish to join in the myriad morally driven social causes that republicans involve themselves with and so they are democrats. If you feel a conservative must also be involved with what goes on in America's bedrooms and uteruses then perhaps not.

Can you name one, and Joe Unicorn does not count

In fairness, how many fiscally conservative Republicans can you name?

Rand Paul, Cruz, Amash, Huselkamp
It's OK folks. The real complaint is that Republicans are 90% white and hate the fact they don't control America anymore. Poor pathetic things with their fragile egos and their fear. Especially the fear. So sad.

Says the far left Obama drone that supports the rich far left white male elitists.

Serious? far left white male elitists? That's a new one, is this part of another crazy conspiracy theory or something?
A 'conservative' dimocrap, huh?

Is that like a 'pious' whore?

Now here's something we can all enjoy..!!

Seeing dimocrap scum get put in Prison where they belong. If they're alive. Which.... :dunno:

How many times have I said, "the dimocrap party isn't a political party, it is a criminal enterprise'?


I'd start a thread for this, but it would only be moved to -- Somewhere.

Three Union Thugs Plead Guilty To Extortion After Waging Campaign Of Violence And Terror Against Non-Union Contractors…


In other words, union goons doing what union goons do.

Via FBI press release:

The United States Attorney’s Office announced today that three members of Local 17 of the International Union of Operating Engineers pleaded guilty before United States District Judge William M. Skretny to violations of the federal Hobbs Act Extortion statute and agreed to testify in the upcoming trial of their seven co-defendants.

Pleading guilty were:

Carl A. Larson, 50, of Boston, New York; Larson formerly worked as an organizer for Local 17

Michael Eddy, 44, of Gowanda, New York, a member of Local 17

George DeWald, 50, of Springville, New York; a member of Local 17.

Each defendant faces a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000 when he is sentenced in May 2014.

In pleading guilty, each of the defendants admitted that he participated in a campaign of threats, violence, and property destruction against non-union contractors in an effort to force those contractors to enter into a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17.

Larson pled guilty to trying to force an Orchard Park contractor and its owner to sign with Local 17 by threatening the owner personally and after the contractor’s owner was stabbed by another Local 17 member. On February 5, 2003, the contractor’s owner asked Larson, “What are the positives [to signing with the union]? You guys slash my tires, stab me in the neck, try to beat me up in a bar. What are the positives to signing? There are only negatives.” Larson responded by telling the owner that “the positives are that the negatives you are complaining about would go away.”

Eddy pled guilty to being part of a campaign of violence and intimidation against a Latham, New York contractor while the contractor was removing soil contaminated with coal tar from under the Waterfront School in downtown Buffalo during the summer of 2005. Eddy admitted to being present when members of Local 17 damaged a pickup truck being driven by the contractor’s project manager as he tried to enter the worksite and then “belly bumping” the project manager when got out of his truck to investigate. During this campaign, a Local 17 organizer obtained the project manager’s home address and his wife’s name and sent his wife a letter stating, “We would like for the job to run as smoothly as your wedding day did at [your wedding venue] and as smooth as [your husband’s] nights are in the Western New York region.

DeWald pled guilty to being a part of campaign designed to force a Frankfort, New York contractor who was the low bidder on the 2003 expansion of the Chaffee Landfill in Chaffee, New York, to sign a collective bargaining agreement with Local 17. DeWald admitted that on May 7 or 8, 2002, he and several other Local 17 members went to the Chaffee Landfill under the cover of darkness, where they put sand used for sandblasting into the engines and hydraulic lines of nine separate pieces of heavy equipment causing significant delays in finishing the job and over $240,000 in damage to the equipment.


Just a 'local story' I guess.


This story exposes the true nature of Unionism in this country. Unions are criminal enterprises. They are extortion rackets.

That is why I would never join the union.
It's OK folks. The real complaint is that Republicans are 90% white and hate the fact they don't control America anymore. Poor pathetic things with their fragile egos and their fear. Especially the fear. So sad.

Says the far left Obama drone that supports the rich far left white male elitists.

Serious? far left white male elitists? That's a new one, is this part of another crazy conspiracy theory or something?

Yes! That is what controls your programming!
Is there really such a thing anymore? All I see from that party are nothing but whacked out Leftists and Communists.

A consequence of being a blind partisan hack.

Democrats relegated party extremists to the political backseat between 1988 and 1992, one of the reasons why they’ve won four of the last six presidential elections; something republicans will need to do to realize long-term political viability.

Democrats learned that the voters despise all forms of extremism, left or right; a lesson republicans haven’t yet learned.

Except this is not really the case.. the DEM party has moves steadily left.. while screaming that it is REPs who are moving right.. in an attempt to fool the public and to try and drag REPs further left in response..

The left has indeed gone pretty extreme, without much fanfare or exposure from media

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